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Exorcists space marines

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They are covered in Imperial Armour 10, the Babab War Part 2. Quite a bit of info for them there.


And I wouldn't trust wikia, a large portion of their stuff isn't sourced. Try lexicanum, at least there is managed to a point.

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The 40K wiki article linked above includes a great deal of speculation and extrapolation.


The description of the Exorcists provided in the second Badab War book from Forge World provides the most recent authoritative information on the Chapter, though it largely ignores their role in the Gothic War. The Space Marine anthologies feature stories about a Deathwatch kill team, one of whom is an Exorcist. It is from those stories that the possibility of the Chapter being descended from the Grey Knights arise, though the other descriptions (notably in the Badab War book) step back from that idea and merely say that the source of their gene-seed is unknown and kept secret.


At the risk of appearing self-indulgent, you can see an article on the Exorcists here. The rules and characters (other than Silas Alberec) are homegrown, so feel free to ignore them. The background information, however, encapsulates what we know (along with some editorialization on my part). And now that I've looked at the article again, I realize that I need to go back and fix the formatting problems created by the software upgrade.

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thanks for the help guys.

that's a pretty neat index astartes style article Brother Tyler!! do you have any pics of any exorcists that you have done?


the exorcists do seem to be a very bada$$ and grimdark chapter, im convinced they are allied with radical inquisitors or inquisitors that are bordering on the brink of heresy themselves due to the extreme and dangerous method of daemonic possession that they administer and watch??


Just a few things that I need clarifying guys....

It states that after daemonic possession, the marines no longer have a scent for daemons to possess/track. So does this mean or can this be interpreted (in a radical view) that after the possession the marines no longer have a pure soul, having their soul stripped or corrupt by the daemon that possessed it? 


I gather that during the daemonic possession, the marines tap into the minds and thoughts of the daemon, meaning that after the possession they retain the tapped info and know how the daemon thinks and feels, better knowing how to kill them?


On lexicanum it states that there battlecry is a chilling chant in a number of dark languages. So this means that the exorcists learn to speak daemonic tongue?


Surely, instead of working closely with the inquisition, the exorcists should be under investigation by the inquisition and destroyed for all their heretical practices? (that's why im convinced that the allied inquisitors must be radical or heretical??)

And surely the exorcists are but a step from damnation themselves for all their radical and heretical practices?

Edited by Lord Kallozar
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...do you have any pics of any exorcists that you have done?

My progress has only reached the point where models have been assembled/converted, but no paint has been applied so I don't have pictures. I'm (slowly) getting a kill-team done right now, though, and will post pictures as soon as I have something worthy of the camera and other hobbyists' time.
... im convinced they are allied with radical inquisitors or inquisitors that are bordering on the brink of heresy themselves due to the extreme and dangerous method of daemonic possession that they administer and watch??

Yes, they definitely are allied with (some) Inquisitors. I agree that those Inquisitors are radical in nature, though that is speculative because the official lore hasn't explicitly stated that it is the case. The 40K wiki article states that they were created as part of an "Imperium" plan, but that is inaccurate. The Chapter was created by one or more (radical) Inquisitors. Whether or not there was larger Imperial collusion is completely speculative on the part of whoever it was that wrote that information, but it is not official. At this point, we can only tie the Exorcists creation and continued existence/secrecy to the Inquisition (and the Inquisition isn't a monolithic entity, so it's entirely possible that only a group of Inquisitors is involved and that other more puritan Inquisitors would be horrified if they knew the truth).
...It states that after daemonic possession, the marines no longer have a scent for daemons to possess/track. So does this mean or can this be interpreted (in a radical view) that after the possession the marines no longer have a pure soul, having their soul stripped or corrupt by the daemon that possessed it?

The scent thing is likely based on a combination of the old Illuminati information (which has been neither supported nor superceded in "modern" lore) and the information given in "Headhunted." The Third War for Armageddon information indicated that the Exorcists battle-brothers at that time (before they had become a full Chapter) became highly aggressive in the presence of daemons. Even older lore (which might not be relevant because GW hasn't covered it since the '90s) would actually cast the Exorcists as members of the Illuminati. Their souls, having been exposed to the Warp and given knowledge of what Chaos is really about, are even more pure and inured to the predations of Chaos. The short story "Headhunted" touches on that possibility a bit, but doesn't provide us with conclusive (or authoritative) evidence that this is the case, however.

