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ETL II - launching May 15th

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I did not participate last year, but I am interested this year.  I have a question, an I'm hoping that one of the vets can help me out.



The link from last year's rules states "Only two pictures are required – one in the beginning (minis unpainted or primed or in very early stages of painting) and one for the finished vow."



How unfinished does something have to be to count as an acceptable starting point?  I have some stuff that is base coated then 1 color.  Does that count as "very early stages of painting"?  If so, I'll hold off till the 15th.  Otherwise, I'll keep painting my current project until the 15th and start something fresh then.     

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That normally isn't a big problem. You might post the start picture and get it ok'd from the TO.

I normally have them in the stages from sprue to basecoated on the first pic. And then a finished pic. I believe Captain Semper last year emphasized that its a painting competition.

But conversions, etc increase the awesomeness. :)

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Having brought shame on our chapter last year by being unable to complete my vow, this year I will abstain from competing. To those BAs who do compete, I wish you all the very best.


Mogsam, this thread is just a notification. The full rules, etc, will likely follow in a few days.

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I have some questions, I hope someone could help me with.


I've only been playing 40k for about a year and I haven't painted anything (or painted ever really), is there something I need to do to be able to join in?  My quality will probably be low as a first timer, but it sounds like real fun.

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I have a bunch of characters like Mephiston and Dante in shining silver armor. Maybe it is time for them to get some nice colors. :)

Yep. Last year I did mephy, tycho, 3 different lemartes, corbulo. Easy points. And 4 librarians, 20 Terminators, 15-20 death company.

If you have many unpainted models then just get cracking from day one. :)


I have some questions, I hope someone could help me with.


I've only been playing 40k for about a year and I haven't painted anything (or painted ever really), is there something I need to do to be able to join in? My quality will probably be low as a first timer, but it sounds like real fun.

Normally its tabletop standard. 3 colours. Last my year my painting quality greatly improved due to actually getting some experience. Just go for it. :)
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