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Creating a ruleset for fast-paced skirmish games


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Hello all,


I've gotten into a project to address my current discontent with various rule sets I have seen in the miniature wargaming community. I will not even start claiming that I've seen them all, because I haven't. Also I'm not saying that the other rulesets are crap and that mine is better; they all have their strengths and weaknesses in my mind and I will be using bits and pieces from various rulesets to create my own. And I would like to share this project with whoever is interested in such a project.


Of course, this ruleset doesn't directly concern Space Marine/Imperial Guard/Chaos armies, or even 40k in general, but you could use these rules to play with your chosen army in smaller-scale battles. Hopefully the mods/admins will be OK with leaving this thread open, as long as discussion doesn't stray too far from the ruleset itself and how it could be used for the armies represented by the B&C.


Now that all of that is out of the way, here's the link for the WIP rules: link


You may notice that there is a Creative Commons license on this document. This is because I have no problem sharing my work with people and allowing them to copy/paste and edit it for their own use (or even to share it further afield), as long as they DO NOT use it commercially and are prepared to share their own work with others.


Anyway, I hope that people with have something to say about the first 2½ pages, because any C&C is appreciated! :)

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