I gather that during the daemonic possession, the marines tap into the minds and thoughts of the daemon, meaning that after the possession they retain the tapped info and know how the daemon thinks and feels, better knowing how to kill them?

That's possible, but isn't really supported by the lore that we have. The theory isn't countered by any of the recent lore, either, though, so it simply falls into the realm of the possible. If you want to incorporate it into whatever you do with the Exorcists, you shouldn't have any problems.

They definitely gain (additional) knowledge in how to combat Chaos through study of forbidden lore and training in the tools of the daemonhunter. There is even evidence that some of the lore of the Grey Knights (though probably not all of that Chapter's lore) is available to the Exorcists.

...On lexicanum it states that there battlecry is a chilling chant in a number of dark languages. So this means that the exorcists learn to speak daemonic tongue?

If there is support for this in official lore, it must be from either an obscure statement somewhere or it's from one of the short stories (that I haven't read in a long time and which are boxed up in the garage so I'm not going to consult them right now). The Exorcists battle-brothers are well versed in a lot of esoteric lore. It's possible that they might be trained in daemonic languages, if such exist.

My interpretation of "dark languages" is that those languages are ancient languages, possibly even "dead tongues" (such as real Latin, Aramaic, etc.).
Surely, instead of working closely with the inquisition, the exorcists should be under investigation by the inquisition and destroyed for all their heretical practices? (that's why im convinced that the allied inquisitors must be radical or heretical??)
And surely the exorcists are but a step from damnation themselves for all their radical and heretical practices?

Remember, it was the Inquisition, or a segment thereof that created the Chapter. The Badab War book even mentions how the Exorcists homeworld of Banish also houses Inquisitors and that the Chapter's creation and gene-seed information is protected under Inquisitorial seal. There are radicals (those that fight fire with fire, so to speak) and puritans (those that have no truck with the tools of the enemy). The Inquisitors that the Exorcists are allied with are most likely of the radical variety. Inquisitor Coteaz, a puritan, would probably have a coronary if he ever learned about the methods of the Chapter, and he would likely declare the Chapter and all Inquisitors allied with it heretical before attempting to utterly destroy the Chapter.

As for being a step from damnation, if the old lore about the Illuminati retains any relevance, the Chapter is actually a step removed from damnation because, having been exposed to and freed from daemonic taint, they are now better protected from Chaos. "Headhunted" touches on this in that the Deathwatch librarian has difficulty perceiving the Exorcists battle-brother with his psychic senses, and this difficulty would also be experienced by daemonic entities. The rules don't cover this except insofar as Silas Alberec's Soul-Seared rule goes.

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Thanks once again Brother Tyler, its been great help.

I'll be looking forward to seeing your models when you have them painted up.


I always thought the whole point of being possessed was to tap into the daemon, to understand it to know how to kill it. but if not, what's the whole point of it? just a way of being exposed to it so the marines know how to resist it at a later time?


I would love to hear your personal theories as to why you think the exorcists were created? The inquisitors, more specifically the grey knights/daemon hunters/witch hunters, already specialize in combating daemons. so why would they create a chapter that does basically the same thing?

Edited by Lord Kallozar
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That is a valid interpretation, but not necessarily the stated lore. Here's the old (1st edition/Rogue Trader, from Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness) lore on the Illuminati:


"...Others [in addition to the Emperor] know of the end of the Emperor and Mankind, of the terrors that lurk in warpspace, waiting for the moment of Man's weakness:  these are the Illuminati. They have seen the nature of Chaos at first hand. The Illuminati are marked by a single common experience:  they have been possessed by daemons.


Daemons need physical bodies in real space, and these are provided by hosts - or more often victims. The host usually dies in mental and physical agony, but under certain circumstances escape has proven possible. By a fluke of sheer force of will, a victim manages to cast out the Daemon within and take control of his own body once more.


The Illuminati know of Chaos - the seductive charms, the easy lure of power - and they have seen its dark underside:  the suffering, mutation and madness that are its true gifts. They have had the most intimate of contact with Chaos:  sharing a mind with one of its servants.


