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4th Ed Army updating to 6th. 18th Co NL

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Greeting Gents, 


With the advent of 6th edition i'm finding my old war-band severely neutered. It was built with 4th ed in mind, played well and adapted to 5th, and then 6th invalidated it with Meta and the new dex. I'll give you a run down of my old list, and ask your opinions on shaping it up into something playable these days. My biggest hindrance is that I've built a beautiful army and i'd like to keep and play as many models as possible. I will also give a run down of the models available to be used in a new list. I'll keep the point costs and most of the prior wargear selections off as they can be re-appropriated. Some things however can't be moved around much.



Daemon prince W/ Wings. 


Lord with 2x LC and combi-melta ( I understand this is no longer valid, but to use him as a murder sword, burning brand might be fun)


I have a Terminator model potentially used as abbadon, or a champ with specialized weapons or using the axe as an icon. 


Three Terminators w/ combi-plas


One terminator with AC/PF, potentially used as an Oblit

One Terminator with HF/PF, potentially used as an Oblit


Helbrute, Plasma

Helbrute, AC


9 CSM, 1 Melta, 1 Icon, Champ w/fist or claw, Combi-melta, Rhino


7 Plague marines, 2x Plasma, Champ w/ Fist or claw


8 CSM (prior Zerks) Champ w/ fist or claw, combi melta, potential icon. Rhino


Havocs x 8, 4 AC


Raptors x 6. Flamer, Icon, Champ w/ fist or claw. 


Points not to scale...



I've messed with using a Huron model and combining all of the CSM from tac squad and zerks into one big blob, but with only one claw and huron they got tar-pitted and ended up a waste. i've p;played with Feel no pain CSM, but never really get much out of them. The khorne oriented CSM ran away after a round of shooting turn one for me. 


Another problem is that most of my old 5th list now fit into elite slots. Plagues, zerks, Helbrute x 2, terminators. 


My lord loadout is invalidated. 


My army is slow and very CSM oriented, which apparently isn't cutting it nowadays. 


Is there potential here or do i need to restart?


Much thanks for getting this far. 






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Yeah I think you figure out that lord, (MoN to make PM's troops) buff the raptors a bit and your off to something that would still be working. Just because a list isnt 'netlist optimized' doesnt mean it wont work at all. :]

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I feel your pain Dan, I stripped down all of my Iron Warriors and started again in midnight clad because of the horrendous meta shift between 5th and 6th. Having seen your stuff I take it you don't want to go full power-gamer status and use drake spam, so here's a breakdown of what you have and what could work for CSM these days:


Daemon Prince w/Wings: Over-coasted for what it can do, ability to fly is nice, but you can really get more out of your guys and the available HQ's if you don't take him.

Chaos Raptor Lord w/LC: While no longer valid, you might consider making him a Sorcerer w/Sigil of Corruption and MoT. That makes him a flying 3+/3+ challenge monster. If you give him the murder sword then that makes his job all the easier.


3x Terminators w/Combi-plas: Nothing wrong here, if anything even better this edition with how good 2+ armor got.


Helbrutes: God it is painful calling dreadnoughts that, especially your awesome ones, they aren't anything special this edition. As usual the main shortcoming is the lack of drop pods. Basically they just become fire magnets and can help draw fire for your more valuable units.


Regular CSMs: If you can bear stripping one or two, the favored build in this edition is 10 dudes in a rhino with a Havoc launcher, 2x plasma guns and a champ with a sword and melta bombs or a combi-plas.


Plague Marines: Still golden, nothing to change here.


Prior Zerks: You can stip one or two and kit them out as above if you want or run them in a landraider as zerks with a Khârn-counts-as. Still viable in my book and can fit with your fluff without too much rebuilding.


Autocannon Havocs: Funny enough this is pretty much the only way to fly with havocs these days as missile launchers with skyfire rockets are just waaaay too expensive. So good job on seeing the future ;)


Raptors: They aren't great these days, but then they were never really a game changer anyways. If you decided to run the murder sorcerer build, you can have these guys provide a nice mobile meat-shield for him that'll allow him to get up the field where he can kill HQs and important leaders. if you have the points you can always throw meltas in there for some anti-vic.


