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Initiative: Let's save the Nuns


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Hello to everyone. I come to make a call for solidarity to the community warhammera the 41 millennium. And special and strongly ask the moderators to allow me to propose this initiative somewhat unusual in the forum, and I apologize for such a crazy idea.


The idea is simple, ask anyone who is willing and able to lend a hand, send an email to Games Workshop calling for the restoration of the Sisters of Battle, the dear nuns sinister universe. What do I mean by this? In principal, two specific things:


1) On the one hand, that GW do not forget this charismatic relege army and not to a section within the Grey Knights codex (as has been circulating a rumor-standing) or that the recluyan to a section of a little magazine ( as is the current situation).


2) And second, it is fixed by the outrage ocacionado CAPRICHO one person, charging and passing by the place where insurance does not get sun, a background of over 20 years of operation. To be more clear, that the Adept Sororitas / Sisters of Battle again become the member of Ordo Hereticus camera as it had been since its inception, as it dictates the result of the Assembly of Nephilim.


The idea is to show that gambling GW by the nuns is profitable, so the more you receive emails asking about this army, more palpable would this fact: that the Sisters of Battle can make them earn money!


I know that's not the only disgraced codex, which even today is quite playable (I can vouch for that), and there are several other codex that need more than a renewal of the Sisters (like the Black Templars). But the truth is that no army (except Necron) was so hackneyed trasfondisticamente like girls. And it's time that we show GW you have to respect some of the history and soul of armies, not just dismember because a crazy fanatic would think do what you want whenever you grab a codex to renew (I've banned myself to appoint such an animal).


So, now you know. All who want to support this initiative, please send an email letting them know your concerns to this address: hobby@gwplc.com


Thank you very much for all your support.

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Peridocially, someone comes up with the campaign to pettition Gee Dub for a new codex. In the past we've reached the consensus that we'd be more persuasive with physical letters than electronic submissions.


Also, I think I'd characterise the sister's list more as deprecated than disgraced.

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The cause is noble and, as ever, I want to believe: if you all feel motivated enough to write to GW on your own behalfs, as individual customers who want to buy a product that does not yet exist, it can't hurt to try. It's certainly not against the board rules (to my knowledge) for a member to call out for such an action.


I hate to say that "I don't suspect it will do any good" and, I admit, I definitely want to believe...but, I don't suspect it will do any good. This board is among the quietest on the forums (possibly we have more lurkers than I suspect...possibly) and it would take a LOT of such messages to get any real attention (I'd guess in the thousands, at least the hundreds). GW is a business and they base their decision of What to Make Next on what they believe will net them the greatest amount of profit in the shortest amount of time possible. Projected gains rule any business, really, and it takes tremendous inertia to put resources (time, money) into a product that they haven't projected big gains for.


Do I think Sisters would sell? I don't have the data to base a decision on there; I could only guess, and my guess is necessarily biased by how much I personally would like plastic Sisters and a really-real codex. I would certainly buy them; we all would. But "we all" is, I suspect, not really enough to stagger the GW brass into thinking "Gee, there was more of a market for plastic Sisters than we thought."


We can hope (and I do, actively) and thus, it can't hurt to write them a note saying "Hey, I'd buy plastic Sisters of you made them, and my friends would too!" So, do so with my blessing. May the Emperor ever guide your blade.

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Hello to everyone. I come to make a call for solidarity to the community warhammera the 41 millennium. And special and strongly ask the moderators to allow me to propose this initiative somewhat unusual in the forum, and I apologize for such a crazy idea.


The idea is simple, ask anyone who is willing and able to lend a hand, send an email to Games Workshop calling for the restoration of the Sisters of Battle, the dear nuns sinister universe. What do I mean by this? In principal, two specific things:


1) On the one hand, that GW do not forget this charismatic relege army and not to a section within the Grey Knights codex (as has been circulating a rumor-standing) or that the recluyan to a section of a little magazine ( as is the current situation).


2) And second, it is fixed by the outrage ocacionado CAPRICHO one person, charging and passing by the place where insurance does not get sun, a background of over 20 years of operation. To be more clear, that the Adept Sororitas / Sisters of Battle again become the member of Ordo Hereticus camera as it had been since its inception, as it dictates the result of the Assembly of Nephilim.


The idea is to show that gambling GW by the nuns is profitable, so the more you receive emails asking about this army, more palpable would this fact: that the Sisters of Battle can make them earn money!


I know that's not the only disgraced codex, which even today is quite playable (I can vouch for that), and there are several other codex that need more than a renewal of the Sisters (like the Black Templars). But the truth is that no army (except Necron) was so hackneyed trasfondisticamente like girls. And it's time that we show GW you have to respect some of the history and soul of armies, not just dismember because a crazy fanatic would think do what you want whenever you grab a codex to renew (I've banned myself to appoint such an animal).


