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tentacles,pipes,power cords

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greetings all, i need some help. ive finally finished my csm land raider and now i want to make it more chaos. i wanna put more powerpipes and add a few tentacles to it to make it more brutal. any and all ideas are welcome.  

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You can buy moulds for Green Stuff with which you can make power cables. I don't have any myself but I'm sure another member can reference/link them.


Personally I use guitar wire for power cables. Shaping it can be a bit tough, but it's cheap.


As for tentacles, depending on the thickness you want I would either go with a wire core bent jnto the desired shape and pinned into the model, with GS wrapped around it (and then sculpt whatever texture you want on it...octopus suckers or whatever), or if it's not likely to get knocked about too much then don't bother with the wire and just mould it from GS.

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It depends if it's going to be flush with the model or not.


If it is, then simply using a thin sausage of green stuff placed where you want the cable/tentacle (fixed with super glue for added strength) then, after 30mins of curing - sculpt any details you want - cable ridges or tentacle suckers for example.


If not, then guitar wire for cables or wire as a base for tentacles is a reasonable idea.


For tentacles specifically, the chaos spawn box has a selection to choose from, as do some of the WFB monsters.


You might also find some on 3rd party sites.

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