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Today in the hobby I....


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Finally started making progress towards actually finishing my contemptor dread (ie. I did the drybrushing and started laying down the second big color block), and used paint and spray primer to finish laying down the base coat on the turret and gun barrel of my fellglaive. I may get some more done tonight after my Scion game.

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Why do you need background though? Can it not just 'be'?

Identity is the main reason why I kept with Chaos and not Loyalists or Tyranids.


Freedom, Choice, Anarchy, an alternate reality. It's the most important part to me about painting a set of models and using them.

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Oh, it's a wonderful kit. No messing about, no weird bit placement, goes together like a dream and also really sells the 'base tracked unit' concept.


It's just that this is my third in two days, and because they're for my Alpha Legion there's no conversion work happening to any of them, So yeah, kinda dull.



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Oh, it's a wonderful kit. No messing about, no weird bit placement, goes together like a dream and also really sells the 'base tracked unit' concept.


It's just that this is my third in two days, and because they're for my Alpha Legion there's no conversion work happening to any of them, So yeah, kinda dull.



Ah, yes. I can see where you're coming from.

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Today I'll finish highlighting a 5-man Deathwatch tactical squad, part of a small Deathwatch allied force that'll be displayed with a Red Hunters detachment for 'Armies on Parade'. 


I'll continue painting a crashed Aquila Lander, assembled into one large scenery piece, also for Armies on Parade.  

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I screwed up a rhino so badly when I was a young teenager.


TITH I haven't done really anything. Still waiting for bits and I didn't remember to bid on the Fiend parts I was going to use on the vampire lord zombie dragon for my heldrake conversion.


Which also hasn't shown up. And my friend and his family are also not being responsive.

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More weathering!


Went back to a few older models and brushed them up. Some of the Grave Warden's cloth wasn't perfect, so I repainted and highlighted. Tidied up any errors on other Terminators through weathering, and just trying to improve them generally if there were any tiny bits I may have missed.


My Forge World Nurgle Terminators felt bland: again, went and picked out a few more things, bit more weathering - just to try and made parts of them stand out more. Highlights on skulls of my World Eaters Terminators too... has to be done.

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...decided to let my homies in the BT subforum pick what I paint next.  That may have been a mistake.


Freaking Neophytes :tongue.:


Also, updated/edited my old Broken Arrows IA.  A year after the fact, and I'm still tinkering.  I really gotta learn to let things go.


TITHI created a milliput stuff filler to help link Ariel to Nagash's skirt after the cat destroyed the progress I'd already made on my Daemon Prince...

How many times do I have to warn you people about kitten heresy?!


Sure, it killed a Demon Prince, but such are the ways of Chaos. It's only a matter of time before it turns on you, Sister!

Edited by Firepower
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TITH I clipped off the torsos needed for my Prophet Lord.  Will assemble and prime hopefully tomorrow. 


Also nearly got hit by a jeep today because some jackass blew the red light.  Thankfully I slipped on my ass and landed on my tailbone, call that one lucky.


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