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Ring around the Roses... We all fall down. (NEW Story!)


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Hey all,

With the influx of spare-time I'll soon be having, what with the finishing of College, I'll be playing a lot more 40k, and namely my Death Guard.

This time though, I want to make my hobby experience much more story-driven, with me writing battle-reports in a stylistic manner and generally having fun with the characters. I think this will keep me on my toes for going to University next year, and be entertaining whilst doing so.


I know it isn't Shakespeare or work like ADB's, but I'm giving it a bash and I hope you enjoy it, and please give feedback, as I'd love to hear from you gentlemen.
So, without further ado:




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New Battle Report up on the page.
Let me know what you think, as I'm feeling disheartened with it all.

As always, feel free to comment, criticise or applaud.

- Malatox

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