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Greetings all. I have decided to cobble all of my painting into one topic as I am a project butterfly and nothing gets done in order, probably as I don't play 40k so I paint what I feel like. So on with the show...


Flesh Tearers: This will be a diorama of the lads assaulting the militia position at Gaius Point during the battle for Armageddon. All this boy needs is a generous helping of gore. If I have got my markings correct he should represent the 7th squad 2nd company.


SAM 0782

SAM 0783

SAM 0784

Crimson Fists: These boys are Pedro Kantor and his 1st company 6th squad survivors of Rhynns World. I have yet to decide whether to keep them clean as in a new deployment or damage them so that they look like they have just survived Rhynns World.

SAM 0768

SAM 0770

SAM 0777


Blood Angels: Just a 2nd company 5th squad marine I think. He is the first non orange Blood Angel I have painted and I quite like him


SAM 0779

SAM 0781


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And finally my D.I.Y chapter the Carrion Lords. These guys are based on LURPS (long range recconissance and gurilla warfare) and so are a bit battle damaged from being in the field a long time. have lots of extra pouches for supplies. They are Raven Guard successors and so wear MKVI as a tribute to their gene father, but wear no unit identification or extras such as cloaks, oath parchments to deny the enemy any intel on their force strength or role.


SAM 0792

SAM 0791

SAM 0790

SAM 0789

SAM 0788

SAM 0786

SAM 0785

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Huh, I was wondering if that Gaius Point project was going anywhere. I like the Tearer, but it seems like you didn't get his shoulder pad on all the way. I think he's my favorite out of the bunch, though.

The skull on the DIY shoulder pads seems a touch big. sweat.gif

And there is no e in "truly" ;) Spelling counts in signatures.

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Finally finished my captain. A simple conversion of the excellent Seth model, Seth's head was swapped for a helmeted marine as anyone who charges into battle without a helmet is an idiot and I needed to change the angle of the head so that he is looking down at the civvy he is going to smash. Secondly I swapped the cloak and massive 'shoot me' iron halo for a regular backpack. If you want to know why not to wear cloaks in battle watch the incredibles, and even the British army doesn't salute or display rank in the field to stop the officers getting picked off so why would a superhuman space marine? Anyway onto the pics, I would like c+c about my painting but more importantly does he 'feel' like a Flesh Tearer going mental and hacking apart his own soldiers. Muchos Gracias mateys


SAM 0796

SAM 0797

SAM 0798

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Finished my first attempt at a Ravenguard veteran today. He is clean and undamaged as I figured they would just drop in, kick arse and then be home on the flagship for tea and cake so no time to get battle damaged. Let me know what you think. Much love

SAM 0839 (1024x836)

SAM 0842 (1024x892)


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Thanks for the kind words everyone. One of the big bonuses of painting so many different chapters is you learn a lot very quickly so here are 3 things I learned painting the Raven Guard.

1) The new vanguard minis are exceptional, so much detail that is really clear makes them a joy and a breeze to paint. Plus you get so many extra bits it is unreal.

2) Painting black and white, 2 colours that used to scare me, are now pretty simple if you follow the painting system on GW's website. The new paint colours really bridge some old gaps perfectly

3) Spend £3 and buy a stand alone magnifying glass, I can't begin to tell you how much better you can get your detail work done if it looks the size of a planet. Best hobby purchase ever.


Stuff in the pipeline (just don't hold your breath) RG, Mentors, Imperial Fist, Crimson Fist.

Ta raa a bit

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By making everything bigger it gives you much more confidence to paint to the edge, plus it makes details like the skulls on the lightning claw knuckles much clearer allowing you to spot areas which need to be highlighted rather than dry brushing and guessing as I used to do.

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I've considered buying a pair of magnifying goggles, but 1- I have a big head and they don't let you try them on first and 2- I imagine I already look nerdy enough painting tiny space men without a pair of those on my head. Not that I paint in public, but I have at least a little pride left...for some reason teehee.gif

Anyway, lovely work. The new Vanguard kit has really produced a lot of tasty Raven Guard. Guess they were just waiting for a pack of plastic claws to play with biggrin.png

Edit- On second thought, if they made magnifying goggles for big heads with some good LEDs on the side for better lighting, I might have to give in laugh.png

Edit 2- Huh, seems that they actually do make those...wonder if those would reduce or exacerbate painting head aches.

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Firepower, on 31 Oct 2013 - 21:01, said:

I've considered buying a pair of magnifying goggles, but 1- I have a big head and they don't let you try them on first and 2- I imagine I already look nerdy enough painting tiny space men without a pair of those on my head. Not that I paint in public, but I have at least a little pride left...for some reason teehee.gif

Anyway, lovely work. The new Vanguard kit has really produced a lot of tasty Raven Guard. Guess they were just waiting for a pack of plastic claws to play with biggrin.png

Edit- On second thought, if they made magnifying goggles for big heads with some good LEDs on the side for better lighting, I might have to give in laugh.png

Edit 2- Huh, seems that they actually do make those...wonder if those would reduce or exacerbate painting head aches.

