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Today in the hobby I....


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Instead of dropping a stupid amount of money on a pile of models to add to the already large pile of models at home, I managed to resist the siren call (which would have cost me an arm and a leg: the BA dice, cards, new Assault Terminators, Terminator Librarian, that gorgeous Eldar Codex, some Eldar to go with it, the DE and Tyranid painting guides, DE cards, Tyranid Codex and models to go with those from Deathstorm and Space Hulk, etc) and walked away with only a Codex and a Tactical Squad. Result! :D


I am honestly very proud of myself (even though it took about an hour of going backwards and forwards between the various shelves and a second visit to the shop to pick the Tactical Squad)! As a reward, I'm going to forget about what I had planned for tonight, sit down at my desk, and paint!

Edited by Dosjetka
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Finished reading "Death of Integrity". It's a good book, but...I'm not entirely sure I'm fond of what he did with the Blood Drinkers...


Ordered two more boxes of Tac Marines to make the full 60.

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Loved the Death od Integraty book but im a Huge Space Hulk fan


Oh, I'm definitely enjoying it too, it's just the whole

Rites of Holos, being a trick by Kairos Fateweaver as to how they keep better control of the flaw.
that rubs me the wrong way. Everything else? I really dig.


Back on topic: I also picked up Ahriman: Sorcerer...Which reminds me that I really need to get around to reading Exile.

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Loved the Death od Integraty book but im a Huge Space Hulk fan


Oh, I'm definitely enjoying it too, it's just the whole

Rites of Holos, being a trick by Kairos Fateweaver as to how they keep better control of the flaw.
that rubs me the wrong way. Everything else? I really dig.


Back on topic: I also picked up Ahriman: Sorcerer...Which reminds me that I really need to get around to reading Exile.


I liked it, personally. I...


enjoy the consequences of the Blood Angels struggling against their Flaw, and while sometimes I like to see noble sacrifices, I also sometimes like to see people struggling and failing and falling into sin. I get how it would annoy a real Blood Drinkers partisan, but as a Knights of Blood player, it was neat.
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Today in the hobby I bought a nifty little storage/draws unit for all my paints and tools etc to sit by my desk.  Next is to tidy up my workspace and then Begin two of my new year resolutions 1. To finish what I start and 2. To hobby for fun and not keep imposing deadlines and huge goals for myself.  Basically to revisit why I started this hobby in the first place, to enjoy it.  So no more massive vows in challenges, if any vows at all. No more pushing myself to paint something when I am totally bored of it and most importantly no more jumping from project to project because I start a new challenge.


So I will be starting some new armies, a clean slate.  New year new start.  Now, to get this mess sorted.

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