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Today in the hobby I....


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I just realized that TITH stands for Today In The Hobby... and they let me teach kids...


It's sad that this is more than I expect from teachers these days. ;)


Today in the hobby I took a thread off topic.  Probably.  I can't recall one in particular, but I'm playing the odds. :laugh.:


I also went digging through my bitz pile to see if I have everything I need to make these damned Neophytes on my to do list.  Unfortunately for me, I do.

Edited by Firepower
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Today in the hobby, I managed to mostly shake off the blessings Nurgle gave me :dry.: and came to the conclusion that I really need to stop buying stuff because of shiny. Therefore I have banned myself from the GW/FW/ebay/usual bitz sites until I have painted at least one project (unless I actually need to to finish said project.)


I have a feeling I might be a long while from using said sites. However, I have put in a very loose aim to get my first Inceptors Marine (made up from a recovered/stripped ebay win from some time ago that I ACTUALLY FORGOT I HAD! :blink.: ) painted this weekend. It'll be my first attempt at a half n' half paint scheme. Hopefully that might give me some incentive to get more done...

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TITH I finally dumped a bunch of crap in a bucket and filled it with almost an entire bottle of simple green.


Also I am slightly feeling less pain.


Edit: I just found out I'm not going to enjoy modeling regular shoulders to some possessed arms. This has left me with another misdirection as now I have to redecide the loadout for my Lord.

Edited by incinerator950
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Today in the hobby I got über pissed because Glottkin was sold out in my language before I even knew it was on preorder. Especially that Games Workshop decided to be a retard and forego reprinting the book forever. That I hate Nurgle doesn't make this any better. I wanted to play daemons and warriors of chaos together, damnit.


I'm going to have to camp in front of my FLGW for the next month to get The End Times: Khaine at this rate.

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TITH I went one city over, well 3 towns and 1 city over, to my FLGS and picked up a few things.  I don't get over there often but I try and support the guy when I can.


Now I'm patiently scraping iconography off of  some Dark Angels things and prepping to build 6 bikes.

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TITHI discovered the wonder that is a wet palette.

Dear sweet Emperor/Chaos gods/Zenu,

Why have I not tried this before!?!?!

#prayersanswered #itissoeasy #YAY


Wait until tomorrow when you open up the wet pallet to find all your mixed paints still wet and ready to use exactly as you left them.

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As I understand it, a wet palette is an airtight plastic box containing a sponge, some greaseproof paper and a bit of water. This device, through some alchemical witchery makes painting about a thousand times easier and more fun.

This is next on my list of things to make. There is literally no-one who has used one that doesn't sound like they love it.

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You can make your own wet palette by purchasing a compressed sponge, some butcher/ parchment paper and an airtight container. I recently purchased this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0017R8WAA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and haven't had a chance to use it yet. It is quite a bit larger than I expected.


Here is a link on how to make a wet palette: http://www.fullborerminiatures.com/articles/wetpalette.html

Edited by marine7312000
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TITH I started scrubbing my models. The simple green has removed most of the upper layet paint but the primer is still there and the rhino trophy racks are all off while a third of the red is there with most of the black primer.


If I get the rhinos down I may just go with my thrice cursed warband but holy :cuss am I imoatient while intoxicated.

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Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time getting the Fire Raptor together, its a shame when that happens!


Hope the old hot water trick works for you and it comes together in the end


Hmmm.... So a plastic chinese take-away tub with a lid on it could be mightily handy in the manufacture of a wet pallette.... It seems I have some experimenting to do when  get home  :thumbsup:

Edited by dantay_xv
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TITHI did the fiddliest conversion step I have ever done. I accidentally cut of the thumb when cutting out the weapon out of a hand for a model I was working on. Actually, it was only the last segment of the thumb. So I cut one such segment off of sprue and managed to glue it back around the new weapon in just the right place and file down the edges so it looks like it belongs. This piece was probably no more than 2mm in its largest dimension, and is on the underside of the haftof the weapon, but it worked perfectly and makes me very happy.

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TITHI, discovered the joy of masking tape.


Now I can do half decent pack markings :)


SAM 2211


Fafnir can begin getting a tissue cloak BCK's thread page 46.


SAM 2210

And time to see if I have surgeon like knife skills to make myself a stencil for the runic markers on my Fire Raptor...

SAM 2212

WHat's the worst that could happen???


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TITHI wrote a little more fluff, started a fic in the memoir style of the Cain novels (without the humour) played in the B&C painters with a paint scheme for my 2nd chapter (and am no closer to a decision), and realised I am yet to pick up a brush.
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