So, now you know. All who want to support this initiative, please send an email letting them know your concerns to this address: hobby@gwplc.com


Thank you very much for all your support.


I am just going to shoot you down here, because the Sisters have never, ever been part of the Ordo Hereticus.


Other than that, sure, I'll write a letter.

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If you ever get to meet one of the codex writers or even a White Dwarf editor, you will find two things most of them will common.  One is that they are all aware that Sisters of Battle have a strong following and they all want to give the army all the attention it deserves; but there are only so many projects they can handle at once.  The other -- and I want to say this as politely as possible -- they really don't give a rat's arse what the internet thinks.  They have built the company on what they like to see in their games; this has worked very well so far so they see no reason to do anything different.  It actually baffles them that other people can not see this.

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If you ever get to meet one of the codex writers or even a White Dwarf editor, you will find two things most of them will common.  One is that they are all aware that Sisters of Battle have a strong following and they all want to give the army all the attention it deserves; but there are only so many projects they can handle at once.  The other -- and I want to say this as politely as possible -- they really don't give a rat's arse what the internet thinks.  They have built the company on what they like to see in their games; this has worked very well so far so they see no reason to do anything different.  It actually baffles them that other people can not see this.


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sadly, the above statement is true.  its their company, they go with the views of the writers, that being said, if they listened to the fan base more often, you would have some cooler stuff and ideas, but wait, if not for the fan base, they probably wouldn't have pushed the heresy era stuff, because the fans are the ones eating it up.  Fans do move product and sells, more than they care to admit, and though their stores cater to teens with rich parents, and getting new people into the hobby, if the fans stopped investing and playing, they wouldn't really have a game to sell in the first place.  


I would right an email to GW, but last time I tried, it kept getting sent back, saying address unknown.    Instead, I just bought some sister stuff from them directly, mostly immolators. It at least gives them some sales to say, their are interested people buying them still.  

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If you ever get to meet one of the codex writers or even a White Dwarf editor, you will find two things most of them will common.  One is that they are all aware that Sisters of Battle have a strong following and they all want to give the army all the attention it deserves; but there are only so many projects they can handle at once.  The other -- and I want to say this as politely as possible -- they really don't give a rat's arse what the internet thinks.  They have built the company on what they like to see in their games; this has worked very well so far so they see no reason to do anything different.  It actually baffles them that other people can not see this.

That's something I can respect honestly.


But yeah, on the side, Sisters aren't part of the Ordo Hereticus.  Their relationship is much more complex than that.

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Just like to mention that GW rarely if ever really dumps an existing army.

The only army I can really remember being dumped were the Squats mostly because GW couldn't really figure out what to do with them (as they were, they felt they didn't do the "space dwarf" archetype justice).

One of the few other codices I know has been dropped is Codex:Ultramarines, and for good reason, imo (they don't need one ontop of the regular Codex: Space Marines).


At least Zoats can be used sort-of as Tyranid Warriors...


So imo; while this thread won't do much good, I doubt they'd sweep the SoBs under the rug.

Could take a decade... or more though (looks at Dark Eldar).

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Just like to mention that GW rarely if ever really dumps an existing army.

The only army I can really remember being dumped were the Squats mostly because GW couldn't really figure out what to do with them (as they were, they felt they didn't do the "space dwarf" archetype justice).

One of the few other codices I know has been dropped is Codex:Ultramarines, and for good reason, imo (they don't need one ontop of the regular Codex: Space Marines).

'Dex 'Marines is the successor to 'Dex Ultra's as 'Dex Witchhunters was to 'Dex Sisters of Battle.


Gee Dub appears to kill things quietly and without fanfare. They're letting the specialist range quietly slip away without announcement. The Squats got Squatted because the couldn't reconcile the imagery with something they were willing to produce. There was no announcement that they'd be discontunued, they just stopped advertising the forthcomming 'Dex Squats.


From what I've heard over the years, they've had similar struggles with the battle sisters, specifically he 'flowy bits'. If they can't solve it to Jes' satisfaction, they'll just quietly disappear. Have we ever seen Fine Cast Sororita? I don't think I have, which implies the same fate as the rest of the metal ranges. The range could be dead and we just don't know it yet.


Of course, I've also read rumours that most of the range is 'in the can' waiting for a release window, that the white dwarf list is a show of support analogous to the BAngle WD list.

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I sent my request for Codex: Sisters of Battle and also suggested the following units:


Sisters on Bikes (Bad Biker Bitches Yeah!)


Sisters in Terminator Armor (I'd buy them)


Shooty version of Penitent Engine (With Melta Cannons!)


