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Nova Hawks

Brother Tyler

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Okay, I've begun to seriously re-think changing the name. I'm not liking how "Vengeance Hawks" flows. Also, the name isn't working for my concept of the Chapter upon its founding. So names I'm considering are:


Nova Hawks

Knight Hawks

Knights of <world>

Throne Knights

Throne Heralds (though I think I may have suggested that name to someone else which, if true, means that I won't use the name)


For those that might be inclined to suggest names, the Chapter name will be based upon the Chapter at its founding and the identity it established for itself at that time. Later events are irrelevant, so the whole puritas divisions timeframe, the penitent crusade, etc. are not issues that affect the name. Also, the Chapter didn't start out adherent of the Cult Imperialis. It viewed the Emperor in a manner similar to most other Chapters, gradually changing to follow the Cult Imperialis over time (and for reasons that I'll explain in the article).


The Chapter was created in the Cursed Founding, and its gene-seed is unknown (though an omniscient point of view will understand that the gene-seed is chimeric). The Chapter's purpose upon being founded was to bolster the defenses in the region near (but not part of) the region that the Judged Chapters came from, as close to Terra as possible while still remaining in that region. The Chapter started its existence devoted to the Emperor's Great Crusade. The Chapter had librarians when it was first founded (though they were standard for Codex Chapters).


The hawk head badge that I've been using as the Chapter badge is changing to silver, and it was the Chapter's badge upon its founding. I'm not tied to using the word "hawk" in the Chapter name, though. I won't be using "consuls" as that name is, in my mind, tied too closely with the sons of Roboute Guilliman and I don't want anyone getting it in their head that this Chapter is definitely descended from the XIIIth Legion.

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Some interesting revelations.


The story of the Nova Hawks will focus on the Matyrdom of <Chapter Master> (i.e., the honour duel). This is how the Nova Hawks recall the event in their histories, though it may be a bit slanted. Tied into this is the Chapter's penitent crusade and sense of honour.


Also, I think I'm going to tie in my Angels of Veneration and Inquisitor Teriq Ausar for a little bit of conspiracy fun (not to mention a more grand personal shadow game universe). I may have to shift the Investus Incident (see the Ausar link) forward in time a little, making Investus the former homeworld of the Nova Hawks. No, the Dark Angels won't be the Chapter that helps to broker the peace.


Also, I just noticed Cpt. Tiberious' Nova Slayers article this morning. I only bring that up because we've both chosen to use the word "nova" in our Chapter name. To be honest, I hadn't read his article before choosing the name. I happened upon the name because of the Novamarines, it doesn't appear to be used for any other Chapter (official or DIY) that I can find, and I've always liked the superhero Nova ever since the time he first appeared in an issue of the Defenders way back when I was a kid (anyone remember when the Defenders put out an ad for more heroes and they got more than they bargained for?). At least our DIYs have been executed in entirely different manners. I'll have to read his article more closely and comment on it when I have time.

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  • 7 months later...

Dagnabbit. Someone else used the "Nova Hawks" name for their own DIY Chapter, and over a year before me:




I guess I'll be finding a new name. Eventually. :sad.:

Whoop-de-doo, someone you'll likely never meet in person/who may not even be in the hobby anymore used the same name you were using/going to use.


Seriously BT, as one of the people who goes on about "no-one owns a name, there can be many with the same" your reaction is disappointing.

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Actually, keeping the name crossed my mind last night after posting (as I lay in bed considering alternatives, actually).


This isn't an issue of anyone laying claim to a name (i.e., the other hobbyist didn't contact me and demand that I change the name).


To be honest, it's more due to a combination of two factors. The first, as NightrawenII identified, is a selfish "mine" sentiment (though the motivation I perceive is a desire to be distinctive/unique rather than one of ownership). The second is the fact that the other Nova Hawks are a really well-painted and assembled force. That hobbyist obviously put some time and effort into creating a unique force filled with lots of character. I respect that. Neither of those two factors alone forces me to change the name, nor does the aggregate of the two force me to make such a change.


I can definitely understand Heru Talon's response, but that doesn't change the fact that I hold these other Nova Hawks in very high regard just from seeing the images, and I don't want to take away from them by using the same name (even though it is a really cool name).


Sometimes when you love something you have to set it free. In this case, I love the name, but I hold those other Nova Hawks in too high a regard to sully them with my own version (kick-ass as I think my own version is/will be). When players think of the Nova Hawks, that other hobbyist deserves to have people think of his own righteous creation, not to wonder if they're talking about my guys instead.



