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I get SoB confusion. Come into the hobby headspace and wonder why people are calling sisters sons, move out into the real world and wonder why sons are being called sisters.

please tell me I am not alone in this...


It's ok. Codenames are cool. It's not that weird.

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Taking a break from the other TT game until the new plastics hit. I got a couple more Assault Marines assembled. (Thankfully I got them all magnetized a while ago.) Sorting through all the various bits and I think I can assemble and magnetize a partial Tac or even Command squad.

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You can make your own wet palette by purchasing a compressed sponge, some butcher/ parchment paper and an airtight container. I recently purchased this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0017R8WAA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and haven't had a chance to use it yet. It is quite a bit larger than I expected.


Here is a link on how to make a wet palette: http://www.fullborerminiatures.com/articles/wetpalette.html


I got the same one, and yes it is awfully large... I thought about cutting it down into smaller ones, but I haven't gotten around to it. 


TITHI scored an Ironclad dread for $35 bucks, new in box. Local, so no eBay. We traded in a parking lot like a drug deal and it wasn't weird or anything. 

Edited by JeffTibbetts
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Got home from work and have a day off from both jobs today. After I spend the rest of the day sleeping, I'm going to strip the paint with a toothbrush and hopefully get a primer going.


Hopefully. Oh and Daboarder helped narrow down some prophet lord builds, which means I can start assembly of mah army. Hopefully... Probably not.

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TITHI scored an Ironclad dread for $35 bucks, new in box. Local, so no eBay. We traded in a parking lot like a drug deal and it wasn't weird or anything.

Haha! I totally know that feeling - to be fair, it's where I've got most of my best bargains over the years and have made decent contacts in the area: you know people who will at some point have a fire sale of a project to start another... And that's when you profit!

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finally noticed that the version of the ministorum priest in Codex: Adepta Sororita have all the benefits of the version in Codex: Astera Militarum, with the added benefit of being a part of a way cooler codex. So, after everything I'd heard about how ridiculous it was to put one of them in a unit with some terminators, I finally...


Bought one on eBay.


Am I a bad person? At least he can't be the mandatory HQ, so I still have to put a canoness in there somewhere. That's a nice change of pace from the Charlie's Zealots armies of the last 'dex.

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A bad person? Not at all! It actually makes MORE sense to ally in a Sororitas priest than an AdMil one, since the AdMil one is already attached to a different fighting unit, while the Sororitas one comes straight from the church.


(You could use a priest as a mandatory HQ if he was Jacobus though...)

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So the models seem fairly good. Most of the paint is stripping, but some like the dv marines, rhinos, a havok and a few bikers are being troublesome.


Also really tired. Took a long break to farm eyes of death, but I want to be done with this so I can fit my rhinos with razorback tops and get my models primed. Or cleaned at least.

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TITHI made some time today to get a little further along in my secret santa painting, my god I'm slow on doing any model get distracted by every which thing.  Maybe I ought to move my painting away from my computer desk.


And I found out my favorite purple ork enthusiast is making her way down for a visit this weekend.  Which means I might get even less done on this and my Night Lords.

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TITH what is hopefully ready to be reprimed, minus the dv chosen. They're even more annoying than the rhinos, so I left a few in the bucket with the other stubborn models.



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Today i decided to pull out my old Chaos Miniatures from 3-4 th Edition and bring them back to the table, after painting and addition of some new units and models.

I doubt people will let me use the old Obliterator Models from third Edition. :)

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Today, I pledged to join the March of the Legions, while also having agreed to do two Secret Santa figures, and I still haven't even started on my tank for Grotsmasha's contest.


btw, for those who don't know what March of the Legions is: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/298727-march-of-the-legions-xx-legion/

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