To many, the Illuminati are mad, scarred and twisted by their experiences, brought together to a level of bitter cynicism that has no equal. The Illuminati, however, see themselves in a different light. They have become the ultimate realists, aware of the terrible nature of the universe they inhabit. They have survived Chaos, and achieved a balance that eluded the Eldar. They have mastered the Chaos within themselves and now oppose Chaos in the broader universe..."


First, a repeated word of caution:  we simply don't know if GW has retained the concept of the Illuminati in the game universe lore. There have been hints about the concept/results of the Illuminati, but nothing explicit or conclusive. The "Headhunted" story is one of those hints. In the interest of objectivity, instead of calling them "Illuminati" I'll use the term "former possessee."


As for what knowledge the former possessee gains from his/her possession, we don't know. At the very least, a conceptual understanding of Chaos is gained. Whether or not the former possessee gains the specific knowledge of the possessing daemon is unknown. Practically speaking, it might vary from former possessee to former possessee. The material on the Exorcists doesn't tell us. What material we have on the Exorcists ascribes the Chapter's knowledge to research and training, not to the possession.


If the former lore remains valid, then the Exorcists battle-brothers, having been possessed by and freed from daemonic entities, are now immune to further daemonic possession. This theory is hurt somewhat by the Third War for Armageddon lore which mentioned that less than 2% of the battle-brothers re-succumbed to daemonic possession, though the implications of that statement have been argued for years. When contextual elements are applied (i.e., the Chapter was on a daemon world when the re-possession appears to have been observed), it might mean that the possession/expulsion brought risk. An alternate theory is that the "less than 2%" is less than that experienced by other Chapters (though in the case of other Chapters, the implication would be that 2% or more battle-brothers succumbed to possession vice "re-"possession). There are no game rules to cover either, and subsequent descriptions of the Chapter haven't even addressed the subject of re-possession, so we don't know (despite all of the speculation that is floating around the Internet).


My own theory about the Chapter's creation is that some radical Inquisitors familiar with the existence and abilities of former possessees, with one or more of those Inquisitors being former possessees themselves, determined that a Chapter of former possessees might prove invaluable in the fight against Chaos. So they experimented and developed the Chapter after determining that the concept was achievable and would, indeed, support the fight against Chaos. I don't think that the Grey Knights were involved in or knowledgeable of the Chapter's practices. Yes, a squad of Grey Knights was present in one of the field tests, but that doesn't imply that they were privy to the plan. "Headhunted" tells us that the gene-seed of the Grey Knights (which might be derived from the Emperor, though that is speculative in nature) may have been used in the creation of the Exorcists, though this is by no means certain. At the very least, the Exorcists receive some training that is similar to that of the Grey Knights, though this training is likely related to the techniques for combating daemons both physically and mentally (not necessarily psychically). It is also quite possible that the Exorcists have tapped into forbidden lore that the Grey Knights don't have, drawing upon the researches of radical Inquisitors. The Exorcists aren't as singularly focused on combating daemons as the Grey Knights, however. The former Chapter also operates as a normal Chapter, fighting xenos and renegades alike. They simply excel at fighting daemons in much the same manner that the Imperial Fists excel at siege warfare (without being singularly focused on it). Also, the recruiting stock suitable for the Grey Knights is likely much smaller than those that might become Exorcists (though the two Chapters might be theoretically similar in size) - it's easier to create Exorcists than to create Grey Knights. So the Exorcists augment (rather than duplicate) the role of the Grey Knights in terms of how they support the war efforts of the Imperium, especially in the ongoing war against Chaos.

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Ahh I see, I understand it now. thanks for clearing it up :thanks:


They are indeed a myserious and fascinating chapter, im gonna have to purchase the headhunted story! I personally doubt that they are from grey knight gene stock, I think its kept hidden and secretive because they may be from a traitor legion gene stock such as the luna wolves??


I like your theory idea, very cool!


is the headhunters story and the IA the only official fluff sources for the exorcists?

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There is also information in the FFG Deathwatch RPG supplement Honour the Chapter. The first "modern" information was actually presented at the old (and defunct) Third War for Armageddon website. You can probably find an archived version if you search the Internet. Minor mentions have also been made in the Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook (hopefully it's still available at the Games Workshop/Specialist Games website in the resources page). Some of the other Imperial Armour books, notably Volume Two, provide some minor information.


