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Today in the hobby I....


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Again a few days after the fact:


Tallied up my soon-to-be Ultramarines and got well on my way to getting them all painted. 2/3 are undercoated, about a 3rd of those again are either fully painted or nearly there.


Now I just have to locate someone who stocks good old flock, so I can get bases done.

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Today (last night actually) I started painting my first two models (paint testers) in earnest. All I need to do now is deal with the eye lenses and apply an ink wash, which will have to wait until the week's budget comes around again. Curses on the paltry size of my stipend!

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Today I {Actually yesterday} built several space wolves for a long dormant project using some old metal bloodclaws and bits from the new sw box kit. Also in recent days I have assembled the stormclaw crew of Krom to the specs of the rule set included. Now to get some primer and get on to finishing......

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TITHI bought some bits and pieces to experiment with a wet palette. So keen to start painting again, but using it as inspiration to clean up parts for assembly. (Easily IMO the most arduous task in the hobby. Shortcut suggestions welcome )
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Looked at my termie squad awaiting heads and pauldrons (or are they spaulders as they don't cover the arm pits, but I digress) and thought to myself, not tonight. For the second night in a row.
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I recieved my first full armour set from forgeworld (Mk.III Iron) and the FW bug bit deep the minute I opened the box. It started with shoulderpads and torso upgrades... I didn't need FW, I could stop anytime. Now I have this, and I'm fethed. These will be brought forward to the 41st millennium, but I'm going to need more, and I know the FW bug is a gateway to the heresy and what if I did a side-project set during the attack on Calth papa Nurgle help me


Also they sent me a chaos star pin badge and it owns. It's going on my bag next to the black metal patches.

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Got myself my first 40k terrain kit: the very cool Imperial Sector (go big or go home :P).


I also vowed not to buy any more kits until I have a 500 point army assembled and painted (but not based). This meant that I experienced a very tough moment when I was confronted with an Imperial Knight and the Chaos Attack Force kit. Soon... ;)

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I recieved my first full armour set from forgeworld (Mk.III Iron) and the FW bug bit deep the minute I opened the box. It started with shoulderpads and torso upgrades... I didn't need FW, I could stop anytime. Now I have this, and I'm fethed. These will be brought forward to the 41st millennium, but I'm going to need more, and I know the FW bug is a gateway to the heresy and what if I did a side-project set during the attack on Calth papa Nurgle help me


Also they sent me a chaos star pin badge and it owns. It's going on my bag next to the black metal patches.

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