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ETL vow 2013 - no new pics yet (28/05/13)


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I Leonaides answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one vindicator (incl siege shield), one BA captain (P Sword/Bolter), one command squad (JP's/4 Plasma) and a Terminator Librarian (with Storm Bolter) from Codex Blood Angels of total value 605pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


So, the vow is up, the clock is ticking, and all my models are in the loft. However, I think I can swing some eay access in the shed to store the in-progress stuff as needed.


The Vindicator is the last one from my Linebreaker box (some of you will understand just how long thats been sitting waiting for an opportunity to pop out), the Termie Librarian is a fairly simple 2nd Ed model that needs a bath in stripper first, and the Captain is an old BA Captain (pre-Tycho) model who had one of his arms cut off before I managed to rescue him. The Command Squad was going to be put together for the BattleBrothers tournament at the end of April but got dropped from the list.I am intending to borrow an airbrush which should save a lot of time doing the basics on these guys...


Pics should follow tomorrow of the starting points for all these models. If you dont see pics by 11pm GMT then someone poke me!


Potential for future vows include:



Tac Squad x 2

Librarian in power armour

Reclusiarch (PA)

Lib on bike

Bike Squad (3 man)

Terminator Librarian

Terminator Captain (Cmndr Culln model)

Sternguard Squad

That ought to add a good 1500pts to the total and thin out my bits box too, without even looking too hard - there may be more in the dark corners (I've certainly got a few more character models somewhere that I might be able to dig out).




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So, the pile of sprues on the left is a vindicator, the pile on the right is a Command Squad box (though I might get some DC parts to use for most of the bodies and shoulderpads etc, and there are 3 metal models just below the command squad sprue - biker plasmagunner body adn a Librarian and Captain who need a bath in some stripper.

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Unfortunately the weather scuppered my spraying plans today (off work on wednesday so should be able to catch up then) but Vindicator is now almost entirely assembled, honour guard are assembled and pinned to within an inch of their various lives (arms to bodies, bodies to legs, legs to bases, bases weighted with 1p coins) and the Captain and librarian are having a bath in something that I'm hoping will remove the paint suitably for tomorrow night (when they'll be getting a goo scrubbing!).

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