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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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+Dark Angels Strategium+





Dark Angels,

The Inner Circle is calling again for this year’s E TENEBRAE LUX Challenge. Brave warriors of the Lion, we’ve been through a lot together! We triumphed in the LPC-12 reaching an unprecedented 81% completion rate. We came second in last year’s ETL painting a hefty 34.7k points between us. We took the Path to Redemption for six consecutive months and triumphed again in this year’s LPC-13!

Brothers, we have proven that we are a force to be reckoned with and others rightly fear us. But the big prize eludes us. We have yet to win the ETL.

So are we going to draw on the might of the Unforgiven and utterly destroy our rivals? Can we beat last year’s 34.7 pts? Can we become Primus Inter Pares?







Well, this is the return of the ETL. There is some streamlining of the rules compared to last year so please read them carefully veterans and new participants alike. The rules can be found here:





This thread is the “Strategium” for this event. All vows of this sub-forum should be posted in this very thread in order to be valid. This is also the place to declare vow completions and/or vow renewals. Finally posting your WIP thread links will be tremendously helpful! This is a big event guys, so making life easier for me, will help avoid confusion and backs ‘n forths…

You can also use this thread to gauge the progress of your forum (last year’s veterans know I’ll update often) and compare it with other forums in their respective threads. It will also be a good place to talk to each other as how to go about it, and organize your forum effort.

If you want to refresh your memory of what happened last year, see the ETL I - Final report

I’ll be glad to answer any questions as we go along and I will keep track of all forums’ efforts. So I’m the person you need to talk to for anything regarding the procedures of this competition but your forum Moderators still have full control of the Meltas and they will gladly use all of them given half a chance... So be aware of that!









Adper | Vow 1 [340] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [565]

Alys Dwr | Vow 1 [260]

AngelVeto | Vow 1 [3,280]
Aradriel | Vow 1 [470] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [490]

Archangel | Vow 1 [500]

Arkley | Vow 1 [860]

Artemid | Vow 1 [240] COMPLETE

Biggabertha | Vow 1 [500]

BigGumbo | Vow 1 [311]
Brother Bethor | Vow 1 [1,056]

Brother Moridius  | Vow 1 [481]

Brother Vaas | Vow 1 [1,175] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [1,003]

BrotherSamael | Vow 1 [210]

Bryan Blaire | Vow 1 [100]

Cactus | Vow 1 [380]

Captain Semper | Vow 1 [195]

Captain Sox  | Vow 1 [497]
Cerroneth  | Vow 1 [515] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [250] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [600]
cod_lover | Vow 1 [466] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [1,060] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [2,140]

Covert Toaster | Vow 1 [525]

Cypher 102 | Vow 1 [841]

Dark Rage | Vow 1 [780]

Darkangel5051 | Vow 1 [520]

Deadboytat2  | Vow 1 [311] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [405] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [530]

Demitra | Vow 1 [365] COMPLETE

Disciples of Caliban Sgt | [Vow 1 [4,461]

disruptor_fe404 | Vow 1 [245]
egon1six  | Vow 1 [346]
elmo9141  | Vow 1 [250] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [440]
elphilo | Vow 1 [130] COMPLETE

exsulis81 | Vow 1 [200]
facmanpob | Vow 1 [580] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [255] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [165] COMPLETE | Vow 4 [300]

farfromsam | Vow 1 [200]

Flint&steel | Vow 1 [245] COMPLETE

Galthan Ironsturm | Vow 1 [275] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [255]

Gillyfish | Vow 1 [164]

Grand Master Belial | Vow 1 [220]
Grotsmasha  | Vow 1 [1,293]
IndigoJack  | Vow 1 [1,415]

JeffJedi |Vow 1 [420]

jeremy1391 | Vow 1 [65] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [820] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [1,140] COMPLETE | Vow 4 [675]

joshuarad2 | Vow 1 [145] COMPLETE

Liberame | Vow 1 [1,933] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [6,895]

Master Avoghai | Vow 1 [145] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [395] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [225]

OliverRaffle | Vow 1 [1,264]
Pbenner  | Vow 1 [480] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [980] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [1,185]

plasmaspam | Vow 1 [1,000]
pueriexdeus | Vow 1 [2,985]

Rajden | Vow 1 [1,800]
Razblood  | Vow 1 [285] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [140] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [230] COMPLETE | Vow 4 [120]

Red_Knight23 | Vow 1 [165] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [851]

Retaliation | Vow 1 [500] COMPLETE | Vow 2  [238]

Rindaris | Vow 1 [594]
Shiodome  | Vow 1 [415]
shortysl  | Vow 1 [260]

S.k.i.t.t.l.e | Vow 1 [155]

SnaRf.za | Vow 1 [482]
Stobz  | Vow 1 [185]

syddraf | Vow 1 [2,910]

Tanhausen | Vow 1 [155]
Tenshi | Vow 1 [380] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [160]

The Shadow Guard | Vow 1 [330]

vijok | Vow 1 [2,735]





