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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Liber Astartes Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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+Liber Astartes Strategium+



Space Marines,

You are proud in your diversity and ingenuity, but also in your adherence to the sacred tome of the Codex Astartes! But will you stand united and pit your overwhelming numbers against Loyalist and Traitors alike? Will you be Primus Inter Pares for 2013? Keep in mind that you are not alone – your Index Astartes and Ultramarine brothers will stand by your side!

Last year the “Codex” faction managed 18.6k pts of which the Liber contributed only 2.8k. Can you do better this year? Can you improve your personal performance and thus sending your faction to new heights of glory? The “Codex” Chapters deserve better than the 6th position – they deserve the first. Or are they not Primus Inter Pares?






Well, this is the return of the ETL. There is some streamlining of the rules compared to last year so please read them carefully, veterans and new entrants alike. The rules can be found here:




This thread is the “Chapter House” for this event. All vows of this sub-forum should be posted in this very thread in order to be valid. This is also the place to declare vow completions and/or vow renewals. Finally posting your WIP thread links in your “completion” post will be tremendously helpful! This is a big event guys, so making life easier for me, will help avoid confusion and backs ‘n forths…

You can also use this thread to gauge the progress of your forum (last year’s veterans know I’ll update often) and compare it with other forums in their respective threads. It will also be a good place to talk to each other as how to go about it, and organize your forum effort.

If you want to refresh your memory of what happened last year, see the ETL I - Final report

I’ll be glad to answer any questions as we go along and I will keep track of all forums’ efforts. So I’m the person you need to talk to for anything regarding the procedures of this competition but your forum Moderators still have full control of the Meltas and they will gladly use all of them given half a chance... So be aware of that!





Brother Cambrius | Vow 1 [610]

elohimalpha | Vow 1 [505]

Firepower | Vow 1 [770]

JusticarErictheblue | Vow 1 [135]

Lord Kjeran | Vow 1 [370]

Lord Lee | Vow 1 [5,645]

RandomMarine | Vow 1 [170]

recon0321 | Vow 1 [570]

Reyner | Vow 1 [355]

Silver Phoenix | Vow 1 [1,020]

Strike Captain Lysimachus | Vow 1 [435]

tdemayo | Vow 1 [660] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [530] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [1,315]

Tdf4638 | Vow 1 [150]

Uberlord Gendo | Vow 1 [???]
Vorganov | Vow 1 [360]

War Angel | Vow 1 [70] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [250] COMPLETE

though you are obscure and little known battle brothers, you are Battle Brothers none the less. The Sons of Ithaka, the Iron Snakes, will stand with you. Let us beat Spear against shield until the Emperor himself hears our battlecry!


For Ithaka,



Well, in the ETL the codex defines your allegience. If you go for the SW Codex, even if your color of choice is pink with red dots, it doesn't matter - you play for the wolves. If you choose the C:SMs you can choose any of the three "Codex" forums - but ou must stay true to that forum to the end - you cannot change forums even within the same faction.


Good luck!

For those people who use other Codex's for their Chapter, (ie: Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Black Templar) PM me the details on what you wish to paint and I will Codex Space Marineify it for you if you want.  The only days I wont be able to are the 17-20th May, as thats my Wedding and the like.  Come on Liber, we have to do better this year!


EDIT: And WOOO!!!!! First Liber Vow.


I  Silver Phoenix answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX, in an attempt to earn redemption from my countless failures and defeat in last years ETL, and vow to complete:

- Tactical Squad Ansaro (10 Marines, Power Fist, melta gun, missile launcher)

- Tactical Squad Ivas (10 Marines, Plamsa Pistol, plasma gun, plasma gun)

- Devestator Squad Lucius (10 Marines, Plasma Pistol, 2x Heavy Bolter, 2x Plasma Cannon)

- Scout Squad Elijas (5 Scouts, Plasma Pistol, heavy bolter)

- Terminator Squad Voltis (5 Terminators, 2x Chainfist, Assault Cannon)


from the most Holy of Tomes, the Codex Astartes, of total value 1020pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Leopards Argent Chapter, whom have re-emerged from the Deepest Darkest Depths of Liber and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end as well as the mark of eternal damnation in the eyes of the Emperor and all Humanity.