My own opinion is that the Badab War book provides everything that is relevant. Everything else is just window dressing.

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The full novel that Headhunters was supporting, Deathwatch, is out. Scholar points out there was no soul he could detect leading to the conclusion Watcher had no soul. This makes him impossible to detect via psychic means, which as you might imagine comes in handy.


The only other source I can think of is Honour the Chapter by FFG. Its really short but it heavily alludes that the =][= that sanctioned the Exorcists was a radical element & the threat of purging by puritans is always present.

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Using the rules from the Badab War book, it would be Codex: Space Marines.


While I'm following that convention for my main Exorcists army, my kill-team, intended to represent a specially trained squad of the Enochian Guard, uses the Purifiers squad from Codex: Grey Knights.

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Haven't added details for the most recent DeathWatch novel yet:






• Founding: 13th c. M35/36. IA10 pg. 124

• Chapter World: Banish. Lies within the Narasima Straits, a quarantined sector of the Eastern Fringe. IA10 pg. 124

• Gene-seed: Classified by order of the Inquisition. IA10 pg. 124

• Fortress Monastery: The Basilica Malefex. IA10 pg. 124

• 12 Companies deployed to Armageddon during 3rd War - http://web.archive.org/web/20060828034753/www.armageddon3.com/English/Campaign/Troops/exorcists.html

• 1 Company by the end of the Season of Fire -- EPIC Armageddon V5 rules page 70.

• Know to use Whirlwind Hunter pattern. EPIC Armageddon V5 rules page 81.

• Known to use regular Whirlwinds with (unreliable) AA Missiles. EPIC Armageddon rulebook page 81 & Imperial Armour volume II page 58

• Battle Barges: Punisher and Redeemer. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, pg. 22.

• Strike Cruisers: Captain Augusta, Eternal Defiance, Hunter. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, pg. 23.

• “We shall never rest while a single Renegade draws breath.” – Captain Leitz. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, pg. 25.

• Picture: C:SMv5 pg. 113

• Chapter Planet: Banish. C:SMv5 galactic map

• Captain Leitz. C:SMv5 galactic map

• Maintain 10 battle companies, 2 Scout companies. C:SMv5 pg. 27

• 757998M41: 3rd war for Armageddon begins. C:SMv5 pg. 49

• Active around the Cadian Gate during the 13th Black Crusade. 10 Companies. C:EoT pg. 16

• Picture, C:A pg 18

• 12 Companies, 3rd War for Armageddon. C:A pg. 32

• Chapter Approved 2002 pg. 117

• Badab War. Warhammer 40k Compendium pg. 33

• Chapter color scheme – differs from current red. Warhammer 40k Compendium pg. 34

• Red armor example. Space Marine Collectors Guide pg. 6

• How to Paint Space Marines pg. 77

• Codex Chapter. How to Paint Space Marines pg. 89

• The Colors of War, red scheme. GW Catalog and Hobby Reference 2004-05 pg. 338

• Codex Chapter. Helmet stripe denotes company. Insignium Astartes pg. 61

• Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes poster (out of print). Art of Warhammer 40k pg. 70-71

• Space Marines of the Armageddon War. Millenia date is possible Founding? M40. Contradicts the M36 Founding given on the A3 website. WD248 pg. 79

• 10 Companies committed during the Eye of Terror Campaign. WD281 pg. 74

• Aschen War. Imperial Armor Vol. 2 pg. 91

• Brother Darrion Rauth, on service with the DeathWatch. Novel: Heroes of the Space Marines. Story: Headhunted by Steve Parker

• Originally created from Grey Knight gene-seed. Novel: Heroes of the Space Marines. Story: Headhunted by Steve Parker

• Ignatius Sable, Captain of the Exorcists 4th Company, Angevin Crusade. Deathwatch RPG page. 358

• Because of the extraordinarily perilous training methods of the Exorcists Chapter a full three Companies of Scouts are maintained, enabling the Exorcists to operate at full strength despite the significant losses their Scout Companies suffer. The Exorcists also consider the spiritual purity of their Chapter of paramount importance and their Chaplains maintain a constant vigil against the slightest deviance. GW website: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?categoryId=400028&pIndex=6&aId=9600097&start=7

