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Today in the hobby I....


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Bought myself two containers of Loctite superglue and fixed one of my termie command squad's members, and started up a project to write my own little 'Codex Supplement' for my homebrew chapters. Looks like 40k got its claws on me all over again.

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Today, I did a lot of boring little things - minor touch-ups on a few pteruges that weren't perfect, some small chips on bases that just needed a bit more paint. The perils of not storing things in foam.

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Got the garage rewired for when I eventually get the wood to build my suspended table.

Wait. A suspended table? That sounds dangerous and amazing at the same time. Do you actually have plans for this? I wanna see it.


I do!


Although the sketches themselves are pretty basic.


Basically, because it goes in the garage, and I can't claim the whole garage constantly because of various reasons, I need to be able to move the table out of the way when it's not in use. I decided (partly because I like playing with rope) that the best way to do it would be to make it so that I could lift the table out of the way into the roofspace. Of course, if need be, I could also untie the table and use the frame I'll need to built to suspend other things for working on (like irritating heretics - uh, that was a joke).


The frame;



A basic wooden frame to support the weight. The verticals will be bolted to the walls, but the roof spars of the garage itself aren't rated to carry any weight (which is why I need a frame in the first place). There's only one cross-beam because otherwise it'll interfere with the garage door.


The table;



Added to the design after checking this one are actually four more bolts set at the tops of the legs that go upwards into the bottom of the table, simply to prevent any chance of the legs swinging when someone inevitably kicks them by accident. The majority of the weight will still be taken by the ropes, though. I plan on attaching blocks to the pad eyes, simply so I don't have to work too hard to lift the table!


In theory you could leave a battle halfway, lift the table out the way, then come back to it, but the reality is that trying to lift all four corners evenly is going to take a lot of practice, or a team.

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Today in the hobby I, cleaned out my old room to make room for my sisters visit and found some 40k stuff including a second set of clippers <which I must've purchased back in my gunpla and plamo modelling spree a few years back) and some micro sol before heading over to my surprise birthday party (a day early so I was surprised) and received a 40k story omnibus, the complete Bloodquest graphic novel and a gift card for my local game store.  A good time was had by all. 

Edited by The_Chaplain
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Today in the hobby I...

Cleaned and fixed my frakking airbrushes and laid down the base grey highlights to a test squad of 6 Iron Hands marines. Should give them the black wash but it isn't going to happen today, maybe tomorrow.

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Today in the hobby I went to SKELP in Forfar and had a great time.


I haven't been to a wargaming exhibition before and it was ace.... So much great stuff, so little cash. Did pick up 10 bikers and a vindicator for £35.


I am looking forward to trying out a few of the wargaming clubs

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Today in the hobby I laid out 470 sq feet of sod!  Now we can put the gaming table on grass instead of dirt.


More hobby related is that today I purchased another 6 bikes and some various Blood Angels bitz and gubbinz to finish out some plans for my Night Lords as well as provide for a certain Secret Santa project.

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