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Deadpool's E Tenebrae Lux II WIP thread! :D

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Hey everyone, this will be my official WIP thread for my Flesh Tearers that I will be painting for ETL II. I will have several pictures on here, and censored.gif . I just spilled my sour gummy worms... wallbash.gif Anyways, I'd appreciate any feedback on my work, this is my first time participating in a painting competition on B&C so I hope this turns out well (and I complete the vows I make). So I hope you enjoy my models and of course.... GO BLOOD ANGELS!!!!!! biggrin.png Flesh Tearers for me, but it still counts as blood angels tongue.png plus I support all of my BA, and BA related brothers smile.png PIctures coming soon... happy.png

Here is my post I made with my vow:

I Deadpool1713 answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 librarian with a jump pack, 1 Gabriel Seth, 1 Mephiston, 2 Reclusiarchs in terminator armor with storm bolters, 1 Furioso Dreadnought with heavy flamer, magna grapple, frag cannon, and drop pod, 2 Sanguinary Priests with jump packs and power fists, 2 squads of 10 assault marines with 2 meltas in each squad, 10 Death Company with 10 jump packs and 1 power fist, 5 scouts with camo cloaks and sniper rifles, and 2 squads of devastators with 4 rocket launchers in each sqaud from Codex: Blood Angels of total value 2385 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Flesh Tearers and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

I must be insane blink.png

anyways, my wip can be found here: http://www.bolterand...i-wip-thread-d/

Wish me luck brothers, I'm going to need it.... I've never attempted painting this much, nor have I ever been a part of a painting competition on B&C. Also, as some of you may know, my experience with 40K is quite limited (been doing this for only about a year) Anyways, I bet this will turn out to be a lot of fun. I'd also appreciate it if you visit my thread and give me feedback on my work! Thanks biggrin.png GO BLOOD ANGELS!!!!!!! Flesh Tearers for me, but I support all of my BA and BA related brothers smile.png In the end, we are all sons of Sanguinius, and our points count towards the BA, so good luck brothers! May we all bring glory to our chapters and to Sanguinius!

Hey everyone, I have some time now to post the pictures I took last night/early this morning. Here you go!


(there are close ups of models that have more paint than others and multiple angles for some pictures)



My counts as librarian (didn't want it to count for the forgeworld points. Plus I'm painting him as a FT librarian anyways, not Sevrin Loth


Gabriel Seth with a bit of a red basecoat



Mephiston (front and back) red basecoat on his cape


Reclusiarch 1


Reclusiarch 2



Furioso Dreadnought




Sanguinary Priests (two different angles)








Most of my assault marines, I should be getting the rest of my bits in the mail today...










All of my Death Company pictures




Scouts with sniper rifles and camo cloaks







Devastators with rocket launchers, I still need the sergeants but they are in the mail as well. Also, that line of guys are probably going to be the guys with the rockets, but I'm not too sure yet. They need to probably be stripped because I don't want them based black. My original army was going to be black with red trim, but I changed to FT and haven't got around to repainting them. As for the two guys with the most paint, the guy with the basing done (that got ruined anyways) is basecoated with red, and the other guy has the right red painted on him.




shoulder pads



FT shoulder pads


Well I think that is everything except for my drop pod. I need to strip the paint on that and I am waiting to do that until sometime after Saturday. I will be posting a picture of it though as soon as I do that. I will also post pictures of the bits that should be in the mail today. I'm posting pictures of all of my stuff (even if it isn't assembled) so that people can see that I do have all of the models/pieces (for the most part) and that I'm not just showing incomplete guys and then showing them again when they magically have a complete paint job with the parts that were missing completely painted in the final picture. That would be a bit sneaky, and I'm being completely honest with my vow here. So that is why there are pictures of EVERYTHING I have. So anyways, I will be posting pictures as often as possible. If there is anything else that needs to be shown (besides my drop pod which I won't start for a while) let me know, I can't think of anything else. I hope everything is pictured and totaled up correctly :P Also, I'll get a picture of that drop pod up sometime soon!


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