• Captain Ignatius Sable, 4th Company. Angevin Crusade. Deathwatch RPG pg. 358

• 908-910M41 The Scouring of Cygnax. The Aptos Clan Company and elements of the Exorcists engage the Astral Claws and rebel forces on Cygnax. Prosecution of the war leads to tensions between the Sons of Medusa and the Exorcists with accusations from the Exorcists against the Sons of Meduas, claiming they were more interested in their own motives on the world than hunting down the enemy as fast as possible. The Exorcists are eventually redeployed and the Sons of Medusa were left to liquidate the Cygnax thread as they saw fit. IA9 pg. 43

• 330907M41, 2nd Battle of Sagan. Fire Angels (in full Chapter force), Red Scorpions, Exorcists, Salamanders, Novamarines and Raptors engage the Astral Claws on Sagan. The Astral Claws resort to suicided attacks and viral weapons in a last ditch defense but are ultimately defeated. The 2nd Battle of Sagan becomes the single highest death toll battle of the Badab War. IA9 pg. 47

• 908M41 The Exorcists, Star Phantoms and Sons of Medusa have more units deployed to the Maelstrom Zone. Records indicate that all these Chapters are considered outsiders by their fellow Chapters and could be relied upon for the type of merciless Astartes on Astartes battles that were to come. IA9 pg. 48

• Engage the Howling Griffons at Khymara. Leaving the Howling Griffons with 70% casualties before withdrawing. Badab War. IA9 pg. 127

• 260911M41. Red Scorpions and Exorcists Chapters begin to mass on Sagan in preparation of their invasion of the Badab Sector and the world of Pireaus. IA10 pg. 22

• 705911M41. Elements of the Exorcists, Minotaurs and Red Scorpions conduct hit and run raids on Isin and Decaballus in the Pireaus System. Badab War. IA10 pg. 34

• Red Scorpions and Exorcists, totalling 6 companies attack the colony moons of the gas giant Kritias Secundus, Pireaus System. IA10 pg. 34

• Battle barge: Redeemer. IA10 pg. 34, 39

• Strike cruiser: Aleph Argentium destroyed in orbit over the colony moons of Kritias Secundus, Pireaus System. IA10 pg. 36

• Red Scorpion and Exoricsts encounter Astral Claws (in near Chapter strength) led by Lufgt Huron on the colony moons of Kritias Secundus, Pireaus System. IA10 pg. 36

• Captain Waite Ryder, Master of the Fleet. IA10 pg. 36

• Captain Silas Alberec. Credit with killing the Astral Claw dreadnought Kleitor. IA10 pg. 37

• Darrion Rauth (Exorcists), serving with Deathwatch on Menatar. H&B #2 pg. 13

• Librarian Taloth. IA10 pg. 39

• 519912M41. Elements of the Exorcists, Minotaurs, Red Scoprions, Salmanders, Sons of Medusa, Space Sharks and Star Phantoms prepare for the final assault on Badab. IA10 pg. 44

• 117913M41. Sons of Medusa, Exorcists attack Sentinel-Sigma orbiting space station over Badab VI, defended by the Astral Claws 2nd Co. IA10 pg. 47

• Almoner-Apothercay Karsweltus. IA10 pg. 63

• Only known extant Chapter of the 13th Founding. IA10 pg. 124

• Specialised in combating enemies of a daemonic nature. IA10 pg. 124

• Equipped and organized as a Codex Chapter. However the Chapter has 12 companies. Companies 10 thru 12 are all scout companies. This is believed to be because of the unorthodox and dangerous training practices of the Chapter. IA10 pg. 124, 125

• Uncommonly aggressive in war. IA10 pg. 124

• Near legendary ability to which they can distance themselves from phyical and spiritual hardship. IA10 pg. 124

• Before becoming a full member of the Chapter recruits must master the use of the 666 verses of the Ordo Malleus Liber Exorcismus, sunder the 7 seals of Salomoneth and become adept at the use of unicursal hexagrams to ward their arms and armor. IA10 pg. 124

• This degree of dark knowledge (considered forbidden by many within the Imperium) has created suspicion of the Chapter from the Ecclesiarchy and certain Space Marine Chapters who abhor witchcraft, such as the Black Templars. IA10 pg. 124

