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The art of sisters


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I understand what you are saying, but the repentia GW makes are a little to scantily clad for me. I didn't mean any offense. I am definitely a fan of Sisters. It makes me sad I find myself unwilling to field one of their best cc units. I will say I am not very familiar with the fluff yet, but I was not commenting on the fluff, just the GW models. I'm sorry for not making that clear.


Honestly I was not trying to suggest there is anything wrong with repentia themselves, I was just saying I do not like the way the Games Workshop models look. I am simply not comfortable fielding a model like that. I would be happy to use repentia should the model change. I COMPLETELY agree that there is nothing inherently sexual about repentia. Thanks for straightening that out!


Ugh. I spent way too long trying to word this comment correctly. I really am trying to be clear. Please forgive any faux pas in this comment.

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NOOOOOO... I let my repentias keep the bodygloves, that worn under power armor.  Just shred the tabards and robes.  No need to go oversexual like slaanesh.  (what's with the freaking garter belts anyway?)




I think this is all part of issues GW has with Sisters of Battle:  THEY dont know what to DO with them.


1.  Religion:    dont think staffers are left to handle the Imperial Creed/cult fluff.  I think current events of last 10+ years is a bit touchy about "religious extremism" to make a sound choice of army development, marketted to kids to collect. 

2.  copyrights?    Too much similarity with Fish Speakers of Dune novels.   (look it up, what a ripoff) 

3.  short staffed.   Around the web, i've read things that GW cut it's development staff to reduce costs and maximize profits.   Is there anyone left a GW who cares about the Sisters?  Me thinks not.  I dont think Gav Thorpe and Jes Goodwin are around GW anymore?

4.  gender:   dont think GW knows a thing about heroic female archetypes.. or ANY heroic characters reguardless of genders.  Glad Matt Ward is gone, taking his anti-female anti-Sisters tone with him.  If it wasnt for Dan Abnett, we'd have not gotten a character like St. Celestine, from his inspiration.  I dont think GW staffers and dev team know how to handle girls enough to try market to them.  


GW has proven, over years, they have the technology and savy to produce multi-part female models, and robes and armor.   ( Dark Eldar + Age of Sigmar)


Basically:  it's about the Will to proceed.  I dont think GW has the will, and they too scared.


But the artist community:  hobbyists, collectors, and professionals, are what are keeping Sisters of Battle aloft.  Great job to all the artists, and collectors of art, out there.

Edited by Ironheaded
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If they redo Repentia I would love for them to look more like that picture where they are all scary and crazy looking. That pic would make a Dark Eldar think twice.


Before Witchhunter codex, all the SoB forum groups and bulletin boards always talked about "Sister Novices", for a close combat unit.  Give the gal a chainsword and bolt pistol, maybe special weapons for the squad, and drive them into the thick of it.   That would have made the leader of the squad an evil drill sergeant, not a dominatrix punishing the wicked.   Seems like 4th edition Black Templars grabbed that idea with Initiates and Neophyte scouts.  (Codex: Armageddon)




Oh well.. I tried.


I happen to know a few IRL Dominatrix .... and their idea of a unit of troops that has a Mistress+whips in charge ... they'd be all men.   BUUUUUUUUUT i dont think that artwork would fly... and certainly not ready for game development.  :ohmy.:

Edited by Ironheaded
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What a ridiculously sweeping statement. The dommes I know are quite happy with their girls :tongue.:


Interestingly, since leaving the company, Matt Ward has come out as something of a proponent of female empowerment, quite the opposite of his work for the company, including writing a fantasy murder mystery with a female protagonist... which makes me wonder if the original version of the Bloodtide Incident was a case of executive meddling.


As for the sexualisation of Repentia, I really don't think that female nudity is inherently sexual, especially not when the closest 'adult entertainment' equivalent to the way they treat their bodies isn't suitable for mentioning on a family-friendly board.

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This borders on derailing the thread....


I happen to know a few IRL Dominatrix .... and their idea.....


Just the ones I personally know.  LOTS of room for YKINMK.   More stories are better shared on OTHER forums.  :ph34r.:


....which makes me wonder if the original version of the Bloodtide Incident was a case of executive meddling.



Oh I'm sure there was some meddling.   As I started, but failed to finish the point:  I think GW is scared of women empowerment, even symbolically.   And/or they are ignorant of it.  And clearly they dont do things for The Community, in totality of the game, regardless of gender.  


As for the sexualisation of Repentia, I really don't think that female nudity is inherently sexual, especially not when the closest 'adult entertainment' equivalent to the way they treat their bodies isn't suitable for mentioning on a family-friendly board.



I think I make my save vs. Foot In Mouth.   I continue.   I think the artwork in question is

1.  Easy Target for shock value to sell miniatures that look nothing like the art. 

2.   No-class cheap exploit (like those unnamed sites.)  "hey, lets put girls who lack self control/restraint, into defiling restraints, and run them forward in a suicide charge... oh and say the WANT to.  Yea yeah.. staple a purity seal to their tongue too... great idea... The Board will be fapping all the way to the bank."  

3.  Enabling weak minds to think that about said army.    How many slaaneshi references have been aimed at Sisters, yet artworks for Slaanesh/Dark Eldar arent in the same league?


My common response after me and my Sister's win.   "Dude.. when you call my army "Bolter-B****es"... you remember to preface it with Bad-Assed, ok?" 


I have no knowledge of Matt Ward's career now.   My only question about his story writing... is his protagonist interchangeable to a male character or not?  


No need to clog this thread further with my sidebars.  Sorry

Back to the Artworks!!   rawr. 

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I'd say the composition is weaker than the artwork. The wounded Sister's pose is.. well, gonna be blunt. Atrocious. Have you ever tried sitting on one calf like that? It doesn't work unless you have something to lean on, and its still a bad idea.

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I'd say that the Retributor mugshot in the Witch Hunter dex is right up there with the 2e stuff, Ez. :tongue.:



Edited by *Furyou Miko
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I'd say that the Retributor mugshot in the Witch Hunter dex is right up there with the 2e stuff, Ez. :tongue.:




I'd love to discover what artist did this piece, and others, from the Witchhunter's codex.

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Has anyone seen the Sisters diorama against Thousand Sons (if I recall correctly) doing the rounds on the Sisters/40K FB pages? I'd link it, but at least one of said pages are set to "closed" :sad.:


It's fantastic :wub.:


I've added them to my photobucket. To emphasise the fact - this diorama is not my work. If anyone finds out who made this, please let myself thade, Naminé or Miko know so that I can add the information to this post.



I've used the "Hidden" tags to hide the pictures, as they're quite large. Wouldn't be fair for those members who use phones as it might take a bit to load the page!

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