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Ragnar Blackmane's Company by magnusthetraitor

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I've been collecting Space Wolves since 2008, so I'm a pup compared to some of the Long Fangs here on B&C, but I thought I'd share some of my painted models. I recently took some nicer pictures, so here are some of my more recent painting updates and new guys. 



Here is my version of Ragnar Blackmane! I finished him up a year or so ago, and have used him as Ragnar or as a cheaper Wolf Lord many times since. I have a lot of fun with that Frostblade, way more than I ever did with Thunder Hammers and Power Fists.






I finally got my family portrait of the Sky Claws and their Battle Leader. I hope you like them! i don't see a lot of them used in other Space Wolf armies, and wanted to try them out for myself. I've been very happy with that decision. 

The fellow with the shield and facial tattoos is my Mark of the Wulfen, and sadly the Powerfist is hiding behind everyone else. The Battle Leader rocks a Power Axe and Runic Armour, and does pretty well in most challenges.



A few weeks ago I was lamenting the fact that I haven't really played Blood Claws since the new codex came out, and had mostly repainted or used my old Blood Claw models to make Grey Hunters, Wolf Guard, etc. So I grabbed some axes and marine bits and went to it! Now I have a full pack of 15 Blood Claws that I'm proud to put on the table. 

This pack is a drop podding pack of 9 with Flamer, and a Wolf Guard armed with a Frost Blade. They've been rather effective so far, despite the fact that all the internet theory is that Grey Hunters are strictly superior in their role of deep striking. These guys come down, take minimal fire because they "suck", and then go on a rampage through the back line. More power to em, I say.




I needed some new objective markers, so I built these out of bits, green stuff and stones from the drive way. The smaller base in the middle of the executioner's block rotates on a magnet so I can mark turns. I forget less now!


I've got a bunch of pics of my Thunderwolf Cavalry unit, and I'll post those next. 


Thanks for reading,


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Here are some of my Thunderwolf Cavalry. I have 13 or so? Here are five that I recently pulled out to game with. Some are my scratch builds from the early days of the codex, which some of you might recognize. They've been repainted a time or two since then!




Please ignore the piece of decal backing on his base. I've just run back to pick that off his base, but I'm not gonna take a new picture just for you, Mr. Nitpicky. :-)





I chose some of the angles to show off the Cyberwolves, rather than the Wolf Guard on the base. You can see some of his shoulder markings though.





This guy is the heavy hitter of my squad. I've been running a full unit of five, with the only upgrade being a powerfist. The Stormshields are just not worth the points in a lot of circumstances, especially when you have a track record as bad as I do making the saves! I've run into a few Greater Daemons lately that are making me regret that decision.





This guy is one of my favorites! He always looks like he is going to do more damage than he ends up doing. Attitude is everything, eh?





Normally this is one of my Storm Shield models, but I like him quite a bit so I included him in the squad with his shield downgraded to "chance of precipitation" instead of "storm". 


Thanks for reading,


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Kinda reminds me of the way GW used to paint their minis a few editions back. Well done, but I agree there is a LOT of gingers in there. Almost like an army of tall Dwarf Slayers.


I like your Ragnar figure, and I've been wanting to do one of my own for a long time. Once I'm done with this conversion contest, I might have a go at a few Space Pups conversions.

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The orange hair is indeed due to the troll fat they use to spike their hair. It has a great hold but bleaches hair to a bright orange. :-)


Thanks for the comments guys! I have a Contemptor that is finished but awaiting basing prior to posting here. He was quite fun to paint.



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