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Custom Warband- Ravernous Claws


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So here is my project so far, my ultamate long term goal for this is to get codex ammount of lore. Enjoy!





Ravenous Claws-

Custom Warband

"Tear and burn, Marrius will awaken!"~"Lacerandum et succendetur, Marrius, evigilabunt!"



Chapter Information:

Name= Ravenous Claws

Origin= Imperial Claws

Founding= post Heresy, White Scars Geneseed

Leader= Chaos Lord Marrius the Vengeful

System= Sírus System of the Dark Star


Details: The Sírus System is a Warp System consisting of six planets that orbit the Dark Star Sírus. All the planets are shrouded in darkness, their inhabitants bound in servitude to the Dark Gods.


Homeworld= Siren, fortress world, Daemon world


Details: After Marrius made his hellish pact the Chaos driven priests set about performing the necessary rituals to turn their Fortress world Daemon. The structures live and breath while the Soul Forges burn with sentient flame, the planet is a cesspool of petulant swamps, raging lava fields, crystal landscapes and twisted Daemonic forests, alive with corrupted beasts.


Base of operations= The Temple-Fortress Siren

Fortress-Monastery= The Temple-Fortress Siren


Details: The Temple-Fortress Siren is a near impregnable small city hewn from the diamond-hard black rock of the largest mountain range on the planet, also the largest in the system. It's gates stand at the base of the mountain while the Temple itself bores deep into its heart, while The Tower of Furies stabs high into the sky from its peak. The Temple was given its name after the shrieking from a permanent cloud of Warp Furies that circles the Temple-Fortresses main spire.


Splinter factions= n/a

Chaos dedication= Chaos undivided/frantic devotion to each of the gods

Colors= blue with gold trim and red

Specialty= close combat, cultists

Allies= Warmaster Abaddon, Dark Mechicanus

Enemies= Space Marines, Tau, Ork, Necrons, Eldar

Battle Cry= "Tear and burn, Marrius will awaken!"~"Lacerandum et succendetur, Marrius, evigilabunt!"

Strength= slightly oversized, massive number of cultists




The Ravenous Claws were once a dedicated chapter of White Scars gene seed, a zealous codex chapter created almost explicitly for Xenos warfare. They earned their name due to their extensive use of close combat weapons, their battle cry attributing to this fact with "Tear and burn, Marrius will awaken!" ("Lacerandum et succendetur, Marrius, evigilabunt!"). The Imperium utilised their

preference to close combat weapons, regularly sending them on ambush missions, often using stealth.


They were founded by the High Lords of Terra in response to high alien activity in the Sírus sector. With high resources, populations and being closer to the rim of imperial military support, it was a popular raiding target. The Imperial Guard of the sector, the Irradicatus Guard sector was often at war with Xenos, this meant the Ravenous Claws had access to alien weaponry, usually taken after battles. This meant they were never fully trusted by the Inquisition and the Chapter Master Marrius would often argue with the Inquisition, each time greater friction being caused. It is said that on one occasion the argument got so furious, Marrius stomped so hard in a rage that the Ordo Xenos Inquisitor present, Lerinal Fourcus standing on the other end of the metal grating was sent flying over the head of Marrius and into several of his servants, much to the amusement of the Marrius and his Guard.


Tension was very high, to the point where Lerinal surprised the Chapter with an inspection. Upon this inspection he discovered a large array of unregistered alien artefacts and weapons in their possession despite the ban. They had done this after conquests, seeing the potential of the technology, using it to better eradicate the foe, even though it meant going against the Inquisition. Lerinal, much to his delight threatened to report the Chapter. Enraged Marrius drove his sword clean through the Inquisitor.


Afterwards realising what he had done, Marrius driven by insanity made a deal with the Chaos Gods. He offered his loyalty to the Chaos Gods and forged the Daemonblade Vindíctar. They now worship Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Khorne and Nurgle. The warband is untrustworthy, with every squad fanatically worshiping a chaos god. Marrius has long since been in chryo-sleep after mortal wounds from a failed assault on a Eldar Craft World and his second; Oricin of Secrets has ascended to Daemonhood after a victory over a Necron Tomb World in the name of Slannesh and now leads the Warband. The Chosen Champion, Darien now takes the role of leading the forces, while the Daemonblade Vindíctar has been intrusted to Assan Lord Sorcerer until Marrius can be awakened to lead once again.They now scour the galaxy from their Fortress-Temple in search of favour of the Chaos Gods and vengeance against the Imperrium, shaking the confidence of Space Marine Chapters, Tau Septs, Ork Waaaghs!, Necron Tomb Worlds and Eldar Craft Worlds alike.




Combat Doctrine:

Tactics= Rip and tear, tactical warfare, sear and burn, drown them with bodies


Details: Rip and tear- Warband specialises in close combat tactics and weapons, such as Lightning Claws and Power Weapons with savage ferocity for melee combat


Details: Tactical warfare- Warband uses complex tactics and plans, lying in wait, using espionage, stealth, infiltration, ambush etc


Details: Sear and burn- Warband makes use of close range firefighting and burn weapons, such as Flamers, Melta and Plasma


Details: Drown them with bodies- Warband makes heavy use of mortal servants as cannon fodder, sending them in waves towards the enemy.


Special Troops= Cultists, Chosen


Details: The Ravenous Claws have a large number of Cultists, Chaos Cults, traitorous Imperial Guard or recruits from corrupted worlds



Warband Beliefs:

Death to the False Emperor - The Marines despise the carrion lord and his false empire. They hate every aspect of the Imperium and fight to bring it apart.


Daemonhood is Godhood - To ascend to daemonhood is to become a god. Those who have become beings of the warp are revered greatly, those who have not strive to do so.


Power demands Sacrifice - The Marines of this force understand that in order to gain you must first give something in return. They're willing to sacrifice anything to advance themselves, even their lives or the lives of others.


Battle is Glory - To fight on the battlefield is the greatest thing in life. The best warriors are held above all others, and to fight without grandeur is pathetic.



Notable Battles:

Eldar Craft World- led by Marrius the Vengeful

Necron Tomb World- led by Oricin of Secrets

Ork Waaagh!- lead by Darien

Tau Sept- led by Assan Lord Sorcerer





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I think you need a plot twist as to why the Imperial space marines decided that xenos weapons were more better than good old bolters.


The Relictors chapter master (was it??) accidentally picked up a daemon weapon and used it to kill a chaos lord, which shaped their future idealogy.


Your marines just seem to...keep alien weaponry. When was it demonstrated to be better than imperial tech?


Most chapter masters are too proud to be frightened of an inquisitor reporting them (to who???). Space marines are highly autonamous bodies, and there would have to be a long standing use of the alien tech and potential corruption of battle brothers to warrant such censure.


How long did your chapter exist before turning traitor? 


Just beacuse the chapter master turned to the chaos gods doesnt mean the rest of the chapter did. How did the rest of them fall? You say he went insane? An insane chapter master would be quickly identified and removed.


Maybe he covered up the death of the inquisitor, blaming it on aliens, then executed a vengeful, bloodthirsty crusade on some xenos (eldar?) that saw the chapter fall from grace?

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