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The Angelis Crusade (With Pics)

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My Storm Eagle, my vow for the ETL II.  These are the starting pics...


Rear View






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Marshal Ommadon (geared for 5th)...

















I'm currently working on my 6th edition Marshal Ommadon.

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Is that just a base coat on the storm eagle? It has a nice texture/pattern/refractive quality. If it is just base coat, I would be tempted to do very little to it -- it has some quality I like, but I can't nail exactly what it is. Maybe it's the pics, I dunno.  Anyway, storm eagles make me drool.



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Thanks guys!


@Kirkey I am honored by your comments.  All that is is a basecoat, a light dry brushing of Necron Compound, and a wash of Nulin Oil.  I like it too though I am trying weathering for the first time, if anyone has any advice I'd be in thier debt!

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Marshal Ommadon (for 6th edition)...




I may enter him as another vow for ETL II (not sure if I can do that).  He is kit bashed from a Dark Angels terminator from the Dark Vengeance box, the Thunder Hammer is a Grey Knights, I used a chain hand of our Black Templar kit as the hand thats holding the Hammer, and the Storm Shield is the Forge World's Black Templar set.  The head is the last part I'm debating, not sure if I should go with a Grey Knights teminator head (looks bad ass) or just a simple helmetless head (I'm really bad when it comes to painting flesh)...






Here is my Master of Sanctity (New photo)....




Just noticed the picture is crappy, sorry about that.  I gave him a Storm Shield and a Power Fist though he still has his Crozious (his badge of office)...

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Hey, i really like your kitbash marshal! The pose is very dynamic. The grey knight helmets are cool, but i think bare headed marines (especially characters) really add to the character of the squad they lead.




this blog helped me get through my initial hesitation of painting flesh and now I'm excited to paint tattoos and facial hair where before id throw a helmet on the guy and say 'good enough.'


The biggest tip i gleaned from that blog was not to lighten flesh tones with white. It washes the color out. Instead use a lighter skin tone altogether, keep that color in there and your faces improve 100 percent.


Great work so far, I can't wait to see how he turns out in the emperor's favorite colors.

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Just thought I'd update you guys on my ETL II painting status.  This is my progress on my Storm Eagle so far...





Side View






Front View






Rear View






I still have some work to do:  Panting the lights, finishing the doors, painting the pilot and controls, and lastly finish the CML...

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  • 1 month later...

Finish the Eagle first, you can make a 2nd vow for the Marshal afterwards, offcourse keeping in mind the time you need, if you can't make it, don't vow.


I like the plain black for the Eagle too. Although personally I would have added some more white, like Firepower said.

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Well I have the worst news possible.  I finished my Storm Eagle last night and I went to spray on my matte varnish and well I ended up "frosting" my whole model.  I'm so completely devistatded right now, but I'm not giving up!  I have since washed the entire model again in Nulin Oil and now I must go back and repaint all the metal and extra parts.  Does anyone know how to fix a "frosted" model?  From what I've read there are some crazy fixes out there but I'm not sure I want to try them.  Please any help would be great!  I hope I can finish the fix before ETL is over!

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Did you try the oil trick? Not Nuln Oil, but something like olive oil? Sometimes that will take care of a hazy coat of protective finish. Use something soft to rub the oil in (like a microfiber cloth for large areas or a Q-tip or mice applicator for tight areas). Don't use a lot -- just enough to remove the haze (and rub it in *very lightly*), and then wash with slightly soapy cold water. If the protective coat was heavy enough to frost, it should be heavy enough to allow your mini to withstand the oil and the slightly soapy water. When it's completely dry and oil-free, you should be able to reapply the protective coat if you're of a mind.


Caution #1 if the protective coat isn't heavy enough and if you've used powder pigments, the oil will disrupt the pigments and the soapy water will remove them. Better than repainting the entire thing, though.


Caution #2: if you reapply a protective coat but the mini isn't completely dry and oil-free, it could frost again.


Caution #3: you could have entirely different results than I've had, including the dissolution of your entire miniature into a puddle of grey goo. This is highly unlikely, but feel I should mention the possibility of something very negative happening to forestall an angry forum-dweller from wandering down my street with a chainsaw, screaming, "Send Krikey out and no one gets hurt!!!"



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Oh, reading about your spray just caused me pain. Like you, I've read all sorts of "fixes", but never used any of them. Be aware that relative humidity can have a huge effect on your sealer. Always check the weather to see what it's like and if it's going to be high for your area, it's safer to postpone the sealing for a few days to wait for better conditions.


Also, I know it's too late to help, but for the ETL, I always take my finished pictures before the sealer in case something unfortunate happens.


In order to focus on something a little more positive, I love your Chaplain and Marshal. How was the Storm Eagle as a kit to construct?

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Thanks Honda your words have uplifted a troubled Templar!  I have learned 2 valuable lessons during this project 1 - Like you said take youe completed pictures first and 2 - ALWAYS check the days humidity before you prime or coat!  The Storm Eagle was hands down the hardest kit I've ever put together, but once you complete one its one of the best Forge World models!  (It also kicks ass on the table too!)


@Krikey - I already finished applying the Nulin Oil wash over the whole mini before I read your response, is it too late to try anything?

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@Krikey - I already finished applying the Nulin Oil wash over the whole mini before I read your response, is it too late to try anything?

I would try a hazy spot on the underside of the model, somewhere that doesn't show much, but with plenty of the recently-applied wash. If the olive oil works there, it should work anywhere. One complication you may have is the oil breaking down the wash and penetrating the hazy dull coat. It shouldn't be a big deal if that happens except in very light areas, and there are few enough of those that you should be ok.


Sorry for the late response!




Edit: iPhone editing errors

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  • 4 weeks later...

Until I get the new codex, I will be working on nothing but Crusader Squads.  Maybe my Emperor's Champion too!


Here is a sample:




Not the greatest of pics and they aren't quite finished but you get the idea...

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

After saving the Freeblade, The Obsidian Knight, from certain peril the Freeblade swore an ever-binding oath pledging his service to travel and fight with the Black Templars of the Angelis Crusade to seek vengeance against all those whom oppose the Imperium!


(Will update soon with pics of my progress of putting together this stunning kit!)

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