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Today in the hobby I....


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If I had the money, I would have! :lol:


I decided on a BA tactical squad (which has been consistently out of stock at my local GW) a relic Contemptor chasis, CC arm (the fist rather than the claw), another Conversion Beamer (no MM's in stock and didn't want to wait four hours to get one...) a squad of five Beakies :wub: and the Umbra? Bolters (the style that the RTB01's had). Just chilling out a little before the journey back home ^_^

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Made a start on Krom.


Reds look a lot better than in the picture. Not too happy with the golds, as I have to try a new recipe out (ran out of Ogryn Flesh was which is what I usually use). Going for Standard Mech Grey, so he can be used in 30 & 40K


SAM 2354

SAM 2355

SAM 2356


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...built my Sicaran from bag to finished. Now to get some more primer and wait on the weather to clear up before I spray the thing. Good thing I have other building projects to work on.


Sicaran Progress

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TITH, I've been doing some detailing on my Imperial Knight that I painted for the ETL. I wanted to change a few things to bring it closer into line with the Legio Mortis, and weather it slightly more. Happier now than I was when I last finished - difficult to know when to stop haha.

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TITH, I've been doing some detailing on my Imperial Knight that I painted for the ETL. I wanted to change a few things to bring it closer into line with the Legio Mortis, and weather it slightly more. Happier now than I was when I last finished - difficult to know when to stop haha.


Phew, and at the end of the day, I feel much better for it. Happy with the results thus far! Think I'm missing some chevrons mind...



Edited by Chaeron
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Did a bit of tidying on my termies for the Carnival, started a third tactical marine, but feeling like I'm in a rut now. Don't know what colour scheme I want to do for my War Wyrms, and don't feel like undercoating anything. Might stick with building the rest of the Wyrms and some Orks for now.

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TITH - I decided to stop doing scenery and start the IG. Then after lining up all the little men found out I have to strip most of them. Off into the dettol they go and back to scenery making I go. ;)
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TITH My Solstice Advance vow is now underway.


Hit a few snags almost from the get go though... Leadbelcher has run out and I spilt my nuln oil so none left... However this is to be considered a challenge not a problem.


Going to try Agrax earthshade for shade and shadow, and just mix blak with iron breaker and try to keep it consistent.


This is where she stands just now.


SAM 2385

SAM 2386


However my brothers & sisters, kin of Russ I need your help. This Sicaran is to be an honoured relic for 40K, but I want to use her for 30K and will try to weave a worthy saga.


First I need a name... Worthy of a Champion of Fenris.


Secondly I need some design help.


I keep  gallery of ideas, and I want to make her ornate without going over the top, plus time is limited. Any ideas on how I should mark her up?


This is my gallery


Help me make her look specialand worthy of a place in the halls of Russ
And this is her sister.... The majestic Night Fury. Who is almost completed and ready for her saga to be told


SAM 2312


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TITH Looked at ADBs Blood and Fire decided to do Celestial Lions, ordered the pads. So Chapter #36 will be started.


I've tossed around the same idea in my head recently.  Which pads did you go for Scribor or another source?

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