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Today in the hobby I....


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I'm sorry for your loss, Sarge. Seeing your boundless enthusiasm on these boards brings joy to many of us. I'm certain your positive outlook will keep you on an even keel through these tough times. If I had to guess, I'd say at least part of that enthusiasm came straight from your mum. I think we can all thank her for that.


Speaking of passing on positive traits to our progeny, I think I got my daughter hooked on Nurgle, of all things. I bought White Dwarf Visions for the first time to see the Golden Demon winners, and she could not stop checking out Glottkin. We also started putting together her first model as a combined effort. She seems quite into it. We shall see how long it lasts.

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TITH I lost one of my biggest supporters in the Hobby .:cry: My Mum passed away from cancer at 2:07am EST . 


You have my condolences, brother. You were lucky to have a parent who supported you in your passions, and I can imagine the hole she will leave in your life. If there's anything we can do to support you, I hope you'll post. You'd be surprised what an Internet community can and will pull itself together to achieve for its members, even a community as large as this one. Good luck.

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TITHI realised just how many sprues I had lying about. Really need to get those models built and onto the field of battle.


Also, I got back into painting after a bit of a hiatus and found myself a few hours later with an almost finished Ultramarine! Crazy, I know :P






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TITHI lost one of the tiny claws from Kor Phaeron, and broke the back off maybe three others. Man, are those fiddly or what? I think I'm going to mold them in case I need replacements later. Luckily I was only planning on using 8 of them anyway and just for a conversion.
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So TITH I had a conversation with a friend of mine who used to play a lot of nids back in 3rd.  As playing Legacy MTG has started to dull his enthusiasm he may just end up coming back to 40k.  I'd be interested to play against him again.


Painted some more midnight blue today but I really feel like black is starting to creep into my hobby soul.

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Finally primed my deathwing terminators, I also primed their land raider after much of a struggle with the can nozzle just not co-operating

TITH I have made note of a backlog while stumbling.


Now that I'm basically done with Dark Souls... I may have bought Alice: Madness Returns and got the AM Alice as well.


Yeah... distractions ahoy.

a:tmr is pretty lousy if your playing it on pc, controls are basically consolized
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TITH the cap to my new super glue stuck to the nozzle and I ripped the whole thing off.  Been interesting gluing models together since I got home since I just decided to start trying more liquid super glue as opposed to the gel types I've used before.  Such is life.


Also for no real reason when I came home from class a couple hours ago I took some bitz from the Stormclaw box and made a Shadow Wolf model.  It should also be noted I've been thumbing my well loved (read: extensively damaged) copy of Helsreach again.

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Finally primed my deathwing terminators, I also primed their land raider after much of a struggle with the can nozzle just not co-operating


TITH I have made note of a backlog while stumbling.


Now that I'm basically done with Dark Souls... I may have bought Alice: Madness Returns and got the AM Alice as well.


Yeah... distractions ahoy.

a:tmr is pretty lousy if your playing it on pc, controls are basically consolized
I am playing it on the console. Absolutely love Alice, and I'm playing both simultaneously plus on my secon MR run. I've grown beyond the addicted stage of playing at this point.


TITH I came home from both jobs to find my benefactors gift of two sonic blasters!

Edited by incinerator950
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TITH I was able to get some time at the hobby table, for the first time since my birthday last month.  It's been a crazy couple of weeks-- but being able to work today has been a relieving, cathartic experience. 


Thank god for model making , saving grace of sanity. 

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