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Inks+Washes+Bright Colors

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I have attempted more times than I wish to admit over the past 11 years of playing this hobby to properly paint a proper yellow, white, and red. I have finally figured out, after reading countless blogs, how to apply these colors to get a nice and even application but something is still tripping me up. That something is the properly accentuating the details with the use of inks and washes. I use both GW inks and washes plus Vallejo inks. I have tried applying a varity of colors directly on the primer, between coats, etc. but it just never works right. Either my thinned down color bleeds into the details or it takes half a dozen applications of thinned out paint on a specific spot to cover up some stray ink or wash. This makes the area look uneven and frustrates me to no end.


I need some suggestions because all these blogs with perfectly painted armies are beginning to drive me insane.



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An oil wash, eh? Who makes these?

I have a couple test models I'll take pics of this evening after work.

They are washes made by thinning artist oil paints, so probably a few hundred if not thousands of companies.

You can also use oil paints for weathering tanks and terrain. Gouache paints also work and are water soluble and dry a lot fasters. They do have some drawbacks but I use them as I only use them for weathering and have an airbrush to warnish with. Gouaches are less messy.

You can find good tutorials for oils in youtube for both washing and weathering.


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