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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Liber Astartes Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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I now hereby decree that once you have both achieved your vows, you both need to meet up some place and have it out in an Apocalypse battle of awesome! :P


Best of luck to you both Brothers! May the best Astartes win!



Right. A lot of points vowed here and that's awesome.


But I want to make something very clear: there will be no changing of vows once made! No ammendments - no additions. If I was to allow this it would be the equivalent of by-passing the 5 vows limit. People might spy on other forums, see the point balances, then go back and alter their vows accordingly. This is not going to happen. You must think ahead, keep something in reserve, talk to each other about their reserves, coordinate... You want to make a huge vow? Go right ahead. You want to change it to make it even huger? Sorry, no can do. You have to finish it and make a new one.


The only way to allow a change in a vow, once it is made, is if it contains a mistake (wrong calculations, wrong lists etc) or if it is very fine tuning (a plasma pistol here or a power axe there).


So with out of the way, the Codex faction is really making itself felt this year. Keep it up gentlemen, this is a time of true glory! :D





Well I am currently reviving my Deathwatch Challenge short story (I know, its been too long) so I will make a special challenge. The Liberite whom has the most COMPLETED minis by the first month their Chapter will gain a mention in the story, either as the Chapter fighting on the same planet as the Kill Team, or as a team member to replace one of the casualties of the first story devil.gif

So, sounds fair?

Semper: ok, Ill play nice and not double my vow.....yet. stil got 4 more I can do


so guys, how is everything gettin along here? Wareagle and Lord Lee are getting along at this point. the three of us (well mostly me and Lord Lee) are playing a little game here. the two of us are engaged in single combat (good training here) and if this keeps up, the two of us are going to complete well over 10k each. Now we have opened our little game up. War Eagle has joined us. we know that most people cant pull the points or level or craziness that we have, so what we propose is that if you join our little game, you push yourself the best you can. in this case, War Angel's first vow was 2 drop pods. in his next he will continue to add a unit or two to push his skill, speed and so forth. everyone can join us. its for a little inter forum challenge, you get nothing extra out of it in the ETL, but its more for fun.


and dont forget to recuit your friends, family members, neighbors, random stranger down the street, etc.


now we ask....


You can add 70pts to the board. My drop pods are complete.




Now if you'll excuse me, I belive I've earned a break. And my wife might want me to do something outdoors.... Sigh.

Please note wearing a saw mask and asking random strangers from down the street if they want to play a little game is a sure fire way of getting yourself arrested. Unless of course you are a police man already. In which case it is fine.


So Brothers of the Liber is there a way of attracting more participants to join our ETL campaign? How about gatecrashing the logs of Liber Brothers who are planning out new chapters, suggesting that they do trial paintschemes on an HQ model gets them on board and also gets their ideas onto actual miniatures. Surely a win win sitch?

War Angel, your status is updated. Congratulations for completing your drop pods - they look awesome btw, well played! :)



Now I would like to stress here that although large vows are (very) welcome, so are small vows and indeed any size vows. The main consideration should be 1) what do you want to paint for your army and 2) what can you paint to your usual standard (or better) within the time constraints of the ETL. If you want to vow big that's fine. If not, that's fine too. What I don't want  to see is people compromising their painting standards just to pledge as many points as possible. It's just not worth it. Your minis will stay with you long after the ETL is over.

War Angel, your status is updated. Congratulations for completing your drop pods - they look awesome btw, well played! smile.png

Now I would like to stress here that although large vows are (very) welcome, so are small vows and indeed any size vows. The main consideration should be 1) what do you want to paint for your army and 2) what can you paint to your usual standard (or better) within the time constraints of the ETL. If you want to vow big that's fine. If not, that's fine too. What I don't want to see is people compromising their painting standards just to pledge as many points as possible. It's just not worth it. Your minis will stay with you long after the ETL is over.

Semper is right, I am not saying to do crazy things like me. just need to make that clear.

So I have updated the matrix.

The format is as follows: change from last time is will be noted in (xxx) format

Forum total pointed vowed points completed vows total

Black templar 30,836 (+1,110) 0 (+ 0) 27 (+3)

Blood Angels 28,355 (+3,678) 0 (+ 0) 31 (+3)

Dark Angels 35,617 (+7,200) 2,440 (+965) 48 (+7)

Index Astartes 21,581 (+2,753) 1,161 (+671) 25 (+2)

Liber Astartes 9,995 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 9 (+0)

Space Wolves 15,128 (+4,270) 0 (+ 0) 17 (+5)

Ultramaines 4,515 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 10 (+0)

Chaos Legions 32,413 (+9,367) 1,151 (+911) 35 (+5)

Grey Knights 3,300 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 4 (+0)

Sisters of Battle 3,814 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 7 (+0)

Imperial Guard 7,806 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 5 (+0)

Adep Mechanicus 375 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 1 (+0)

Horus Heresy 6,852 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 8 (+0)

total pointed vowed points completed vows total

total for Codex chapters 36,091 (+ 2,753) 1,161 (+671) 44 (+ 2)

total for Vive Imperium 15,295 (+ 0) 0 (+0) 17 (+ 0)

Total among all forums 200,587 (+28,378) 4,752 (+2,547) 227 (+24)

Since my last update to this only a few days ago, there has been some major growth among Dark Angels and Chaos forums. One person in the Chaos forum made a single vow of 6,716 point, which is amazing. And that is saying a lot from me.

The current standing for the top 5 factions with the most points vowed are as followed:

1: Dark Angels

2: Chaos

3: Black Templars

4: Blood Angels

5: Index Astartes

Now if we take into account that the Index, Liber and Ultras are together, we have the most vowed points, but barely. The Dark Angels are literally less than 500

points behind us.

I have seen little activity from within the Ultras and Liber, but I hope this means that they are busy on their vows and just haven’t had time to update yet. Also there

has been no growth within the Ultras and Liber in days. No new vows, no new members. So it is time for a new recruiting mission. Get your friends, brothers, sisters, uncles, complete strangers from down the street, boyfriends/girlfriends to pick up brushes and join the fight. We can not win this at this point. We need more vows completed followed by more vows made and completed again.

This is a campaign, not a single battle. We can not give up the fight, if we must pull back and regroup, then so be it, but we do not give up the battle. We fight for the space marines and our respective chapters. Now lets make our Primachs, Chapter Masters, Captains and Sgts proud. Get back into the fight and lets bring the


Please don’t make me start to quite Gen George Patton… It will happen… I feel it coming...

So guys keep up the hard work. Until the next update, This is JIRT out.


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