A Flyer! (it's only fair!)


A giant 4 legged Heavy Dreadnaught ala the Chaos Defiler only for the Emperor!


Sisters Initiates armed with Autoguns, Flamers and Heavy Stubbers, Imperial Cultists!


Of course anything new would be appreciated even if it's just a new Codex!



Long live the Nuns with Guns!



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A couple of points I would like to add are:


1.  Squats were dropped for the fact that NO ONE BOUGHT THEM.  It was a complete failure as a product line.  The primary push for squats came after the line had been pulled, the classic case of people wanting what they couldn't have.  The majority of the players out there with squat models purchased them from alternate stock sources after the line was pulled.


2.  I for one feel that I can wait for them to finish everyone else before we get a new codex.  But if they could provide the current list as a download, would be great.  I wouldn't even mind if they charged you the cost of 2 WD for it.  Nothing fancy, just an electronic version of what was in the magazine.


3.  I really don't want sisters to become just marines with mammary glands.  Believe me I get that most of us have a copy of macho women with guns (and perhaps even the supplement - Renegade Nuns on Wheels).  But I don't want female marines, because there is nothing stopping me from playing codex BA with my SOB models.  In fact since the back story for my army is a hospital mission, all the BA apothecaries would be very fitting.


I want a unique set of rules that plays the army different than any other list... not just a marine list w/o missile launchers, Land Raiders, and Plasma Guns.

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1. Squats were dropped for the fact that NO ONE BOUGHT THEM. It was a complete failure as a product line. The primary push for squats came after the line had been pulled, the classic case of people wanting what they couldn't have. The majority of the players out there with squat models purchased them from alternate stock sources after the line was pulled.

JJ stated that wasn't the problem.

Well, I do think that a flyer wouldn't be too far-fetched. happy.png

Even the WD list has one.

Bikers might be do-able.

TDA would be pretty much out of the question, afaik.

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YES< NUNS on wheels, they could be like biker chicks, lots of black leather, lace, spikes, and chains.   Thats exactly what sisters need, a hell on wheels unit.  

They could also give the sisters all terrain buggies, fills similar roles to attack bikes and speeders, but all on the ground.  IG only have speeders from forgeworld, but I could see the sisters with them, after all, they need mobile fast vehicles that could help them find and clear out the heretics and would be easier to get around a city or town, than a rhino would.  


TDA is definitely out, but I could see Sister dreadnoughts, not just penitent engines, but You would think that similar technology would help preserver some of the older and wiser canoness' from the order.  

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Folks, this is a Sisters board; the powers-that-be have been known to nuke threads that linger too long discussing what amounts to some mini-xeno scum whose existence we can neither confirm or deny. (That post by Jervis from so long ago is all the answer we will ever get; leave it at that so that this thread might otherwise survive. <3)

Sisters wouldn't survive the implantation into a Dreadnought; marines are stupendously durable due to their extreme gene mods: they are no longer human, while Sisters are very much so. I'll grant you, Sisters have their share of cybernetics and are one of the few (the only?) non-Astartes military organization to get power armor as standard issue. None of that will allow them to endure for centuries in a giant walking sarcophagus.

Terminator armor and sisters is something we've discussed before; in particular, I want to put *one* sister in TDA but I just can't come up with a conversion that doesn't look stupid. The reason Sisters don't have TDA is that it's an Ad Mech/Astartes thing. The stuff is incredibly rare and very, very expensive (and difficult) to produce and repair. If someone finds a suit of it, they hand it off to the marines that it belongs to, or the parent legion, or Ad Mech...or anybody other than the Ecclesiarchy. smile.png We won't see Sisters in TDA and, as has been said, we don't want to. Sisters are their own thing.

Sisters on bikes has certain appeal to me aesthetically; I could get down with that.

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... some mini-xeno scum whose existence we can neither confirm or deny. ...


Sisters wouldn't survive the implantation into a Dreadnought; marines are stupendously durable due to their extreme gene mods: they are no longer human, while Sisters are very much so. I'll grant you, Sisters have their share of cybernetics and are one of the few (the only?) non-Astartes military organization to get power armor as standard issue. None of that will allow them to endure for centuries in a giant walking sarcophagus....

Abhuman scum, not xeno. Homo Sapiens Rotundus is as human as Homo Sapiens Gigantus is, we must be clear in our fictional prejudices.


With regard to drednought implantation, it wasn't always surgical, it was just that surgery was reliable. Mind impulse units are used freaquently in the titan legions, just more a questin of having the strength of character to withstand melding and unmelding of conciousness with the machine spirits. It could be a dedicated corp of sisters specially selected and trained and used for a few years until they drool too much and discarded and a newer girl replaces the pilot.

