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ETL II - launching May 15th

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One can actually be up to date in regards to buying/painting. :)


I can't tempt you into finding a soon to be captain model. Promotion from a tactics squad and reaping the rewards of the bits box for bling? 3 months to do it?


Everything counts. :)


This goes out to everybody. Small and large painting projects all add up.


We can do this!

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Guys, this time I'll help you! I am out of Chaos models to paint so I will get something up for my Flesh Tearers. First out of my budget will be a tactical squad and if primed models will be allowed, I will take up my Death Company and a Crusader. Maybe will add up a captain as well.

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Of course you can! AND there is a legacy to protect... :D

Yeah, but It's some time ago. Hopefully this time we'll revive it.

Guys, this time I'll help you! I am out of Chaos models to paint so I will get something up for my Flesh Tearers. First out of my budget will be a tactical squad and if primed models will be allowed, I will take up my Death Company and a Crusader. Maybe will add up a captain as well.

This sounds very good, Brother.
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I have a bunch of characters like Mephiston and Dante in shining silver armor. Maybe it is time for them to get some nice colors. smile.png

Yep. Last year I did mephy, tycho, 3 different lemartes, corbulo. Easy points. And 4 librarians, 20 Terminators, 15-20 death company.

If you have many unpainted models then just get cracking from day one. smile.png

>I have some questions, I hope someone could help me with.

I've only been playing 40k for about a year and I haven't painted anything (or painted ever really), is there something I need to do to be able to join in? My quality will probably be low as a first timer, but it sounds like real fun.

Normally its tabletop standard. 3 colours. Last my year my painting quality greatly improved due to actually getting some experience. Just go for it. smile.png

What does 3 color tabletop standard mean?

Also, if I wanted to pain my Blood Angles as a successor chapter, would that be here or LIBER ASTARTES?

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that would be here... Anything that would use the BA rules counts for this forum.


3 colour tabletop standard means exactly that - tabletop standard (so you'd be happy to use it in a game calling it painted) but since people have different opinions of tabletop standard then a useful giude is "Does it have at least 3 different colours on it?" (which cuts out the people who just spray undercoat it in 1 colour and call it done).


For BA's - that would be red armour, black weapons with boltgun metal on the metal bits (for example), or it might be red armour, black weapons and appropriate coloured kneepads (for squads) or helmets if assault or devastator marines.

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Where do you post your start and end pictures, the same place where you put your vow? I think I saw some people use a link to a different page, so would that link go on the "vow page" too if you did that? Also, what are the rules as far as "counts as" models? Obviously you can't paint a guardsmen and say it's Mephiston :P I have always wanted to make custom Sternguard Vets though because of how expensive the finecast guys are (I did trade for some of the actual models though that are NOS).Anyways, they would have SG heads with the laurels on them, studded shoulder pads on one side and the Flesh Tearer's shoulder pads on the other, and DC bolters. Could I say that these are my Sternguard for the vow? Or does it have to be the actual GW model, not my own creation (hope I'm making sense here) Lastly, is it okay to strip and repaint models? (just being sure)

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Do DIY successors count in the Liber Forums or under their parent Chapter's forum?  For instance, I have a Blood Angels DIY successor that I'd rather enter under the BA forums rather than the DIY forums, but I understand if each of the specific forums is dedicated to the official successors only.

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that would be here... Anything that would use the BA rules counts for this forum.


3 colour tabletop standard means exactly that - tabletop standard (so you'd be happy to use it in a game calling it painted) but since people have different opinions of tabletop standard then a useful giude is "Does it have at least 3 different colours on it?" (which cuts out the people who just spray undercoat it in 1 colour and call it done).


For BA's - that would be red armour, black weapons with boltgun metal on the metal bits (for example), or it might be red armour, black weapons and appropriate coloured kneepads (for squads) or helmets if assault or devastator marines.

Do DIY successors count in the Liber Forums or under their parent Chapter's forum?  For instance, I have a Blood Angels DIY successor that I'd rather enter under the BA forums rather than the DIY forums, but I understand if each of the specific forums is dedicated to the official successors only.

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well, i've got at least 2 predators that need to get done.  If I'm using magnets to make all the sponsons and turrets swappable, what do I count them as for points?  (I'm planning on using them primarily as destructors with HB sponsons, but las/las is worth almost twice as many points!  Or dare I wonder if I can count *all* the upgrade points for the totals.)


I've got a bunch of models to do beyond that, including 2 LRRs.  Same question will apply about magnetized bits - notably i've got 20 more assault marines to do who are getting their back/jump packs magnetized (at the least, possibly special weapons too if i can figure out where to put the magnets).  Also got 2 Baals which are assembled but need paint, and a whirlwind and a stormraven somewhere that are in boxes. 


Assembly required for most of this stuff.  And that's just my stuff which is definitely blood angels.  (I've got a pile of RT era plastics and metals that I plan on doing something with one of these days, and an extra tac squad that was 'free' with a bunch of that other stuff, and a drop pod.  Actually, I think those RT era metals have a Tycho in them somewhere...).


Edit: If I wanted to do the Tac squad in the drop pod as allies, do they count in the BA Forum because they're allies of a BA army, or in the regular SM forum even though I have no other SM army?

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Thanks for that, Taranis... not sure how I missed that. :D


I've got a ton of points to paint up for this... starting with a conversion for my "counts as" Astorath, four Storm Ravens and their applicable squads.  I KNOW I can get those done... then we'll see what other points I can throw together.  Good thing I'm largely on half days while the rest of my unit is TDY.

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Any idea how to make painting vehicles less... painful?


I have 2 ravens, 2 dreads, a drop pod (or 2 if I find one for cheap) that NEED getting done.  I have an unpainted landraider, razorback, and a couple landspeeders lying around in support if we need the points, but I'm loathe to start them...


As for other models, I got "Meph", "Dante", 5 Sanguinary Guard, various DC, various AS, and two attack bikes that need doing.

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spray paints - ask about and see if any of your fellow gamers have a compressor and gun ot go with - Car paint mechanics might have one u might be able to use in their workshop (if you promise to clean it up properly afterwards) or might be able to point u in teh right direction, also nail artists/tattoo shops might know of some available, failing that GW did produce a hand-flamer spray gun which ran off compressed air cylinders (the same size as their undercoat cans) but those gas cylinders are a pig to use...


I know a mate of mine found a nice little compressor in a skip outside a hairdressers/beauty parlour that had closed down. £5 in new parts and it works a dream (for a £400 machine thats a steal in anyones books!).

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