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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH, my Warhound Titan arrived - unparalleled joy! A tidy of the desk followed, and an urge to build a Great Unclean One that had seen better days emerged. He's missing his left leg, and has been in a random pot for far too long. Time to sculpt a new one and bring him back to life!
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TITH, my Warhound Titan arrived - unparalleled joy! A tidy of the desk followed, and an urge to build a Great Unclean One that had seen better days emerged. He's missing his left leg, and has been in a random pot for far too long. Time to sculpt a new one and bring him back to life!

Combine the two and build a massive daemon engine of Nurgle!

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TITH, my Warhound Titan arrived - unparalleled joy! A tidy of the desk followed, and an urge to build a Great Unclean One that had seen better days emerged. He's missing his left leg, and has been in a random pot for far too long. Time to sculpt a new one and bring him back to life!

1 Word: Pegleg


TITHI... worked on my daemon princess' robes a little bit. Milliput work is slow for me...

Where is your daemon log??:ohmy.: :blink.:

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TITH, my Warhound Titan arrived - unparalleled joy! A tidy of the desk followed, and an urge to build a Great Unclean One that had seen better days emerged. He's missing his left leg, and has been in a random pot for far too long. Time to sculpt a new one and bring him back to life!

1 Word: Pegleg



Love the concept :lol:

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TITHI... worked on my daemon princess' robes a little bit. Milliput work is slow for me...

Where is your daemon log??:ohmy.: :blink.:


She's for my Order of Dusk... I don't keep a log. :tongue.:


But since you asked, this was her before yesterday's work;



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TITHI... worked on my daemon princess' robes a little bit. Milliput work is slow for me...

Where is your daemon log??:ohmy.: :blink.:


She's for my Order of Dusk... I don't keep a log. :tongue.:


But since you asked, this was her before yesterday's work;




There is always a place for you in the Chaos end of the forums....:wink: Well done.




EDIT: TODAY ITHI found a model outside in my normal glue drying area that may or may not have been there for a month during snowstorms, ice storms, and subzero(F) temperatures. Thankfully it is fine.:sweat:

Edited by Teetengee
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TITH, my Warhound Titan arrived - unparalleled joy! A tidy of the desk followed, and an urge to build a Great Unclean One that had seen better days emerged. He's missing his left leg, and has been in a random pot for far too long. Time to sculpt a new one and bring him back to life!

Combine the two and build a massive daemon engine of Nurgle!



Oh so tempting... sadly, this was only a little baby GuO, so would only really make a good giant Nurgling compared to a Warhound :P

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TITH I pondered. If anyone has any interesting ideas for how to make Marine bikes look either possessed by Flesh Hounds or aesthetically similar to a Skull Cannon of Khorne, post them in my plog would you? I've got a few ideas but nothings coalescing.



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Trouble is that the Skull Cannon is way too big to represent a bike. Plus I don't think I can afford seven of them.


@Miko: The Flesh Hound bike will definitely get a waggy tail, if it happens. Possibly two.



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...affixed the assault cannon on my dark talon to stormtalon conversion, finished magnetizing the hurricane bolters on my storm raven, and finished the first round of gap filling on my caestus assault ram (and also began an ornamentation project for said caestus).


Surprised I didn't start listening to the Top Gun soundtrack-- I clearly had aircraft on the brain today. 

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...I dry fitted the tracks to my Spartan I received for my 30th birthday a couple years back. You know the rest.


The long version: I've spent a long time cleanly assembling and magnetising the doors and centre hull to fit the tack units only to discover it is the track units that have shrunk and will need replacing. The new ones of course, if the correct size, won't fit the centre hull. YAY! Expect a call tomorrow, Forge World...

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Today in the hobby, I have been scouring the interwebs for ways of making the Dread that comes with Deathstorm in such a way that I can swap the casket front between Libby, DC and Furioso.


I may have it. Magnets :happy.:

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TITH I....

Continued working on the Lamenters Librarian some people may have seen me ask about in General PCA - finished the checks on his shoulder, which was terrifying enough, but I think they turned out quite well for a first try! Only problem is, now I don't want to ruin them by putting the Lamenters circle and bleeding heart sigil on them...:unsure.:

Going to keep working on the rest of him, hopefully I'll build up the courage soon!

+EDIT+ I did it!


Not perfect, but again hopefully it's not too bad for a first try!

Edited by KaosRaptor
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Yith I went to Warhammer World and got some painting advice from a GW bloke at the shop about how to paint Midnight Blue. I also had a few pints of Bugmans XXXXXX and toasted the first to Haldora Angbock! Edited by Scion of Ferrus
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