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The Swords of Baal (Captain Karlaen is Painted!)


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The first finished HQ for this force is Reclusiarch Cyrus.





Prologue:Act I


Cyrus, Reclusiarch of the Blood Angels stood in the middle of his personal armoury. The Servitors where busying themselves with the finishing touches on his Tactical Dreadnought armour. As he saw one approaching with his skull helm, he remembered the first time he donned the black and bone panoply of the holy Reclusiam. Throne, that seemed centuries ago.In fact, it was centuries Ago, three to be exact. 

while a servitor was mag-locking his Storm bolter to his thigh plate, he dipped hie armoured finged into a grail of blessed unguent. It was a curious mix of Sacred Machine Oil and blood from the Apothacarion.He anointed the skull-helms forehead with a small circle. "By the will of the Emperor, and by the blood of the Primarch, let this Armour be a shield to ward off all evil." he muttered.

The helm made a muffled clicking sound as Cyrus locked into place. this would likely be the last time he was not wearing it for the duration of the coming campaign.

A rap on his door pulled at his attention. "Enter" he commanded. as the door opened he noted the crimson robes and gold mask of a chapter serf.

 "we are breaking out of the warp within the hour" the serf said, dropping to his knee. "Does my lord Reclusiarch require anything?" he asked humbly.

 "Yes, Inform Captain Karlaen I am coming to perform the Pre-war blessing."

 "as you will, my lord" the serf said as he rose and turned to leave.

 "My lord Reclusiarch?" a servitor querried.


As Cyrus turned he saw the long crimson and golden pillow the Crozius was resting on. He reached out and grasped the haft of the ancient weapon. somehow his arm always felt complete when he held it.

"You two" he said, pointing at a pair of servitors. "bring the Grail of Blessing, and if one drop is spilled, the Emperor himself cannot save you."

With that Cyrus spun on his heel and headed out of the door of his armoury.



this is the beginning of my Project log for my son's Blood Angel army the "Swords of Baal" I am trying to capture a feel with modelling and fluff for these guys. the other half of this story "Hammer of Nocturne" will be in the Index Astartes section. coming soon(ish).


The next HQ will be Captain Karlaen, 1st Co.


For Sanguinius,



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HQ #2; Captain Karlaen, the Shield of Baal, of the 1st Co "Archangels" strikeforce "Swords of Baal", Commanding






Captain Karlaen Stared at the Massive Thunderhammer perched on the Weapon rack before him. It so beautiful in its simplicity, so devastating. It had reaped a mighty toll in the blood of humanities enemies since he was presented with it. A gift from Cronos, Master of the Forge of the Salamanders Chapter, it had become his favored weapon and a symbol for his command. His finger traced along the bronze inlaid fireball on the weapons head.

"well old friend it seems we are needed again." he murmured to the weapon as if it could resond.

He grasped the haft and ilfted it from its rest. with a two-handed grip he stretched his shoulders with a shrug. the terminator armour rattled violently trying to mimic his movement.

there was a knok on the bulkhead, he turned and saw a blood-serf on a knee.

"my Lord Captain, Reclusiarch Cyrus is on is way to conduct the War Blessing."

"very good" he dismissed the serf with a wave.


soon they would make Planetfall, and the vile Xenos would learn to fear the hammer of Vaul!

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thanks man, the Deathwing terminator squad is one of the best kits so far imo, you get so much stuff in it, it's like the Grey Knight kits, but without all the =][= symbols. it's a lot of bang for your buck. and the hammer of Sigmar is something I was kicking round for a while now. I just think it's wierd that a fantasy kit would have such a beast hammerhead!

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