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Iron Castellans Chapter

Lord Marshal Ragnrok

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so i want to make a chapter that is inspired by (and successor to one or 2 of) Black Templars, Iron Knights, Storm Wardens, White Templars, Hammers of Dorn, Sons of Dorn. those are listed in order of level of influence (most influence to least).


influencial traits: general - emphasis on knights and close combat theme

BT - knightly sm theme, large chapter, crusaders

Iron Knights - general chapter is cool so inpiration, combat doctrine

Storm Wardens - swords, cloaks, Librarians, vets are cool inspiration, culture

White Templars - pretty much same as BT and general

Hammers and Sons - mostly colors and armor motifs


combat doctrine ideas - often used as assualt force or renegade chapter execution force


culture - emphasis on honor through close combat (every brother trained and armed for close combat in addition to designated role as tactical, dev, etc), believes in showing devotion to humanity through endless crusade, show battle honors and badges on armor


fleet based chapter - fortress monastery is either mobile star fort or chapter barque. please vote for one


relic idea - anvil thing of some kind


Im open to ideas. there will be swords and librarians. lots of swords


Marine Images

Tactical Marine in Corvus Pattern

Assualt Marine Brother Invictus

Chapter Veteran

Assualt Sergeant Harko

Captain of the 3rd

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Stormwardens are brilliant and there is a lot of potential for some very cool modelling that you can do if you want to include the Sacris Claymore that they have in the lore. Though yes if you want lots of swords the Stormwardens are your guys. They are renowned for literally taking power armor sized claymores into battle.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



for the fortress monastery - star fort or chapter barque?


chapter name (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): Steel Guardians, Steel Knights, Praetors, Steel/Iron Wardens, Adamantium Knights, Steel Griffons


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