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Ring around the Roses... (Updated 16/5 - Models)


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Well, as I'm on a hobby-hiatus right now, trying to pass my exams... my writing will be slower than before. I also want to do more battle-reports, as well as update you with my miniatures. I'll be working on re-painting/touching them up over the course of my study-break, just so I have something to keep me sane!

Hopefully I'll begin work on a Helfly over the Summer (it looks so sweet, and in-game, it's so great!), as well as convert some DV Cultists into Zombies/Nurglesque "Converted".

So, in the mean time, I thought I'd show you some of the models in my army so far:

The Harrowers (Wow, that dry-brushing looks horrible. I'll definitely be going over these guys).

The 4th Horseman (Still WIP, but I'll finish it soon!).

And my current incarnation of Jackal and Hyde (They'll be receiving some touch-up work/converting as well).

As always, comment, criticise and enjoy!

- Malatox

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That Land Raider looks pretty disgusting, and the Termis look really neat too.

I´m following your stories with interest, however I never really know what to say about them biggrin.png.

Been enjoying them so far though, so keep at it msn-wink.gif. Quite like how Lil´ Runt has been placed in the previous post.

P.s: Don´t despair about few comments, same in my thread :(. Seems the nurgle part of the forum is fairly quiet, what with all the plagues we have to spread and all.

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@TheDevourer Thanks for the comment and support, man! Always nice to hear that someone is enjoying my stuff smile.png.

Here's some more photos of my army for you all to enjoy!
As before, some are WIP and some need touched up as they haven't been used a lot since I started Blood Angels before 6th, and they were used a lot before then.

Here you go:

The Plasma Squad

Flamer and Icon Squad

Melta Squad

And a couple of Rotten Rhinos

As always, comment and criticise until your decaying hearts are content!

- Malatox

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