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Today in the hobby I....


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Discovered that my jump pack chaplain's jump pack is just... gone. No idea when it snapped off or where it went. And also, I learned that my only spare jump pack is caked in two layers of primer. Into the simple green with you, jump pack!


I bet the cat stole it... 


How hard is it it install a door in an open doorway, anyway? 

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Saturday in the hobby I used my fire raptor in a game for the first time even tho it isn't done being built much less painted. It came on the bottom of turn 2, shot and killed nothing, then immediately at he beginning of the shooting phase of turn 3 my opponent snapshot a meltagun at it and hit. Then he rolled a pen and on the damage chart he then rolled a 6 and my fire raptor exploded. i guess that is a sign to finish assembling it and at least start painting it before trying to play with it again.
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Discovered that my jump pack chaplain's jump pack is just... gone. No idea when it snapped off or where it went. And also, I learned that my only spare jump pack is caked in two layers of primer. Into the simple green with you, jump pack!


I bet the cat stole it... 


How hard is it it install a door in an open doorway, anyway? 


No cat - my wife's allergic. So that means that either my lizard stole it - and he lives in a terrarium - or my wife stole it. Neither are terribly likely.


It's pretty challenging, but not impossible. I'd offer to help, but... Iowa.

Edited by ElectricPaladin
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Discovered that my jump pack chaplain's jump pack is just... gone. No idea when it snapped off or where it went. And also, I learned that my only spare jump pack is caked in two layers of primer. Into the simple green with you, jump pack!


I bet the cat stole it... 


How hard is it it install a door in an open doorway, anyway? 


No cat - my wife's allergic. So that means that either my lizard stole it - and he lives in a terrarium - or my wife stole it. Neither are terribly likely.


It's pretty challenging, but not impossible. I'd offer to help, but... Iowa.



The Warp did it!

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Saturday in the hobby I used my fire raptor in a game for the first time even tho it isn't done being built much less painted. It came on the bottom of turn 2, shot and killed nothing, then immediately at he beginning of the shooting phase of turn 3 my opponent snapshot a meltagun at it and hit. Then he rolled a pen and on the damage chart he then rolled a 6 and my fire raptor exploded. i guess that is a sign to finish assembling it and at least start painting it before trying to play with it again.


At least this way you get 'new model syndrome' out of the way before it's pretty.


No cat - my wife's allergic. So that means that either my lizard stole it - and he lives in a terrarium - or my wife stole it. Neither are terribly likely.

... your wife's allergic to jump packs?

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No cat - my wife's allergic. So that means that either my lizard stole it - and he lives in a terrarium - or my wife stole it. Neither are terribly likely.

... your wife's allergic to jump packs?



No. She's allergic to cats. Cats are allergic to jump packs. Jump packs are allergic to my wife.

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Discovered that my jump pack chaplain's jump pack is just... gone. No idea when it snapped off or where it went. And also, I learned that my only spare jump pack is caked in two layers of primer. Into the simple green with you, jump pack!


I bet the cat stole it... 


How hard is it it install a door in an open doorway, anyway? 


No cat - my wife's allergic. So that means that either my lizard stole it - and he lives in a terrarium - or my wife stole it. Neither are terribly likely.


It's pretty challenging, but not impossible. I'd offer to help, but... Iowa.



Oh come on. Iowa's beautiful this time of year. I swear it's not cold as hell, gray and windy all over. Promise. 


And I'd vote your wife took it, in that case. May be an attempt to subtly undermine your hobby mojo in an effort to gain additional cuddle time. For what it's worth, she might be onto something. Cuddles are pretty fantastic. Jump packs just don't hold a candle to them, 9 times out of 10. 

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Finished off a Night Lord.  Painted a Dark Eldar.  Touched up a certain Knight of Blood.


But more importantly some true knights finally arrived today to begin a crusade to remove the taint of the xenos and the witch from the gaming table that's currently stowed behind my couch.


The postman dropped of a rhino, a tactical squad, and Black Templar bits today.  After some coffee and friendly conversation with my Nid friend I'll get started on these.

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Sprayed those three Great Unclean Ones! Proper Goodfellas trio...

They look like pizza?

More like three big guys in black ... Close enough!


Wait until they're finished - they'll be yellow and red and as crusty as pizza!

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