Overall you wouldn't have to change much, maybe strip a couple models here an there, but it should be pretty easy to modernize your force. The big thing lacking is going to be anti-air, unfortunately the only way to meet this challenge is by doing the aegis defense line (which I hate), rocket havocs with skyfire, or heldrakes. I opted for the 3rd option because 1.) I know I'll be able to convert something pleasing from the abomination that it is 2.) it fits with the whole 'terror/fast attack' theme of the Night Lords and 3.) It's probably one of the few awesome units we have. Equipped with a baleflamer it murders 3+ armor in droves. 

Hope this helped, I for one would love to see you come back to the hobby and I know many other here would as well. You're an inspiration man.

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Is there potential here or do i need to restart?

The havocks are ok 5-8 with 3-4 AC is an ok option . Same goes with nurgle marked oblits.


CSM should be run[if at all] then with plasma guns . PM the same , so again a good unit found here. the csm are run at 10 most of the time , the pms are 5-7 man. Forget the melee upgrades most of the time they are not worth it .


Lords are needed to unlock pms as troops so expect to run a nurgle lord most of the time . He is very good on a bike[t6 LC+fist combo] as are bikes . Helldrakes are mandatory , if the list is suppose to work well.

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The melee options being worthless as in champ upgrades or +ccw for troops. Lately i've been giving GOM and champ upgrades as well as marks and icons. it almost seems to double the squad cost. Don't really know if it's worth while. What are the csm good for if not CC? 

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Well some people aside for pure game mechanics , also use fluff/narrative limitations for their lists. I someone has fluff that makes it impossible for him to use PM or cultists , then there are no other options then 10csm with 2 plasma.

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Chaos marine theory currently tends towards 10, with 2 plasmaguns, bolters on the rest, maybe with vets, maybe in a rhino, maybe with havok launcher. No mark, no icon, no exccweps, no extras on the champ.
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I like the extra close combat weapons on CSMs, and I typically run the Mark of Khorne on forward defensive units (Plasma gun squads) for Counter attack or opportunistic assaults.


I hadn't really taken gift of mutation before, but this last time I played (Thursday night) I took it on everything that could take it (TDA Sorcerer, AxeLord on Bike, Aspiring champions in the Bikes, and CSM squads) and it turned out largely interesting.


For 10 points-it's a random roll and all, but unless the first die you roll is a 1-you're going to get something useful (excepting fleet on an Aspiring Champion...)  My bike Aspiring champion got the roll where his Lightning claws caused instant death and he made short work of the Chaplin in a challenge while the Axe Lord's axe tried to punch him in the face.  I think I'll take it from now on because it was pretty cool.


Also, after a challenge, my Sorcerer got +1 toughness, so he and the two Nurgle Marked Oblits he was mean-mugging with were all T5.

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I run a pretty pure "traitor marine" NL list, myself. I have 2 custom lords with ever morphing wargear and Huron for HQ options, 2x 10 CSM w/2 plas, tooled up champ, rhino, MoS as my troops. I run a dreadnought (hate helbrute :p) forgefiend, drake, havocs with 2xML and 2xLC (usually don't take skyfire missles, not worth it imo) vindicator, 9-10 chosen with loads of assault toys and Mos/MoK interchanged, usually a lord escort, experimenting lately with dreadclaws, kinda cool unless it doesnt' come in, haha :/ I run 10 raptors with 2x melta and 3 termies w/combi plas. Lookin at getting some cultists for objective holders, as my marines shoot/punch things OFF rather than hold, and some bikes. Just need to stop building my SoB army long enough to buy more chaos stuff lol.


Doesn't win all the time, but I think with the addition of the cultists to sit on points in the late game it would do a lot better. Also may end up using bikes more than raptors as I get them, t5 and 5+ cover for moving are pretty sweet.


EDIT: Man I suck at typing before I drink coffee

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