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With regard to drednought implantation, it wasn't always surgical, it was just that surgery was reliable.

That's not the only concern; again, there's the ever looming question of resources. Full-on Dreadnought armor - like TDA - is ludicrously expensive to maintain and produce. It may actually fall into that category of things they can repair but not make fresh anymore; that's the kind of value we're talking about here.


Those suits are reserved for Astartes who - for a long time now - lay claim to the most expensive war gear that the Imperium has. (And Ad Mech, who serves as the source for the vast majority of that tech.) I just don't see either party giving enough suits to the Sisters/Ecclesiarchy for them to make it a thing. Maybe *one* suit...and it probably wouldn't be a Sister in it. It'd be like a cardinal or an Inquisitor or somebody else with stupid resources and influence. Not a whole unit of Sisters.

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With regard to drednought implantation, it wasn't always surgical, it was just that surgery was reliable.

That's not the only concern; again, there's the ever looming question of resources. Full-on Dreadnought armor - like TDA - is ludicrously expensive to maintain and produce. It may actually fall into that category of things they can repair but not make fresh anymore; that's the kind of value we're talking about here.


Those suits are reserved for Astartes who - for a long time now - lay claim to the most expensive war gear that the Imperium has. (And Ad Mech, who serves as the source for the vast majority of that tech.) I just don't see either party giving enough suits to the Sisters/Ecclesiarchy for them to make it a thing. Maybe *one* suit...and it probably wouldn't be a Sister in it. It'd be like a cardinal or an Inquisitor or somebody else with stupid resources and influence. Not a whole unit of Sisters.


The Ecclesiarchy is extremely wealthy by canon, yes? I could definitely see a Cardinal in TDA. Maybe not a Sisters unit in TDA, but perhaps some strange Ecclesiarchal equivalent (the way a Penitent Engine is a strange Dreadnought Equivalent) as an Elites slot support unit for him.

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The Ecclesiarchy is extremely wealthy by canon, yes? I could definitely see a Cardinal in TDA. Maybe not a Sisters unit in TDA, but perhaps some strange Ecclesiarchal equivalent (the way a Penitent Engine is a strange Dreadnought Equivalent) as an Elites slot support unit for him.

Yea, I buy that: a cardinal definitely has the resources to get himself Terminator armor if he really, really wants it; he'd need to go through Ad Mech for a fresh, unclaimed suit (or have a really solid relationship with a space marine chapter) as any Terminator armor with a chapter's blood on it carries much more in value than the sum of its parts and function.


Relationships in the Imperium (between organizations, but individuals too) really play a heavy role in cost for (and availability of) gear. The Ecclesiarchy and Ad Mech work together because they must (for the sake of the Imperium) but they're hardly buddy-buddy: there's the issue of very, very stark religious disagreement between them. One group straight-up worships the Emperor as a god, the other sees him as their Omnissiah, a manifestation of their ill-defined "Machine Spirit". So, you know, there's some tension there. The exact same issue stands between the Ecclesiarchy and most Space Marine chapters, barring those (necessarily few) chapters that do worship the Emperor as a god. Most SM chapters see the Emperor as a very powerful, very noble, very important man...but still a man, which (really) was the Big E's entire message up until he ascended his shiny chair.


Ad Mech supplies the Ecclesiarchy forces because they must and because very, very old pacts demand it. Space Marines offer support to the Ecclesiarchy for the same reasons. The relationships work much the same in the other direction. It doesn't mean Ad Mech would willingly trade a Titan to the Ecclesiarchy for anything though: equipment doesn't just have monetary value in 40K. Equipment can have very real sentimental value, based on memories, history (real and perceived), and philosophies which just plain don't align.


ADDENDUM: We're still on topic here. People want to write a letter to support Sisters; that kind of thing necessarily leads to people talking about *why* they want to support Sisters, i.e. what Sisters mean to them.


The people frequenting this board *love* the Sisters (myself included). They definitely deserve their due; their due is not TDA, nor Dreadnought armor. <3

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You know, I just had a thought. Instead of letter writing, or everyone getting together to order the same figure on the same day (saw that one on =I= REDACTED =I= I think), or some sort of direct demand like that, we could organise a "photo campaign". We all regularly email the web team (or whomever creates the White Dwarf Daily feature on the GW website) photos of individual squads, vehicles, or characters from the WD SoB codex that are fully painted. We send them those showcase photos, and we send them "action" photos (shots of our SoB armies being used.) That whole "a picture is worth a thousand words" thing.


Maybe if they get a regular stream of Sisters photos in their mailbox, more than normal for a few months, they might be encouraged to comment on it. At the very least it would bring some positive attention of the Sisters player base to GW. Keep the image of people using painted Sisters miniatures fresh in the minds of GW.

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