HBMarley | Vow 1 [200]

Stormtrooper-VII | Vow 1 [130]







Captain Semper: Grimaldus should the BTs have more points completed by July 15th


facmanpob: Black Templar Marshal of the Crusade if the DA don't beat the BTs

Plasmaspam: an Emperor's Champion if the DA don't beat the BTs


jeremy1391: 5 man Crusader squad if the DA don't beat the BTs


Pbenner: an Emperor's Champion if the DA don't beat the BTs


Razblood: A Templar Character should the BTs have more points completed by July 15th


Grotsmasha: Grimaldus if the DA don't beat the BTs


Grand Master Belial: Grimaldus and the High Marshal should the BTs have more points completed by July 15th

I, Grotsmasha, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

3x Dreadnoughts
=> 3x Venerable
=> 1x Plasma Cannon
=> TL Heavy Bolter
=>TL Autocannons
=> Heavy Flamer
@ 375pts


2x Ezekial
@ 290pts

1x Librarian
=> Plasma Pistol
=> Displacer Field
@ 105pts


1x Belial
=> TLC
@ 190pts


1x Interrogator Chaplain
=> Mace of Redemption
@ 140pts



1x Company Veteran Squad (Fallen)

=> 1x Additiional Veteran

=> 1x Twin Lightning Claws

=> 1x Power Fist

=> 2x Power Weapon

@ 193pts


from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 1,293pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the mighty 1st Legion of the Lion, failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.



WIP thread HERE

EDIT: Whoops, vowed prior to reading the new rules, particularly the 5 vow limit, adjusted my vow.

EDIT #2: That's it, no more edits, my first Vow is now locked in.

EDIT #3: Corrected the finish date.

I Stobias Weatherbottom McGerkenshaw III, the painting servitor also known as Stobz msn-wink.gif answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

One 'Chaplain Lucifer interred in a MkIV Dreadnaught Sarcophagus and armed with a Thread closing Multi melta, a Reprimanding Heavy Flamer and a Foe Prosecuting Close Combat Chainsaw' from IA Apocalypse II of total value 185 points on or before August 15th.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end

It has begun...

Edit: Pic LINK 'cept the MM, I'm waiting on the MM to arrive from FW, they dispatched it yesterday so it maybe a week away. Put up with it, I'll get it painted biggrin.png

I, pbenner, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete (1) 10 man Deathwing Terminator Squad, Composed of;


1x Sargent with Stormbolter and Powersword

2x Powerfist and Assault Cannon

7x Powerfist and Stormbolter


for a grand total of 480pts on or before August 15th.  Success will bring Glory to the Dark Angels Chapter, and failure will force upon me the Badge of Shame until the end of the year, or the inquisitors release me.  


Okay, so...


I think I'll start here.  This is the first of two "complete" 10 man squads I have.  I only have one Assault Cannon painted and assembled, so this is good.  My 2nd vow will be that next squad and it should weigh in at around 500 points.  If I get both of those done, I will reward myself, and my 3rd vow will be Contemptors x3.  Hopefully work doesn't bite me, but it usually does.  


Good luck all, paint well, and hopefully no more broken bones for this forum!



  • I, Egon1six, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Ravenwing Attack Squadron w/ Attack Bike and  a Land Speeder from The First Legion: Dark Angels of total value of 346 points on or before August 31th. Success will bring eternal glory to The First Legion: Dark Angels and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Unit size and composition:



-3 additional RW Bikers

-X2 MG

-Veteran SGT (IDK if this is legal for ETL. Please let me know and I will deduct points as necessary.)**



-AB w/ MM

-LS w/ HB and AC


**- After all he is wearing robes over his PA ;)

I, Ancient Cerroneth, Venerable Dreadnought of Painting, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

One Belial, Master of the Deathwing for 190 points


One Deathwing Command Squad with Deathwing Champion, Deathwing Apothecary, Deathwing Company Banner, Plasma Cannon and chain-fist, and Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield for 325 points.


for a grand total of 515 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring

Glory to the Dark Angels Chapter, and failure will force upon me the
Badge of Shame until the end of the year, or the inquisitors release me.

I, pueriexdeus answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete Six Squads of Deathweing from Codex Dark Angels V5.0 for a total value of 2985 points on or before August 15th.  Success will bring Glory to the Pueri Ex Deus Chapter and the Dark Angel Legion and failure will force upon me the Badge of Shame until the end of the year.


This is Vow number One (1).


