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TITH Looked at ADBs Blood and Fire decided to do Celestial Lions, ordered the pads. So Chapter #36 will be started.


I've tossed around the same idea in my head recently.  Which pads did you go for Scribor or another source?


Another source, Custom Minis he has acouple pads that can be used.

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Went to the local gw with a friend and watched a spectacular battle between black Templars and tyranids-- with the Templars rightfully winning. I also drew up an army list for my first game since 5th edition. I think ill always enjoy the modeling most, but that game made me interested in learning the game all over again, haha!
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TITH Looked at ADBs Blood and Fire decided to do Celestial Lions, ordered the pads. So Chapter #36 will be started.


I've tossed around the same idea in my head recently.  Which pads did you go for Scribor or another source?


Another source, Custom Minis he has acouple pads that can be used.


TY.  I think I saved that site from a Raven Guard pad post of yours.  Will take a look.

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Good on ya BCK, they are all nice models Even the Castigator


I'm already coming up with some posing options for the big guy, and the thing that's already starting to worry me is the ammo belt being able to fit properly with what I have in mind. :(

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Hi BCK, not sure what you have in mind for your pose, but I am having the very same thoughts about my Acheron and the fuel lines for its flamestorm cannon.


I have already mis-posed the legs.... Eeeep!!


Just gonna have to make a platform for him to step off of :)


SAM 2376

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Hi BCK, not sure what you have in mind for your pose, but I am having the very same thoughts about my Acheron and the fuel lines for its flamestorm cannon.


I have already mis-posed the legs.... Eeeep!!


Just gonna have to make a platform for him to step off of :smile.:



Yeah, I'm already kind of neurotic about posing marines - sometimes trying out new bits and tweaking a pose for a couple of hours - so you can imagine what it'll be like with a knight.


Having to do a little extra scenery on your base isn't the worst that could have gone wrong during building. ;)

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I bought new glue and finally finished building the Dev Centurions I almost never use. Now at least they don't look dejected and sad, just sad.


On the bright side I can build another Land Raider now.

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Hahaha I guess you are right BCK.


I cant build the top half until I get primer and paint on the interior at least though. I do have a good idea for a pose so we will see how it works out, I thonk with the shouilder pad ther I still have mobility enough to make a diagonal slash/ stab type pose with the reaper sword.


Good luck with the Knight though... I am sure you will absolutely nail it to the mast!! I follow your blog and have admired your skills for ages!!


Anyhoo, I am plugging away at getting my Solstice Advance vow done... Did the wolf on the opposite side to yesterday, same design, but look nothing alike really, grrrr! Saving Grace is that you can't see both sides at the same time


SAM 2394

, May try incorporating some black in to the wolf to tie it in with this....
I decided to do the runic rims, like on my Raptor, but had to make them bigger... I think it looks okay, tried dark at the bottom getting lighter with the gold as it goes up...
With or without the lascannon sponsons... I am considering either magnetising them or, using tem to make 2 Long FAngs with drumfed HB's :)

SAM 2395

SAM 2396


Top knotwork matches both sides now..
Made a start on the turret, trying for an aged brass effect, but worried this will look like a gold mess!! Any tips on brass, and I do not have any brass paints with me :(
Played with some heat discolouration just behind the muzzle brake.. for fun and to see how do-able it is, need to stipple some black on the end of the barrel too.

SAM 2397

This is to fit for 30 & 40K hence the nice grey... Any ideas on 30K wolves pack/ vehicle markings??
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So... The arms still haven't shown up. I'm basically going to have to kick myself to start assembling soon.


In the meantime, my newest lady finally arrived. She's sexy and needs a name.



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So... The arms still haven't shown up. I'm basically going to have to kick myself to start assembling soon.


In the meantime, my newest lady finally arrived. She's sexy and needs a name.


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TITH ... I tried to decide on brushes ...




Which are just as good as the top of the range W&N brushes.


Or ...




Which over extended periods are more comfy to use and are still pretty good quality.



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After being away from W40k minis since summer I primed my command section for a DIY chapter called Paladins of Genetic Purity(subject to change...and yes I've been watching Andromeda a lot :wacko.:).Figured they'd be a good inspiration for a splinter group that broke away from the Black Templars. I like Black Templars but want to do white armor. Now I just need to get Ulthuan Grey and Army Painter white paints.

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Edited by incinerator950
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TITH ... Well yesterday actually. I bought the cheaper of the 2 sets of paint brushes, ordered the GS tube tool and got a HH audio book. Will see what today brings.
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TITH I decided to assemble 5 Initiates and 2 more neophytes because Emperor damn it I have an LRC I might as well send it into the jaws of the enemy with 16 bodies fervently praying till the moment that assault ramp touches dirt.  Imperator Vult.

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