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Today in the hobby I....


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Went to the game store.


My opponent was a no-show.


So I played Watchammer 40k and decided to ditch my narrative campaign opponent (the no-show) and set something up with a friendly Eldar player I like to hang out with, who more importantly, I can rely on to actually be there when he says he's going to be there :furious:!

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TITH I put together my first large vehicle a Spartan Assault Tank along with the 20 man Medusa Immortals squad it will carry. Was a little rough to get the dry fitting all set up but with plenty of clamps and rubber bands it all fit and looks nice and mean with the Iron Hands doors on it.

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Today in the hobby I: 


Recieved bits from a trade with a fellow in Greece and now have skull crusher and Knights of Chaos bits to make my count-as Nurgle chosen. 


I also discovered that 1. My Gehenna gold is filled with red paint, but the actual gold has sunk to the bottom, and 2. that Gehenna gold is very difficult to layer onto black. I'll be reapplying black to my Helbrute when all is said and done. 


So I'm off to get Rhinox hide and Balthasar Gold. 

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Today in the hobby I: 


I also discovered that 1. My Gehenna gold is filled with red paint, but the actual gold has sunk to the bottom, and 2. that Gehenna gold is very difficult to layer onto black. I'll be reapplying black to my Helbrute when all is said and done. 


So I'm off to get Rhinox hide and Balthasar Gold. 


Definitely shake very, very hard. Working up from Brown is definitely the best advice I can give you on that front, and then layer on each gold in succession. Gives it great depth.

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Today in the hobby I: 


I also discovered that 1. My Gehenna gold is filled with red paint, but the actual gold has sunk to the bottom, and 2. that Gehenna gold is very difficult to layer onto black. I'll be reapplying black to my Helbrute when all is said and done. 


So I'm off to get Rhinox hide and Balthasar Gold.


Definitely shake very, very hard. Working up from Brown is definitely the best advice I can give you on that front, and then layer on each gold in succession. Gives it great depth.


Chaeron speaks truth about giving the Gehenna Gold a mighty good shake - I've had to do that every time I've used it so far!

It did kinda confuse the heck out of me seeing all the red in there the first time, since my marines don't have any red on them.:laugh.:


...Also I'll have to try gold over brown next time I get to paint any.:happy.:

If it works like orange over brown did, then that's my day made.:biggrin.:

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TITH I have decided to use up all my random spare sprues (I buy complete kits for one bit to use on my =][= 28 minis) and start a Nurgle Traitor guard army. Oh and I put the first bit of paint on Fortes Secret Santa mini :tu:

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Twice :ohmy.:

I sooooo need to play you :biggrin.:

World Eaters are better at tactics than I am.


"I can move 12"? I'm a shooty unit? The guy in front of me is a Daemon Prince with the Black Mace?






Today in the hobby, I screamed a KHAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEEE worthy of Star Trek when The End Times: Khaine sold out in less than fifteen minutes.

Edited by Knight of the Raven
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Today in the Hobby I found out how substantial the bonus the company I work for is giving the unit I work in.


Let's just say that I can (as long as other real life things don't prevent it :dry.: ) afford this and, most likely the regular version of book IV with a fair bit of resin goodness :wub.: in the new year. Road trip to WHW I think, despite the restructuring going on there :happy.:


And as I threatened promised, there will be Beakies. Many Beakies! :wub.:

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