• Inceptus Kahl, Assault sqd. Sgt. Initiate of the Enochian Guard. IA10 pg. 125

• Lector Rabelias, 1st Co. Bodyguard of Silas Alberec. IA10 pg. 125

• Chapter has 3 battle barges, considered unusually high number. IA10 pg. 125

• Chapter has sub cults called Orisons which dedicate themselves to particular fields of knowledge and expertise. Maintaing their own books of lore. IA10 pg. 126

• Orison: Enochian Guard, many of the 1st Co. belong to this orison, named for the first Chapter Master. Members are required to have killed a daemon in single combat. IA10 pg. 126

• 1st Chapter Master, Enoch Trismegistus. IA10 pg. 126

• Orison: Obelisk Thelemus. Many of the Devastator and Techmarines belong to this Orison. IA10 pg. 126

• Orison: Broken Tower. Many of the Chapters Librarians belong to this Orison. IA10 pg. 126

• 307M40. The Vanquishing of the Horned God, the Aschen War. Exorcists and Dark Hands led Imperial counter attack into the region around the world of Dimmamar. Over a third of the Chapter is killed fighting the Horned God and its Night Lord allies on the world of Dimmamar. IA10 pg. 126

• Venerable Sybra, dreadnought. Destroyed in combat on Dimmamar. IA10 pg. 126

• Librarian Malachite. IA10 pg. 126

• 740M41. The Relief of Stonekraal. 3rd Co., blown off course by the shadow in the warp of Hive Fleet Behemoth, engages and destroys a genestealer infestation on the world of Stonekraal. IA10 pg. 127

• Strike cruiser: Hand of Glory. IA10 pg. 127

• Librarian Castor Machen. IA10 pg. 127

• Chapter forces in the Badab War: Entirety of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th Companies along with half of the 1st Co. IA10 pg. 127

• Chapter fleet in the Badab War: 2 battle barges, 3 strike cruisers and 3 squadrons of escort and attack craft. IA10 pg. 127

• Chapters only black mark in the Badab War was when the few remaining Astral Claws managed to slip through their fleets picket line and escape into the Maelstrom. IA10 pg. 127

• Almoner Sgt. Idris. IA10 pg. 128

• Initiate Belloch, KIA, Battle of Shavra. IA10 pg. 129

• Initiate Avasi. IA10 pg. 129

• Initiate Baeliastus, Athemae of the Broken Tower. IA10 pg. 129

• Initiate Gebruah, KIA, Battle of Shavra. IA10 pg. 129

• Caestus Assault Ram: Burning Angel. IA10 pg. 131

• Captain Silas Alberec, 3rd Co. Wielder of the Hellslayer (2h power mace), Keepr of Vigils. Adjunt of the Orison of the Broken Tower (one of the few psykers within that Orison). One of the few survivors of the Sundered Star incident as a scout when the ship was phasing between the warp and reality. IA10 pg. 179

• Vindicator: Dagger of Haydes. IA10 pg. 205

• Chapter makes a point of identifying powerful psyker potential amongst their recruits and notify the Grey Knights, allowing the Grey Knights to take such recruits should they wish. Codex: GK pg. 8

• Elements of the Exorcists, Grey Knights and Imperial Fist stationed along the Vanaheim Cordon to stop the Cholercaust Crusade (World Eaters). Legion of the Damned e-book.

• Captain Hrondir, killed on the world of Beltrasse, 300 years prior to the Space Wolves 4th Company (Wolf lord not named) arriving on the world to drive out the Tau. Date note given. In Hrondir’s Tomb, H&B # 20

• Fought alongside the Wolves on the world of Beltrasse against Chaos forces. Date not given. Wolves return to the world to fight the Tau 300 years later. In Hrondir’s Tomb, H&B # 20

• Failed aspirants (those who failed to throw off the daemonic possession) were taken by the corrupt Cardinal Rodrigo Nessum at the time of the Chapters Founding and became the Swords of Epiphany Chaos Marines. Death of Antagonis e-book

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It's also possible Exorcists were created in addition to Grey Knights because, at least in the old lore, the latter refused to fight alongside radical inquisitors, and - this isn't actually stated but you never know - might even execute them if said radicals called for Grey Knight help, after the crisis is averted. Exorcists can be called by the inquisitors that created them whenever needed, I guess. They would be also, I suspect, easier to influence and deploy; for one, you don't need to purge those that saw them (unless daemons were involved). Lastly, I don't think there actually are enough Grey Knights in the galaxy to defend the Imperium properly from daemons, so any (reliable) help is good.

