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Today in the hobby I....


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In my defence, the 7 are pretty big:


1: Full Dark Angel battle company (including armour)

2) Full Deathwing Company

3) 60 Ravenwing fellows

4) 40k Chess Set 

5) 1 Xenos Scum army

6) 3000-odd points of Space Wolves

7) 3000-odd points of Vanilla Marines 


I forgot the Space Hulk set and the Blood Angels / Second Xenos Scum army this would give.....and my Imperial Knight detachment.....

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Slightly more forgiven.


I've got a bit more work done on my CoC Obliterators, having block coloured the base, I've also done a good amount of work on their skintone. Next step is to neaten up any bits of trim before washing and detailing as appropriate.


I also thought I'd take a picture of my Contemptor family, as they finally all have weapons (and one spare!):



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...I decided to completely drop the Imperators Gladii. Not sure whether I'll just rename them and find a new colour scheme, or paint them up as Storm Callers. Also managed to add a few paragraphs to a 40k story I've been avoiding for too many years.

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Today in the hobby, I was up at 6am (despite not going to sleep until around 3am :blink.: ) to be at my local GW for Death storm. I was the first one in store to get one :happy.: I also have the generic Tactical and psyker cards for Seventh Edition and pre-ordered the BA card set for next week. I was going to get the Codex ordered as well, but dropping a £100 or so on what I have got today is enough! :laugh.: I'll get that nearer this months pay day.


I'm currently admiring the models...*My precious* :devil:


Edit: The sheer scale of bitz for the Death Company (both regular back packs and jump packs for a start), I'm going to have get this army magnetised!

Edited by Aquilanus
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Today in the hobby...I discovered that (a) my free hand painting skills are insufficient to paint a Chapter logo for my Sword Bearers (made doubly frustrating by the fact that it is, literally, just a sword) and (b ) my ability to apply de-cals (at this point I'd given up on the free hand and was just going to use the DA symbol instead)....is equally dire! :(


However, as a true member of the Unforgiven, giving up is not an option. Therefore, me thinks some Micro-Sol needs to be added to my Christmas list!

Edited by Spaced Hulk
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...got the bits from Spellcrow in the post. Now all I have to do is wait until Christmas :(


Also started picking out bits to build onto one of the old metal Sternguard models I've got. For some reason I never used him, so I'm thinking of something nice to do with him, like a command squad veteran sergeant or assault squad sergeant. In the meantime, I'm regretting that regular stormshields aren't an option for non-termie captains and sergeants.

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