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Does that mean you're going back to the list of names in your first post? If so, is there one that now stands out, or are you still undecided? I personally like the "Invictors" as a name :happy.: (I checked google translate and it translated it as "amidst[the victory of]", but that site can be vague at times), I'm not sure what kind of Chapter symbol could be appropriate for that name if you change the current one.
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Ah, but the Invictors were part of the Abyssal Crusade and became the Unhallowed (this doesn't mean that I can't make them the Invictors, of course, but it definitely limits my options if I want to stick to "canon").


I'm back to new names, but I'm considering options others than those I proposed here. Besides, Brule the Spear-Slayer is using "Throne Knights" for his Brotherhood of the Angels 2014 submission. Some of the other names I previously considered might likewise be snatched up (or might have previously been used without me knowing).


Last night I considered making these guys the Fire Claws, later known as the Relictors. Obviously, this would mean that either they had a different flamey color scheme prior to getting busted by the Inquisition or I'm using an alternate reality.


Something else I'm considering is lifting a name from the Horus Heresy books from Forge World - using either the Imperial Fists or Ultramarines Legions as my progenitors and turning these guys into a heretofore un-named 2nd Founding Chapter.


Or I might just take a previously named but undeveloped Chapter.


Or I might use "Fire Raptors" as a Chapter name (yes, I know that there is a gunship with that name, but that doesn't stop it from being used by a Chapter).


Or I might do something else.


I'm not going to worry about it right now as I really have to get my version of the Angels of Vigilance finished/submitted so that The Shadow Guard doesn't have something to rub in my face. :wink:

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I really like your original idea pertaining to the Abyssal Crusade, which is one of the better pieces of recent fluff IMO. Though developing an existing chapter interests me as well.  As for the name, I like Fire Raptors better then any of the others.

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'Fire Raptors' as a place-holder is fine but I feel that it personally lacks that punch you come to associate with the really "good" Chapter names. I would suggest finding something that rolls off the tongue alongside 'Raptors', something like - though poor example it is - Obsidian* Raptors.




*I really like that word.

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Does that mean you're going back to the list of names in your first post?


I just realized what you're asking and the answer is "no." I've shifted the envisioned Chapter to being one of the Chapters that served as part of Basillius' "Puritas" divisions. This Chapter was basically duped into helping Basillius and was an adherent of the Imperial Cult. Once there was evidence that some of the Chapters that took part in the Abyssal Crusade were lost to Chaos, my Chapter put the homeworld of one of those Chapters to the sword (most likely one of the Chapters for which there was evidence of corruption within the Warp). When elements of that Chapter survived and returned with the Vorpal Swords, the scene was set for a showdown (which my guys lost and resultingly embarked on their own penitent crusade).

I found the image to the right which had been posted previously, but was lost when we lost a few days' worth of material here at the B&C. It was done with an experimental version of the painter that is no longer accessible (not even to me).

This is not the standard color scheme, obviously, and represents an officer of standing (Champion, Honour Guard, or Captain).

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Does that mean you're going back to the list of names in your first post?


I just realized what you're asking and the answer is "no." I've shifted the envisioned Chapter to being one of the Chapters that served as part of Basillius' "Puritas" divisions. This Chapter was basically duped into helping Basillius and was an adherent of the Imperial Cult. Once there was evidence that some of the Chapters that took part in the Abyssal Crusade were lost to Chaos, my Chapter put the homeworld of one of those Chapters to the sword (most likely one of the Chapters for which there was evidence of corruption within the Warp). When elements of that Chapter survived and returned with the Vorpal Swords, the scene was set for a showdown (which my guys lost and resultingly embarked on their own penitent crusade).

I found the image to the right which had been posted previously, but was lost when we lost a few days' worth of material here at the B&C. It was done with an experimental version of the painter that is no longer accessible (not even to me).

This is not the standard color scheme, obviously, and represents an officer of standing (Champion, Honour Guard, or Captain).

all i know is we need that "experimental" version back :yes:

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The (now lost) experimental version of the painter seems to be the bees knees, judging by that marine. I can only hope a version of the painter in the future will be capable of this again.

I must say that even though 'Firebirds' as a chapter has been done before, it does seem extraordinarily appropriate for that illustration.

If 'Firebirds' is definitely a no go, how about:

Phoenix Knights

Knights of the Phoenix

Brotherhood of the Flame




Knights Inferno/Infernal

Do any of those tickle your fancy?

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