Hail the Liber! Hail the Imperium! Hail the Emperor!  For Terra, and all Mankind!


So, cleaned out my Simple Green Vat of marines being stripped.  Added a few bits and bods from the DV Set as well as a few other gubbins to make the squads legal and this is what I end up with.  Neat, huh?  Sad thing is if I was to repaint all my models in the same scheme (which is the hope now) I would have nearly two battle companies as nearly a full Terminator/First Company.  Guess I got some work ahead of me.

I have some Heresy stuff to do but my I must stand with the Liber! I will make up for my failure last year. Now to think what I can paint! I could say those tacticals make look like Sons of Horus but are now a 22nd Founding Chapter who just happen to look very similar to the Sons...

I, Vorganov, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Space Marine Captain in Power Armour, 185 pts  and , 1 Troops: Scout Squad (10#, 175 pts) from C:SM of total 360 pts on or before august 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to Emperor  and Alpharius Omegon and failure will doom me to bear the badge of shame until year end.



This year it was realy hard to choose ETL army, but finnaly I follow my heart to finish my Alpha Legion units instead of Blood Angels or Chaos. Unfortunately without operatives = IG ally! Anyway it will be great fun. My Alpha Legion is loyal to the Emperor as much as Lord Alpharius wills it. They follow all the tactical accumen Alpharius learnt them with smaller squads, stealth, secrecy, mayhem and firepower.


First part of the vow is veteran of the Efreed Stealth Squad Arghen Dev – count as Space Marines Captains for the rules – from Efreet squad
with his Stealth Squad.


I hope my job will allow me to follow with another vows like Space Marines Chapter Master Lord Lambda, also known as Dien Ekas, tactical
squads, Razorback and so on. You can follow some history of my army in here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/271513-dromundis-campaign/


And finnaly using of this codex will allow me to finish one long long time before prepared project. Lord Captain Ottokarus Secundus of White Lions
Chapter. Ottokar the Second, The Iron and Gold King was King of Bohemia, Duke of Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, lord of Pordenone. He

was one of the greatest king in the history of my nation and I want to recreate him and his Iron Lords knights as bike squad with C:SM. So may be later in the ETL II. White Lion on the red shield is coat of arms of Kingdom of Bohemia and now of Czech Republic.


Photo is from cell phone for the time being. Argen Dev and Stealth Reccon Squad:


I, War Angel, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete two Space Marine Drop Pods of the Eagles Eternal's glorious second company, supporting C:SM with a total of 70 pts on or before august 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to Emperor and the Eagles Eternal, and failure will doom me to bear the badge of shame until year end.


So it begins....

Out of the shadows of my slumber and meditation deep within the realms of the LIBER's Heraldry Department, I, Brother Cambrius emerge once more to answer the call of the Dark Angels and to aid in atoning for my sins of failure in the Librarium Challenge. 


Thus, I, Brother Cambrius answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete ONE 10 man Vanguard Squad (Sons of Doom) + 1 Terminator Squad (Vanquishers) from Codex: Space Marines of total value 610 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Sons of Doom and the Vanquishers and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


For the glory of the Index Astartes! Let's get this Vow in the bag!



Unfortunately, I'm vowing Rainbow Warrior specific models (they are an official Chapter despite GW doing nothing with them :( ) this year and am with the Sons of Guilliman, however, I'll still be popping in to see how my Liber cohorts are doing ^_^


Go LIBER! ^_^

Aquilanus, how could you... Betraying the very forum that houses so many of your personalities. laugh.png No matter, you are supporting the "Codex Chapters" total tally, so I will let you off... this time... devil.gif

I was going to vow for the Liber, but despite everything, the Rainbow Warriors are official Ultramarine successors, so the decision was made :llol:

I won't be gone for long ;)

Go Liber indeed - slow start gentlemen... Let's see some support for the Liber here! Don't you want your DIY Chapter to present themselve in their full glory? Go Liber!



