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The art of sisters


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I'm just not a fan of the faces. At all. Otherwise, I do like the last one.



Found this while puttering around on Google.  By cyphercodicer2 over on Deviantart.




I quite like his grasp of shadow.  The face, less so.  But still, neat. :smile.:

And this one. I actually prefer the face on this one to the faces in the post above. Whatever. Anyway, this is a really cool drawing.

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The faces on the 'pretty' Sisters all look really young - like, fourteen-to-sixteen-year-old novices young, that's the key 'uncanny' problem wit them. We're used to thinking of Battle Sisters as these testosterone-and-hate-filled old bitches (and I use the term affectionately).


That and the fact that the scars haven't been properly integrated into the face, so they look like they're painted on afterwards. Heavy scarring like that should twist the rest of the face up a bit.

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That batch of Sisters is definitely really idealized but I can't honestly hate them for it. Then again I assume most factions get an idealized look when put into art form so maybe it's my biases talking.


Also I fail to see an issue with a red tattoo. It fits in with the Sisters favorite triad of color choices after all: white, black and red.

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I don't know. Maybe they just don't look angry enough. They are supposed to HATE the enemies of the Emperor right?

Eh. Still not a fan, but I guess it's better than no art for our army.

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I'm guessing expressions may not be that artist's strong suit, or these could be "dramatic depictions of [inserts Saint Here]" that show them expressing a "saintly virtue and poise".

If I'm completely honest, I can only describe these faces as pinup-esque, and that's what really bothers me.

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I'm guessing expressions may not be that artist's strong suit, or these could be "dramatic depictions of [inserts Saint Here]" that show them expressing a "saintly virtue and poise".

If I'm completely honest, I can only describe these faces as pinup-esque, and that's what really bothers me.
It's the placid and lifeless eyes I bet.
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I'm guessing expressions may not be that artist's strong suit, or these could be "dramatic depictions of [inserts Saint Here]" that show them expressing a "saintly virtue and poise".

If I'm completely honest, I can only describe these faces as pinup-esque, and that's what really bothers me.
It's the placid and lifeless eyes I bet.


That, and the whole expression, and their skin and facial structure is just too perfect. I guess you can justify that. I'm just trying to quantify exactly what feels off.

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Maybe it's just these old eyes, but it looks kind of like the faces are photographs Photoshopped onto drawings. 


Of course, the expressions could also be showing that they are  a state of ecstasy over killing all the enemies of the Emperor.:unsure.:

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Is it just me or are comments about drawn pics in this thread a lot harsher, than the general comments on painted miniatures elsewhere in the sisters' forum? Wonder if one difference is, that most painted miniature pics are advertised as "this is my...", while (apart form some brave exeptions) most pics here are "this is from someone else...".


Anyway, I don't know, whether or not the artist wanted this exact expression (When it comes to painting facial expressions, I imagine there exists a phase between "being glad it resembles a face at all" and "complete control of every nuance of emotion", where an artist is just as curious as any observer, of how exactly an expression will turn out!), but to me it looks just right... considering scenarios which slightly differ from the previously mentioned ones.


A somewhat lifeless facial expression, devoid of any emotion might be just what to expect after experiencing the horrors of battle for the very first time, in a kinda realistic (non-40K-enjoyable) sense.

My more favored scenario though, is a promising young Sister, having dreamt of glorious Martyrdom in battle, realising the battle is already over, with the additional humbling by the Emperor, of not even having recived a single scar, to act as token of her dedication. I can imagine a Sister being quite deflated by that.


So yeah, I like the picture, despite the (forgivable details of) suspiciously heretical looking writing on the sword and the somewhat alien looking golden skulls ;)

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Actually, the last one posted by Slips has a fairly good facial expression. Cautious, slightly worried, but not afraid.


The problem is that she's covered in blood and should probably be rather more out of breath, given it looks like she's just won a sword fight with a chaos marine.


It's the ones who have that little schoolgirl smile, or worse are licking their lips come-hither that just look flat-out wrong, expression wise...

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Interesting. The mouth seems a little wide (not that I can even draw a face that looks like a face at all)


It's only a touch wide (the edge of the lips should line up with the middle of the eyes) but considering sometimes people have wider than average mouths it's not a huge deal. Consider it a minor mutation deemed safe?

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