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ETL II - launching May 15th

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This is brilliant just after my spending at Warhammer World I have now got serious motivation to get it all done, I swear to Grandfather Nurgle I shall not fail least my soul be forfeit

This is going to be fun

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yea , i havent painted anything since the last one! i will be painting the ever growing horde that ive got since then.

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I am still not sure If I go for Blood Angels or Chaos in this competition. I have lots of blackcoated stuff that I have to paint but... hmpf! I should paint some Blood Angels but I feel being more of a chaos worshiper. I am not decided yet.

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The dark gods offer much higher Rewards msn-wink.gif. Stick to the legions of Chaos. Let the sparkly Vampires be.

Mutters a prayer to Tzeentch *Blood Angels aren´t the army you want to paint for*

+1 For above Post. But mine are green :D

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The dark gods offer much higher Rewards msn-wink.gif. Stick to the legions of Chaos. Let the sparkly Vampires be.

Mutters a prayer to Tzeentch *Blood Angels aren´t the army you want to paint for*

By Khorne!!! My possessed are quite long time awaiting some paint (and are quite large point value for a vow) and I also have some Khorne berzerkers locked in my closet since the time I preffer CSM. Oh and about 50 cultists from Dark Vengeance that aren't even assembled. I will stay with you guys!!!!

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I've just began stripping all my CSM and everything, finally a painting comp I can support the true gods in! Perfect timing, though a squad of termies will miss the vow :(

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I'm really rubbish at painting to deadlines and have never completed a vow, but I'm thinking this time will be different and I can use my past failures to spur me on to success.


Plus, I just finished stripping my Emperor's Children leaving me with plenty of Chaos stuff that needs painting! :P 


Looking forward to it,


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