I, Tom de Mayo, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following units from Codex: Space Marines of total value 660 points on or before August 15th:


o One Land Raider Crusader 250 points

o Three Vindicators with Siege Shields 125 points each

o One Drop Pod 35 points

Success will bring eternal glory to my unnamed DIY scions of Rogal Dorn and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end!


This is also my first post.


First WIP Image (5/17/2013):




Finished the Vindicators today (6/27/13): 




The Landraider and Drop Pod are in the final stages of trim and weathering.

Glad to have you with us tdemayo! Looking forwards to seeing your Vehicles, especially the Linebreaker Squadron


Also, welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword brother! If you need help with a name or heraldry for your new guys, I'm happy to help you in that endeavour, as would a certain Ace Debonair I'm certain! :)





OK, much as it pains me to leave my BT brothers to fend for themselves (while reserving my right and duty to paddle those that fail to complete their vows msn-wink.gif ) I already have my Broken Arrows mostly ready to prime and paint, and I would hate to have finally gotten my airbrush troubles out of the way only to go back to using a can of black spray primer.

So, the Liber is getting my contribution for the year. Don't you all feel so lucky? teehee.gif

I, Firepower, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

1 Drop Pod with Deathwind Launcher

1 Landspeeder with Multimelta and Assault Cannon

1 10 man Sternguard with a Plasma Gun and Missile Launcher

1 5 man Devastator Squad with 4 Missile Launchers

1 Librarian (Sigismund forgive me!)

from Codex: Space Marines of total value 770 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to those oh so handsome devils, the Broken Arrows, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Two hefty vows added - not bad at all!


Glad to see newcomer tdemayo starting his posting career here in the B&C through the ETL - welcome brother! :)


@ Firepower: Aha! Broken Arrows it is then! :D Good luck brother!


@ Lord Lee: Dazzle us! Just remember - you can vow your force in 5 installments, don't need to take unecessary risks here... ;)





Captain Semper just had a couple of Raptor scouts call in. They have reported that you have missed War Angels vow. He changed an earlier post further up the thread that he had reserved.


Easy mistake to make with all you got going on with this but glad I've got you under surveillance all the same Dark Angel

I figured as much would happen.... I should have just vowed the pods from the get go but thought I would want to do some infantry in there too.... Now I wish I had, cause quite frankly I realise all too soon that I need a break from drop pods....

I know Captain Semper but I can't help thinking go BIG or go home, I already tossed a full tac squad in the metho to clean them up and worked up a colour scheme that could mean a full tac squad in less than 2 hours :) plus just imagine 187 marines painted in less than 2 months woot.gif

Lord Lee

I figured as much would happen.... I should have just vowed the pods from the get go but thought I would want to do some infantry in there too.... Now I wish I had, cause quite frankly I realise all too soon that I need a break from drop pods....

Have some miniatures on the side to break up the Drop Pods War Angel. A little treat as it were. I've got some ...Chaos Space Marines...that are my distraction/treat for when I get burned out doing my Vows. Do something similar and you can keep a fresh head and mind in painting up your "Cans of Whoopass Delivery Systems©". msn-wink.gif

I know Captain Semper but I can't help thinking go BIG or go home, I already tossed a full tac squad in the metho to clean them up and worked up a colour scheme that could mean a full tac squad in less than 2 hours smile.png plus just imagine 187 marines painted in less than 2 months woot.gif

Lord Lee

Wow! Lord Lee that is quite nutty! You'd joined the hallowed ranks of arizonajirt and sundry if you insanely did all of that! I'd follow Semper's advice in putting them in 5 (relatively, as in T-Rex size) bitesize chunks. What colour scheme/chapter are you playing with for this?



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