Squad A; 1x SGT w/PS & SB, 4x PF/SB, 3x TH/SS, 2X Assault Cannon = 495

Squad B; 1x SGT w/PS & SB, 4x PF/SB, 1x CF/SB, 2x TH/SS, 2x HFlmr,PF/CF = 480

Squad C; 1x SGT w/PS & SB, 2x TLC, 2x TH/SS, 2x PF/SB, 1x CF/SB, 2x Ass Cannon/PF = 495

Squad D; 1x SGT w/PS & SB, 2x TLC, 2x TH/SS, 2x PF/SB, 1x CF/SB, 2x CML, PF/SB = 505

Squad E; 1x SGT w/PS & SB, 2x TLC, 2x TH/SS, 2x PF/SB, 1x CF/SB, 2x CML, PF/SB = 505

Squad F; 1x SGT w/PS & SB, 2x TLC, 2x TH/SS, 2x PF/SB, 1x CF/SB, 2x CML, PF/SB = 505

WiP Linky


What you were expecting something less of me???


Wow! Strong start! For the Lion Brothers!



Please note the following:



Damn you Semper...... here we go again! wallbash.gif

I, Veteran painting servitor Elmo9141 being of sound mind, poor eyesight and shakey hand, hereby answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete RavenWing Command Squad from the Dark Angels Codex to a total value of 250pts on or before August 15th.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Sons of the Lion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame, and re-education in Room 42 under the ministry of Stobias Weatherbottom McGerkenshaw III's Chaplain Dreadnought Lucifer, until the year-end.

So do I vow and so will it be!

For Caliban and the Lion!


Wip Link

I, IndigoJack, do solemnly swear to complete the following vow for E Tenebrae Lux II, all of the following vow, and nothing but the following vow, so help me God Emperor of Mankind:



Belial with The Sword of Silence (190)


One unit of five strong Deathwing Knights with perfidious relic of the unforgiven (245)


One unit of five strong Deathwing terminators with a heavy flamer, chainfist, lightning claws, and two thunder hammers and storm shields (245)


Three units of five strong Deathwing terminators with assault cannons and chain fists (245 x 3)



Totaling One Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifteen (1415) points to be completed by August Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

OK, here we go............

I, Facmanpob, being of sound mind and light wallet, do hereby answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX

and vow to complete a Deathwing Command Squad and Deathwing Knights Squad from Codex Dark Angels

of total value of 580 points (broken down below) on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to

the Guardians of the Covenant Chapter of the Dark Angels Legion (sshhhhh, we're still a Legion but nobody knows! msn-wink.gif )

and failure will doom me to be poked with soft cushions and bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end

Squad Breakdown as follows:

Command Squad:


Banner Bearer with Standard of Fortitude, Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Terminator with SB / CF

Terminator with SB / PF

Terminator with PC / PF

Deathwing Knights:

5 x Knights with Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven

Pictures will come in my GotC thread Linky

EDIT - "before" picture of vow 1 is up at the link smile.png

Can I just get some confirmation on the end date? Is it settled now on August 15th? With 5 weeks I can contribute at least a thousand points but my impending tour of Australia is putting the brakes on anything further

Check post 14 in this thread.....Captain Semper has clarified the end date as Aug 15

I, ShortySL do hereby answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX

and vow to complete the Land Raider Crusader 'Justice Given Form' with pintle-mounted Multi-Melta from Codex Dark Angels, of total value of 260 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Chapter, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

I BigGumbo answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a seven man unit of Ravenwing Black Knights from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 311 points on or before August 15th 2013. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Chapter (we all know it's really the First Legion, but I don't want to have this confused with a HH entry whistlingW.gif ) and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Detailed loadout:

Huntmaster (on HH Outrider Astartes bike): plasma talon, power maul, melta bombs

2 BKs: RGL

4 BKs: plasma talon

WIP'll be a continuation of my ETL I WIP, linky in my signature...

Just wanted to wish the Dark Angels Forums great luck.  My support goes with my fellow dark angels.  Sadly I wont be participating with you guys in this challenge, and my Angels of Vengeance are on the back burner.  Itching to paint my sisters instead, and although I would have had vastly more points to paint up for the Dark Angels team, I am just going where my motivation lies at this summer.   

Can't wait to see all the awesome Dark Angel Units get painted.   


Again,  FOR THE FIRST!!!!!

I Brother Moridius answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Ravenwing Attack Squadron led by a Ravenwing Interrogator Chaplain from Codex Dark Angels of total value of 481 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Legion...err Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end



Interrogator Chaplain on bike w/ melta bombs - 135 pts

Ravenwing Attack Squadron

6 Bikes w/ 2 melta guns, Vet Sergeant w/ power maul and melta bombs - 211 pts

1 Attack Bike w/ multi melta - 55 pts

1 Landspeeder Tornado w/ heavy bolter and assault cannon - 80 pts


Link to WIP:



If somebody can tell me how to do fancy links instead of just copy pasting the url I would really appreciate it...


Edit: Link fixed and vow posted in my WIP thread.

My first is going to be a small vow so I can test out my airbrush. But I want to get my foot in the door so I can vow later, and I also figured since I'm doing the work it might as well count towards something, right?




I elphilo answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 2 Whirlwinds from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 130 on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to Dark Angels Chapter/Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


First WIP Picture:




I'll update this post when finished, but more updates can be found here.


+++EDIT 5/20/13+++

Vow 1 Completed!




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