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Death Guard 1500pts (new to 40k)


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I haven't played 40k since 2nd edition and am now just getting back into the game after about 15 years off. I'm looking to start a Death guard chaos space marine army and would like advice on my list and maybe some tactical tips to go along with it. 

Typhus (230) 


20 Plague Zombies (90) 

7 Plague Marines(238) 
2 plasma guns, champ w/ melta bombs and Rhino 

7 Plague Marines(203) 
2 plasma guns, champ w/ melta bombs 

7 Plague Marines(203) 
2 plasma guns, champ w/ melta bombs 


Hellbrute (105) 

Hellbrute (105) 

5 Chaos Terminators (216) 
Mark of nurgle, Reaper autocannon, Champ w/ chainfist and combi-flamer, 2x powerfists and a Rhino. 


5 Havocs (170) 
Mark or nurgle, 2x Missile launchers w/ flakk, Heavy bolter and Lascannon 

TOTAL 1500 

I plan on Typhus joining the termies for protection in the Rhino or possibly deep striking this unit and giving their rhino to another plague marine squad. The termies are the hammer of the army really. While The Plague marines with the rhino act as a firebrigade/ mobile reserve (rushing to hotspots) while the rest slowly advance to midfield. Havocs are for Anti-air and anti-armour. Hellbrutes are for Anti-armour as well. Plague zombies will hopefully soak up a round or two of fire. Plague marines are for objectives and fire support. IMO I think i have all bases covered as I wish this army to be as flexible as possible. 

At 1750 points I would add either a Nurgle daemon prince with wings or 6 Nurgle bikers...at 2000 I would add both and maybe try to fit in another 5 man havoc squad with cheaper heavy weapons. 

Please let me know if this list is at least semi-competitive. Im not looking to powergame to win tournaments and crush everyone with an army. Im mostly looking to have fun and maybe win a few games as a bonus. Any suggestions are most welcome...But please note that Im on a budget and don't want to add any really expensive units such as land raiders, helldrakes or obliterators to this list. Most of my plague marines will be dark vengence marines converted with the forge world kits with some extras bitz from ebay. 
The hellbrutes are there because even though they don't have the mark of nurgle and perhaps aren't that effective..I love the model and they are cheap to buy (dark vengence got me one and ebay will get me another for $20 or less). 


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Welcome back to 40k!


Some quick tips:


1.) If you are playing typhus you should try maximising his efficiency by playing at least 50 zombies. Zombies are brilliant tar pit/objective camping units and should not be frowned upon. I know you said you don´t have a high budget, but this way typhus is kind of meh. You essentially pay alot of points for the ability to get zombies, but don´t get many of them. My tip: Greenstuff the dark vengeance cultists with boils etc and just call them plague zombies.


2.)The termis would be better if kept cheap. Keep the power weapons on them (Probably power axes) and if you wish add one chainfist. Then stock them all up with either combi plasma or combi melter. Note that you cannot purchase a rhino for terminators, nor can they embark on said vehicle. I would probably end up deep striking them to inflict punishment on an important target. Typhus could be joined to the terminators, but also works well with a unit of 20 zombies to hold your midfield.


3.) If you really want to play Hellbrutes you may want to look at converting them to be more shooty. The multimelters low range and slow movement of the hellbrute makes them bad fire support units which your list is sorely missing. Maybe go reaper ac and missile launcher.


4.) Stick to one weapon type on the havocs. Having 4 flakk missiles is not all that likely to help you against air. Taking 4 autocannons may be worth it. Come out at an inexpensive 115 pts, aswell as having mass shots.


5.) Switch one rhino over to a unit of plague marines, so you have 2 mobile squads.


If you want to expand I would go for a second squad of aforementioned havocs or maybe an aegis with quadgun aswell. The Daemon Prince may cost too many points seeing that you already have typhus at a whopping 230 pts.


Tactical difficulties:

The problem with your list is that you don´t have a large amount of damage output. You have decent staying power with plague marines and zombies. So you will have to basically play an objective game (here once again the more zombies, the better you can swarm objectives). You have one long range poke unit at the moment which can be taken down fairly quickly. You may be better off fully ignoring fliers if you don´t want to go the heldrake way. 

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Also if you are running stock Helbrutes they are actually 100pts, make sure you get the Chaos FAQ/Errata so you know of any changes to the stock codex.

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Hiya welcome back. I think you've come back at a good time; in my opinion 6th edition 40k is the best yet.  


Your list (in my opinion)


  • Have at least 30 zombies
  • I'd swap out one the plasma gun squads for a melt gun squad (the one with the rhino)
  • Have a few additional havocs for ablative wounds
  • If you want to mix heavy weapons I take missile launchers and auto cannon (this is what I plan to do)
  • Take the reaper off your termie squad as it's really too expensive for what it does and replace with a heavy flamer
  • Put a reaper on one of your helbrutes (it's a much cheaper upgrade on the helbrute)
  • Veterans of the long war is usually a good idea - you have advantages against light infantry already and VotLW will give you a little extra against most MEQ
  • I'd consider some power weapons for your squad leaders seeing as they are obliged to challenge
  • HINT - predators a v. cheap now and you can field a tri las for not very much and this would give you some additional long range punch

Finally - your terminators cannot get in a Rhino and neither can 6 models in terminator armour fit in a Land Raider. I think it would be acceptable to walk Typhus in his zombo unit and teleport your termies onto the battlefield later on (which would benefit the heavy/combi flamers).


My two blight grenades =P

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Hey thanks for the Great tips!



I'll try to run a unit of 30 zombies or would two units of 20 zombies (2 boxes of whfb zombies) be better and more flexible?



Switching the havocs to 4 autocannons or possibly 3 +1 Missile launcher without flakk. I'll also add two more to the squad, making a squad of the magical number 7.



Getting rid of the reaper cannon on the termies. Adding combi meltas and plasma to four termies and a heavy flamer to the 5th. also dropping the powerfists. They will be deep striking with typhus.



Going to be converting the 2 hellbrutes to include reaper autocannon and missile launcher to enhance range and hitting power .



2 squads in rhinos with 2x meltas each and Power weapons to each champion. 3rd squad will hold backfield on foot with 2x plasma guns and champion with power weapon.


I haven't had the time to write up a new list but I am assuming all this will cost me an extra 100-200pts or so. Might have to cut out a hellbrute to make 1500 pt games.. I'll post a new list this weekend.

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OK.. Here we go the updated list taking into consideration some of the tips mentioned..




Typhus (230)




20x zombies (90)


20x Zombies (90)


7x Plague Marines (235)

2 meltaguns, Veterans, champion has melta bombs, Rhino


7x Plague Marines (235)

2 melta guns, Veterans, champion has melta bombs, Rhino


7x Plague Marines (210)

2 plasma guns, Veterans, champion has melta bombs




5x Terminators (232)

Mark of Nurgle, 1 combi-flamer, 1 combi-plasma, 2 combi-meltas, Heavy flamer, Veterans


Hellbrute (125)

Twin-linked lascannon


Hellbrute (120)

Plasma Cannon, Missile launcher


7x Havocs (169)

Mark of Nurgle, 4 Auto-cannons, Veterans


Total: 1731 pts



Alternatively I can remove the plague marines on foot or possibly one hellbrute and instead add a fast attack option in Chaos bikers..


6 Chaos Bikers (215)

Mark of nurgle, 2 melta guns, Veterans, Champ has melta bombs,  chainaxe and combi-flamer

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