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Today in the hobby I....


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Tithi got some milliput on my DP. Then spent three hours and counting in a hospital waiting room. Sigh.


Tell us the truth... did you eat the milliput again?


More seriously, I hope everything turns out okay. I hate hospital waiting rooms. Good luck!



Finished assembling the last of my Space Hulk minis, got most of the terminators onto bases (I've decided to put them on bases so I can use them in either 40k or Space Hulk as the mood strikes me), and have begun considering how to get the genestealers onto bases as well. Also, I got all the door holder things primed. I'm going to give them all a quick version of the leadbelcher-typhus corrosion-ryza rust, just to make my Space Hulk set look that much better.

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Tithi got some milliput on my DP. Then spent three hours and counting in a hospital waiting room. Sigh.


Finished assembling the last of my Space Hulk minis, got most of the terminators onto bases (I've decided to put them on bases so I can use them in either 40k or Space Hulk as the mood strikes me), and have begun considering how to get the genestealers onto bases as well. Also, I got all the door holder things primed. I'm going to give them all a quick version of the leadbelcher-typhus corrosion-ryza rust, just to make my Space Hulk set look that much better.



And that's how i ended up with a blood angels army:wink:



wrestled with the epic decision do my grey knights get a sicaran battle tank for christmas

magnetized my knights weapon

basecoated a spawn for my death guard

Edited by treadhead
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Tithi got some milliput on my DP. Then spent three hours and counting in a hospital waiting room. Sigh.


Finished assembling the last of my Space Hulk minis, got most of the terminators onto bases (I've decided to put them on bases so I can use them in either 40k or Space Hulk as the mood strikes me), and have begun considering how to get the genestealers onto bases as well. Also, I got all the door holder things primed. I'm going to give them all a quick version of the leadbelcher-typhus corrosion-ryza rust, just to make my Space Hulk set look that much better.



And that's how i ended up with a blood angels army:wink:



wrestled with the epic decision do my grey knights get a sicaran battle tank for christmas

magnetized my knights weapon

basecoated a spawn for my death guard



And it may be how I end up with a Tyranid army... especially what with the campaign box we're supposed to be getting...

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Today in the Hobby I Planned the downfall of a DE Archon who intends to infiltrate the Fang or Titan or the Eternal Crusader

Either way I have sorted out how each of my Armies will anihlate her on her entry to my ZOM Board on Saturday

now what forfit will I force my wife to do when I defeat her DE force, ?

( mine will probibly be to do the Dishes again :( )

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Look on the bright side, at least it wasn't all over Queen Bee!!


Or was it??

Duh. Of course it was. She's only the most cursed project on the entire forum. This time it was just on a foot, most of which still isn't painted. I'll leave some of that texture on her, as usual, to honor the accident. This lady has more scars than I do in real life.

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I think he meant the cat.... Jeez sorry that the Queen Bee got caught again.... Is the rest of the base okay?


Surprised Firepower hasnt chipped in yet to sermonise about heretic-kitties.


He is right though... Kitties serve the Dark Gods!!

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TITH saw my Uncle and decided to gift him my still on sprue Krom Dragongaze as though I love the Space Wolves from a background, and novel perspective it really came to me in conversation with him today that unlike my Aunt and himself I don't have a current want to run SW on the table top.  Instead I spent my hobby allotment from Friday's paycheck on a Rhino, a Tac box, and BT bits.

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Wait, what? You have an Aunt AND Uncle who play 40k? Damn you lucky.


TITH I procrastinated on progressing my 'March Of The Legions' Contemptor.

I suppose so lol.  The only issue for me is that their game night is on Tuesdays (usually working) and it's 2.5 hours at best from home plus I'd have to pay toll to cross the bridge.


In my youth she also worked for Viz Media.  So plenty of anime and trips to their office in SF for me at that time.

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TITHI yelled til my throat hurt because my stupid cat knocked over on open bottle of Typhus Corrosion and spilled 3/4 of it. I'm so tired of this stupid cat...

I bet that your cat is related to Colonel Prowler!


Internet Cookie for the reference.

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TITHI yelled til my throat hurt because my stupid cat knocked over on open bottle of Typhus Corrosion and spilled 3/4 of it. I'm so tired of this stupid cat...

This is why I work with closed paint pots. They're openable with one hand, it's not hard to dip and flip.

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TITHI tried something different.

Was worried my Fire Raptor was looking a little monochrome so tried a new colour. Red.


Didn't work out, but you never know if you don't try it!








And boxed up my models for the journey home!



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