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Today in the hobby I....


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Putting a little more paint on my 3 space marines I am going to give away for the youtube subscriber contest I posted months ago before I fell into the warp.

Well same thing today. But now all they need is basing. Hopefully I can finish these guys tomorrow and get the video up.

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Today in the hobby I painted my first model since last year's ETL!
...But since it was Thorin Oakenshield and not a space marine, I don't think he'll make it into my WIP thread. :sweat:
Still, it felt good to get back to painting. I tried out a few new tricks with colours and the like and got some good results. And I did get another tactical squad for Christmas... :happy.:



KaosRaptor: That Lamenters shoulder pad is a thing of beauty, and you should definitely be proud of it! :biggrin.:

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Today in the hobby I gave up on the pointless magnetizing I was doing. One Sergeant and one Special Weapons Marine fully magnetized will be good enough. I spent too much time doing that instead of actually getting the Tac Marines assembled.

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Went through my army case to check what models I have in there, and form a sort of inventory list of usable models.


...There was much weeping, for I'd forgotten just how bad my old models were. Hopefully my new army will turn out better with the greater level of experience I have these days.

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Today in the hobby, I ordered some liquid blu stuff to eventually start casting the custom Rainbow Warrior shoulder guards I commissioned a while a go :wub.:

Tell us how it goes!


Certainly! :smile.:


It arrived today :happy.: Whilst I'm chomping at the bit to get started on it, I won't have any time until Sunday at the earliest. Whatever I try out will get posted though :happy.:


Also ordered £30 worth of bitz as well :blink.:

Edited by Aquilanus
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TITH: I just ordered some of the old Harlequin models. I am amped that 7th is so permissive and that the rumour thread showed me they are nicer then the new ones. I have LOVED Harlies since I was a kid in RT days but knew I couldn't paint worthy of them.




Dirty xenos ;)



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My horus heresy salamander lot from ebay came in today.  It contain a salamander contemptor with power fist and multi melts, 20 MK III salamander pads, 5 mark IV pads, and a rhino salamander decals bits, all for $60.  I am so happy with the purchase!

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I only got two more Tactical Marines done today. One Sergeant with Power Sword and Combi-Melta and a Heavy Flamer Marine. At that point I burnt out -pun not intended- and am needing to step away from it for a while.

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TITHI received the new Chaos Terminator Lord I ordered (and my third one total. Whoops :ermm:) and promptly began to assemble him into Warlord Elochai, the master of my Warband. Not sure about his sword yet though...also, threw Elochai's old body into the Simple Green Bath of Doom for a soak. If all goes well, he will be reborn as Abaddon - go figure.


Also finished scrubbing off some other bits, reassembled a stripped Exorcists Apothecary (with some improvements), and undercoated said Apothecary along with a recently stripped Dark Apostle/Champion from DV.


OH! And recently finished painting a Black Legion Terminator. I'm on a roll so far this year! :biggrin.:

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