As to why their geneseed is kept secret (assuming it to be loyalist), it might be to decrease retaliation if found out; a first founding chapter like, say, the Raven Guard will react differently when learning a random chapter is routinely possessed than when learning one of their chapters is used by radical inquisitors. And that's not counting the reaction of the other chapters from the same geneseed.

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Lastly, I don't think there actually are enough Grey Knights in the galaxy to defend the Imperium properly from daemons, so any (reliable) help is good.


They USED to. Before the failed Ward save, the Grey Knights fluff used to have a far larger force than the mere 1000ish there is today. The exact number was never stated, only inferred & they weren't as numerous as Black Templars or Space Wolves but they were pretty friggin close. Back then they never deployed en masse unless things really were bad, think Black Crusade or daemon world. They'd operate in Kill-Teams of 1-2 squads in a similar fashion to their Ordos Xenos counterparts & were sent where needed. Add that to the secrecy & view that the Codex Astartes was for regular Marines, they never followed the Chapter size limit until they were rewritten by a man who thinks the only thing the Chamber Militant of the Ordos Hereticus is good for is armor paint.


Anyways, I always viewed the Exorcists as the middle ground of the 2 extremes when it came to fighting demons with the Grey Knights & Relictors representing the other 2 ends of the spectrum. GKs were the puritian way of purging, no compromise or flexibility when it comes to dealing with the immaterium & its denizens even if it means bystanders will get pasted. Relictors is the radical stance of the ends justifies the means. The practice of turning the enemies' strengths against itself. It should be noted that while the stories have them using chaos artifacts quite liberally, few if any are actually shown falling to Chaos similar to a certain Castellan. Take that how you will. Exorcists are the more pragmatic, if still a bit extreme middle ground. Make them invisible & resistant to demons then teach them how to fight them.

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Fantastic info guys, thanks a bunch - especially kurgan the lurker, many many thanks mate!!


@ brother tyler - you said that your at the stages of converting your exorcists models, care to let on as to what conversions you have done etc? :thumbsup:


I have never ever actually seen an exorcists battleforce before, not in any GW and not even on here. are they not a popular chapter im guessing?

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- sorry for the double post -


just wanted to ask another naive thing if I may..... the exorcists has it own unique set of rules as layed out in the IA10 right? I know you cant tell me what the rules are etc but can you tell me if these rules make the exorcists more of an assault chapter or shooty chapter? or more aggressive etc??



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Neither. In fact, they keep Chapter Tactics. The special rules help them against pinning checks, make Alberec a bit more resilient, and help the Exorcists (Alberec and any unit he has joined) against psykers. They essentially play like regular Space Marines, but with a slight little bit of extra oomph (without being unbalanced).


My conversions are mostly in the form of kit-bashing - lots of Grey Knights, Blood Angels, and standard Space Marine bits. I also have a character mini prepared for the Idomeneus character in my rules. I'm still prepping the kill-team (i.e., filing down mold lines, drilling bolter holes, etc.), but I'll get WIP shots up once I start getting the minis actually assembled.


The Exorcists are well-liked, but not overly popular. I imagine that for most players, the fact that the Exorcists rules are basically vanilla, with a requirement to buy an expensive book and an expensive special character just to get the miniscule rules the Chapter has, might be the reason they aren't more popular. From a lore perspective, the Chapter is fairly popular, but that popularity doesn't translate to the tabletop due to the dearth of rules and special aspects (such as a full-blown codex provides). Still, you can find minis/armies if you search. You can see a Google image search for "Exorcists 40K" here.

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sorry for the double post again but was wanting to know another thing. Are the exorcists grimdark and radical themselves? by that I mean would they slaughter entire populations if they found that a particular citizen had sided with the warp powers and made pacts with daemons?

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That's more the Grey Knights territory but even they wouldn't do that because of a single individual. The GKs follow the Emperor's belief that there should be zero knowledge of the warp & will purge any who witnessed an incursion, including bystanders & "friendly" combatants. The Exorcists however won't so long as they weren't actively assisting the enemy.

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