A quick search on a certain webstore named after a certain river reveals several kinds of Jewelers Loupes that would be perfect for this sort of stuff. In fact, there's some that can be worn like glasses and use LED's too. Hang on... I'll be right back...

Edit: Don't get the spectacle-type ones. Apparently the miniature has to be close enough to the magnifier so that it could kick you in the eye. :rolleyes:

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I've considered buying a pair of magnifying goggles, but 1- I have a big head and they don't let you try them on first and 2- I imagine I already look nerdy enough painting tiny space men without a pair of those on my head. Not that I paint in public, but I have at least a little pride left...for some reason teehee.gif

Anyway, lovely work. The new Vanguard kit has really produced a lot of tasty Raven Guard. Guess they were just waiting for a pack of plastic claws to play with biggrin.png

Edit- On second thought, if they made magnifying goggles for big heads with some good LEDs on the side for better lighting, I might have to give in laugh.png

Edit 2- Huh, seems that they actually do make those...wonder if those would reduce or exacerbate painting head aches.

A quick search on a certain webstore named after a certain river reveals several kinds of Jewelers Loupes that would be perfect for this sort of stuff. In fact, there's some that can be worn like glasses and use LED's too. Hang on... I'll be right back...

Yup, decided to google after the initial post, hence the Edits teehee.gif Amaz...I mean, Not-The-Nile has quite a few with good reviews. Still not sure about the head ache issues, though. I seem to have an unusually irritable brain casing to match my unusually irritable brain teehee.gif
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I seem to have an unusually irritable brain casing to match my unusually irritable brain teehee.gif

Why not try something like this, then? Personally I like being able to manipulate my models any way I want them, but it'd be good for painting the minute details like eye-highlights and such.

That Raven Guard looks lovely. Particularly the white. Did you drybrush like GW recommends? Did it make much difference?

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I did drybrush with praxeti white but for me it made little difference. The key is lots of thin coats of paint. After washing all the white with Nuln oil I applied ulthuan grey to parts not in shade then edged highlighted with white scar. By using lots of thin coats you can build up the brightness of the white smoothly and easily.

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Dang, each marine looks way better than the last, and luckily they started out pretty cool :D


The Raven Guard are exceptional. That white is perfect (seriously) and I do agree about GW's new paint system. I finally gave in and started painting like they instruct in their videos, and my models really did start improving substantially.


I support all the decisions you made in changing Gabriel Seth. He looks way better now in my opinion. Two handed chainswords and capes and ornamental backpacks don't all go together, and I think I know which of those 3 things he would keep.

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Update time! I had a MK8 set of legs and chest (an armour variant I am not fond of) so I decided to knock up a Mentor marine (as their fluff has them using all of the Imperium's new kit). I gave him a couple of toys to play with and tried to pose him so that if I do an urban diorama I can have him in the background running off to do his own chapter's thing. I found painting the majority of the model in either white or gold very unforgiving and he is not the best painting I have ever done, but that is what happens when you paint different paint schemes for the first time and at least he is no longer a collection of unpainted bits in a box. Oh and I know I haven't painted the chapter symbol on but my detail brush is like an electrocuted hedgehog at the moment so I will wait until I get a new one.  Much love

SAM 0855 (1024x959)

SAM 0854 (1024x881)

SAM 0853 (813x1024)

SAM 0852 (1024x954)

SAM 0851 (782x1024)

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Okay, back on more familiar ground this update as it is my latest Flesh Tearer. I am not going to put this guy in my diorama as I want to keep him clean and fresh as a contrast to my Gaius Point guys. I have just ordered a pot of blood for the blood god for them so expect an update towards the end of the week of them finally covered in gore. Hope you enjoy, c+c always appreciated. Much love

SAM 0860 (918x1024)

SAM 0859 (631x1024)

SAM 0858 (726x1024)

SAM 0857 (646x1024)

SAM 0856 (816x1024)

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As promised my diorama now covered in blood. The new blood for the blood god paint is amazing and really simple to use. It is so much fun to plaster the emperor's finest in opponents gore (even if in this case it is blue on blue)! All I need now are more bodies, I think I am probably going to have to get some Imperial Guard and chop them up but I shall continue to trawl the internets to find more casualties. "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD ......err I mean FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!" Much love

SAM 0863 (1024x768)

SAM 0864 (1024x768)

SAM 0865 (1024x768)

SAM 0866 (1024x768)

SAM 0867 (1024x768)

SAM 0868 (1024x768)

SAM 0869 (1024x768)

SAM 0870 (1024x768)

SAM 0872 (1024x768)

SAM 0873 (1024x768)

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