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Hello brothers, this is my first post, just looking for some helpful advice towards what I will be purchasing next.


In my collection I presently have assembled and painted, 







Terminator Squad - 5, Assault Cannon

Sanguinary Guard - 5, Banner



Tactical Marines - 20

Assault Marines - 10, Jump packs

Death Company - 10, on foot

Scouts - 5, Sniper Rifles





Fast Attack

Bikers - 3, Plasma gun


Heavy Support

Devastator Squad



Well, that's the average sized army of mine,

I've been tossing up between;

a Stormraven,

a pair of Baals or Predators,

some Fragiosos and pods

or a DC box to make some Sternguard, but I may not, as the new models are soon to arrive


Attack bikes will wait until they become slightly more affordable.


Thank you for all of your help!





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A command squad for priest/honour guard/ bits.

DC box is alwsys a good thing for nice models and loads of bits.

Fragioso dreadnoughts are good deepstrike hammers.

If you want vehicles. Baal predators. Magnetize for multiple options.

Drop pods for dc/fragioso dreadnoughts.

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Honestly, I am building 3 baal preds right now, and I was thinking about the effect/efficiency of the inferno cannon.  It looks amazing on paper, but there are only 2 times when it will be effective.  Deterrent to deep striking sternguard or dreadnoughts in pods (or equivalent, which will be worth less points), and if you get first turn, start up to 12", scout another 18 (or is it actually 24", can someone confirm that for me please), and make sure you go first with deep striking units, and some devs in the back.  those will pop transports, and the baals will clean up what comes out.


but these are both one trick ponies, and you have to ensure that the terrain is set somewhat in your favour.


Otherwise, I say, full on assault cannons, and HBs since this will be more useful all around.  especially when you have a minimum of 2 in the army.


I was going to magnetize mine, but I'm thinking straight up Assault cannons this time.  when I get 3 more, I'll make them into the inferno variant for when I want to one trick pony someone.

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Well, I am Legion, I've been thinking for mine to go with the assault cannons, as the volume of decent strength fire can do some damage. I think a good addition to the two Baals will eventually be a nice big ol' squad of sternguard, with combi-meltas. But the only real problem is the lack of long range fire support. In my opinion, my heavy support will probably be filled with a Stormraven and maybe a predator. But from what I keep hearing from our fellow brothers is that a Stormraven is not a viable transport.


Many thanks!

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I took a Baal of each to a local tournament. An Assault/h.bolter and a flamestorm/h. Flamer and dozer blade.

Deploy bullets and outflanking flamers. Rammed twice entering the board and hunted rear/side armour and infantry with two templates a turn.

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What do you mean by "waiting for Attack Bikes to become more affordable"? Only that will never happen. In short, buy online from places that are not GW (Ebay, third party retailers) if you want affordable.

Other than that, what style of play do you enjoy? What are you aiming for? What you have so far looking like the start of a hybrid force and if you wish to continue that, you need to find more stuff to synergise with it.

My 2p for the ideas you are playing around with;

a) The Stormraven is very useful and only becomes a must-have if you know your opponents will have enemy fliers.

cool.png Two Predators or Baals will help shield your Rhino full of Death Company and hide Mephiston and your Assault Squad as they follow behind. The Baals can also outflank, meaning you could bring them on later with your bikes.

c) One Pod and a Fragioso will be a fantastic distraction and has a good chance of getting you first blood. Five pods is the start of a Drop Pod force, having three Pods (and maybe two Fragiosos) could be a good option, but it depends on the rest of your force. You can also equip the Furioso differently and have it come on with your Stormraven.

d) As mentioned above, the DC boxset is good for everything.

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I've been seeing that a Stormraven is a staple to a list, and sadly, my meta is full of powergamers, so maybe I should whack a flyer on the board, just for the looks on their faces. 

The dual Baal idea with outflanking, is that a viable  decision to have a fair bit of firepower off the board for possibly 3 turns?

The Fragioso is something I've been gazing at longingly, but is a drop pod or stormraven a better insertion style?

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In my opinion;


A single Fragioso is best deployed by Drop Pod for an alpha strike. That's not to say that a Stormraven-deployed Fragioso will not work, but what other option do you have for an alpha strike attempt? It could also be argued that a Stormraven best deploys a combat-orientated Dreadnought to take advantage of the Stormraven's Assault Vehicle rule.


Predators work best in pairs mainly for redundancy purposes. Keeping anything in reserve is always a gamble but with Outflank, it can work wonders. Alternatively, start it on the board, move it to a better position using it's Scout move and then go nuts on the first turn.

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Oh, I see where you're coming from!

Yeah, so for the Stormraven, just send a Death Company Dread to go to town on some unfortunate squad? 

I was thinking with the Baals, if I was to deploy them, just to start them on the front of my force, make a nice av 13 wall for my troops to hide behind. Because from what I've seen using those as well as a Raven can really lay down the hurt from a lot of angles.

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There are two things you need to remember about the Death Company Dreadnought.


First, it is only AV12, meaning Krak Grenades will glance it to death. Basically, only send it in against targets that can not harm you back. If you need to send it against Marines, make sure it is supported.


Secondly, Walkers do not have Frag Grenades. If you have to change something in cover - especially something that can glance it - make sure it is supported!


A better option may be a Furioso Dreadnought with Blood Talons should you wish to go down that route.


Also, if you are going to use jumpers like that then a good idea is to get a Sanguinary Priest.

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