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  On 12/11/2014 at 11:21 AM, Chaeron said:


Hoping to pick my copy of Shield of Baal up today too.


Collected! Mass panic because they couldn't find my order, cheers Dark Sphere for being awesome :) Picked up a new Abbadon Black and Druchii Violet too.


Then, finished Sabbat Crusade in the early hours :)

TITH I watched both 'Thing' movies (again, 3rd time this week) and re found my love for Dead Space 2, decided I'm gonna build a Zone Mortallis board for Inq 28 and run a game for the locals, a good old fashoned spawn/bug hunt.

TITH I got close to falling off the wagon. went into the nearest GW to work and nearly bought deathstorm. only thing that's stopped me is that I know I can get it cheaper elsewhere if its still in stock.


got to look over the sprue for the new priest think I may just get back into 40k at somepoint. painting/modelling at least.


randomly the store also had a copy of stormclaw, the space wolf/ork set in stock too

Today in the hobby I rediscovered my hobby mojo after a couple of weeks in the doldrums. Got a bunch of painting done this evening after not picking up a brush in a few weeks.

Found myself inspired after a bit of a triumph this morning in Grotsmasha's latest modelling contest. Feeling proud.



Bought my new Blood Angels codex. And ordered Shield of Baal: Exterminatus. And didn't buy the new sanguinary priest, yet, because I don't really need a fourth priest (I know I'll get it eventually, because the model is awesome, it's just low priority).

...undercoated a Librarian I'd forgotten I had, three snapfit marines to use as testbeds for potential colour schemes, and three of the chaos terminators for the Infernal Carnival.


Addendum; I then compounded my sins by finding the Ork force from the Sanctus Reach/Stormclaw box minus the warboss for a bargain price and ordering it.

Edited by ImperatorsGladii

Today I collected my Blood Angels Datacards and succumbed to the Black Rage buying the Codex as well. I'll be reading it intently :happy.:


Thinking about it, I should have ordered some of the GW Flesh Tearers shoulder guards as well! :laugh.: Pity they don't do a Terminator size one as well.

Edited by Aquilanus

TITHI picked up my copy of Deathstorm that I had pre-ordered. Also grabbed the BA datacards, codex, and tactical squad. I was kind of surprised the store had another 10+ of Deathstorm available until I remembered they still have Space Hulk and the SW box.

This weekend in the hobby I:


Picked up 8 replacement 1/32 bits for my pin vice and a 1/32 dremel chuck from the hobby store near my fiance's doctor, and won some particularly heated eBay auctions which may or may not arrive before Xmas from Germany.


Regardless, once the holidays are over-- I am battle prepped and ready to get some serious modelling done.  Feels good. Hot dang. 

  On 12/14/2014 at 1:18 PM, Knight of the Raven said:

This project doesn't worship Khorne unfortunately.


Tonight in the hobby I dreamed the Forge World attack bike had come out and was sorely disappointed when reality set in.

This is me when I wake up single or not in possession of a new Dead Space game that takes place on a star yacht.

Selected the new name and chapter to replace the Imperator's Gladii, as well as undercoating a squad of metal veterans, a tactical squad, and a Venerable Dreadnought. I just wish I'd remembered where I put the leg covers for the dread before I undercoated it!



Created some custom transfers for my chapter. Now all I need to do is start painting over shoulder pads and getting them applied.


Also, I played my first game with my new 'dex, and I all-but-tabled my Eldar opponent, winning the game 21 to 6!

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