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Today in the hobby I....


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Today in the hobby I...

  • bought an assembled vindicator for $30
  • bought a 10 man squad of magnetized death company for $35
  • assembled 5 space marine vehicle gunners
  • assembled 3 hunter killer missile turrets
  • assembled 1 radar vehicle turret
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Today in the hobby I started priming some of the units in that Stormclaw box I bought a while back.  Namely the Kans.


Telling myself that if I at least get some of the xenos and SW done I can buy some Chaos Raptors in good conscience.

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Today in the hobby I finished off my 2 Knight 750 point list for an escalation tournament at my local GW. I also purchased a vindicare assassin and Tigurius off Ebay to add to the list down the line just so I can be THAT GUY. :)

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I'm at a loss for the direction I want my army to take though.

You and me both.


My Sisters of Battle are shelved.  I sold my orks.  I traded my Khorne daemons and marines for models from a dfferent game.  I want to get my CSM army back in shape but don't have a clue what shape that will be.


Looks like I will be buiding terrain unitl something clicks.

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I have a squad of pms, nurgle bikers and marines, and two vanilla squads. I want to use a Prophet Lord in a battleforged list and after deciding a Slaaneshi Lord on a steed would be a waste of an outflank (I don't know what turn it happens), I have to determine if I want to keep it or make some contrived Nurgle Loadout which will be more expensive than everyone elses fisticlaws bike lord. It also hurts because I have another three squads of PMs, another rhino and a Defiler sitting around somewhere, but the people who have my stuff can't seem to :cussing find anything.


Sigh. Even if I just model haphazardly, I still want to keep it and the army functional. I also want to know why my bits aren't here yet.


And which Torso and shoulders for the Lord, seriously forgot how weird Possessed bits are.

Edited by incinerator950
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Tiny bit of base work and OSL - rehighlight on the armour, and finishing touches to the count-as Mortarion.


I then also added another highlight to Typhon, as I wasn't totally happy with his shoulder pads.


And now I want to add that to all the other Terminators I did in the ETL - because I'm not happy how the first one looked. I don't want it to be as obvious or bright as a line highlight necessarily, but it's hard to get a good blend and the right tone, and what I have at the moment isn't perfect. They look really good - but I think they could look even better...


Too much of a perfectionist sometimes for my own good.

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Today in the hobby, I put my skaven on ebay and bought 108 more zombies for the plague zombie list, for about 60 cents per mini.  Why do I love horde armies so much? Bought some bits for my Daemons and salamanders. Also preparing for call and my personal crusade. 

Edited by Uprising
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Today in the hobby I finished one of the last Paladins I had laying around....from when the last Grey Knight codex came out. Whoops.


That said, I did give painting the force sword a try in a semi-reflective scheme, without an airbrush, and for a first try I don't think it came out too badly! Also gave him some OSL on his sword hilt and Psycannon coils, and for only my second time with this technique (first time was on the Dark Vengeance Lords' plasma pistol) also don't think it was too bad.


However, I have learned that I do need to work on free-hand writing - curse my shaky hands!


Next up I suppose I finish the last Paladin - can't remember if they have Justicars in those squads or not, but I figure I'll need to up the ante anyway.

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