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After seeing and lurking in Dragonlover's thread on lurking I though I'd try and motivate myself to start posting more, even if it's just a small update in this thread. So the main aim will be to show the progress as I paint my Loyalist Emperor's Children. Which will hopefully also stop me from getting distracted by other projects on hold. But we'll see how long I last with just the one. So onto a couple pictures. First up is my Leviathan I completed a couple months ago. I know it's not 'new' but it shows what is complete for the project so far. There is also some infantry but after trying Retributor Gold they've been moved back onto the paint table to be updated. I've also recently completed my Loyal Son the Praetor for the Legion. I couldn't resist the new Blood Angel Praetor, and thought, if the Blood Angels can use our Palatine blades, I'm going to claim the Praetors So what's currently receiving paint which shouldn't take too long to appear is the updated and expanded first Palatine, and Tactical Squad supporting a Primus Medicae. Then onto lots of support marines, while doing everything I can to avoid painting Drop Pods. So, back to lurking while painting.
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- Night Lords
- Horus Heresy
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I've wanted to do a Night lords warband for the longest time and had just been waiting for a new Chaos Codex to drop. Then Heresy 2.0 was announced and I knew i wanted to use the new MK6 models as a base for units I could use in a 40k army and a small 30k army. The over all idea is still in its early stages but here is what lore I've started on. Company/Warband Emblem The Night Lords 56th company, known as the “Midnight Court”, functioned as a vanguard force during the early stages of the Crusade. Their preferred tactic was infiltrating enemy lines under the dead of night. Whereafter they target members of the planet’s ruling class in an attempt to destabilise the enemy’s chain of command. These members would be captured and their tortures and executions broadcasted over the planet’s communications networks. Under the confusion and outrage caused by these killings, the rest of the Night Lords' compliance force would attack. Sergeant Marek Kel of 6th Claw. I've magnetized his Lightning Claw and Chainglaive. What I have finished of 6th Claw so far
Hello everyone. I thought that it would be nice to do a wip thread instead of several different threads on different armies, asi I do a bunch of everything sometimes. I will upload on this thread stuff i will be working on at that moment, as most of the things i paint have no background or story to them. I'll start with these Alpha Legion minis i painted last night. I still don't know what direction to go with these. I think i went too far with the green and left behind the turquoise. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Cheers!
Alright, so I’ve painted up a fair bit of Heresy stuff over the last few years but never actually posted it - time to fix that. I have a few Primarchs done and over the last 18 months I’ve painted up 2000 points of Night Lords and 2000 points of Iron Warriors based around Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero respectively. Instead of just photo dumping, I might just drip feed these out. First up - Angron. First Primarch I painted. Edit: Thanks to Kizzdougs on the assist with the photos. See below, should have this sorted from now on.:)
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- Horus Heresy
- Primarch
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So, I read the three Night Lord novels by Aaron Dembski-Bowden some time ago... I guess I liked them, though I am not as crazy about them as some seem to be. The depiction of the battles were ok and I really liked how they described how it feels to fight in power armour, but some parts were a little long... Anyways, what really bothers me since is that I don´t really understand this one character, Variel from the Red Corsairs/ Astral Claws. He is an apothecary at this space station of the Corsairs and helps regulary to ease Hurons pains from the injuries he got back at Badab. His motivations are still a mistery to me. I mean, yes, we hear that, he has some sort of past with the warband of Talos and that Talos saved his life once. But why exactly does he join the Night Lords and leaves his Corsair brethren behind? He doesn´t really seem to like them for some reason, but we still don´t get to know why... He seems quite committed to the cause of Talos and this idea of his to fulfil his gene-fathers ideas, but I don´t really understand what makes this important to him. The Corsairs seem far better equipped, organized and generally more succesful than the Night Lords who show no unity whatsoever and mostly hate eahc others guts. Why join them? As Talos said to him more or less "you owe me" (because i saved your life), he answers "Yeah, well I just saved yours" (from the reoccuring complications with his geneseed/ his prophetic gift). Which just makes total sense to me! But in the end, somehow he seems to be convinced like he got to join the Night Lords now and leaves the Corsairs. He then is for the rest of the trilogy (appearing in the middle of the second novel and joining them at roughly the end of the book) part of this Night Lords warband and seems to be a crucial character until the very end (appearing in the epilog years after Talos´ death). Could someone explain me why he is doing, what he is doing? I might have mixed some things up. If that´s the case, I´m sorry. It´s been a while since I read the books and English is not my first language, thus I sometimes don´t remember things that good as in German. Greetings, Velype
- 50 replies
- Night Lords
- Night Lords Omnibus
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Just getting back into the hobby, this was my second game of 8th edition. I of course played using the Night Lord tactics and chose the Lord of Terror WL trait. He played with the Armageddon tactics. We chose to just do a straight up kill each other and forgot about objectives and whatnot. I used the Vanguard detachment and he used the battalion detachment. Here is my list: HQ Exalted champion - power axe, PP Dark apostle Troops CSM - x10, PGx2, LC champion Rhino - havoc launcher Elites Contemptor - ectoplasma cannon, chainclaw, Berzerkers - x8, icon of khorne, chainaxes x5, LC x1 (inside the raider) Decimator - butcher cannon x2 Plague marines - x5, PGx2 Helbrute - fist, reaper AC Terminators - x5, pair of LC, heavy flamer, icon of khorne Heavy Support Land Raider - havoc launcher Predator - havoc launcher, TL lascannon, lascannon sponsons Fast Attack Spawn - x5 Going off memory here but his list was something like: HQ Yarrick Knight Commander Pask in LR vanquisher Command squad (not sure if these are HQ or what) x5 Command squad x5 Troops Conscripts x30 Regular troop squad x10 Chimera Regular troop squad x10 Chimera Elites Vet squad x10, x3 meltas chimera Stormtrooper squad (whatever the new ones are called) Fast attack Vendetta Heavy support Leman russ executioner x2 Leman russ punisher x2 He rolled and won to setup first and so he did. He told me that first turn goes to whoever finishes setting up first which I wasn't sure about but I took first turn anyway. We deployed lengthwise with a few smaller industrial buildings and objects and then a large factory ruin to my left and a smaller ruin to my right near his deployment zone. Everything I set up here I set up with the intent in mind that my opponent would be going first. I set up my regular helbrute and LR behind a large watertower opposite his two russ executioners and pask's vanquisher. With the decimator, contemptor and CSM rhino in the middle. Then my footslogging plague marines are just inside the ruins, along with the predator currently hiding from pask and spawn waiting to sprint up the side. He sets up his vet squad and one regular guard squad chimeras on either side of the big factory ruins with a company command squad in between, followed by the huge conscript blob, yarrick and the two punishers (all within 6 inches of yarrick). Finally the two executioner russes, a company command squad, the scions squad, a regular guardsman squad and pask's vanquisher (which I'm trying to hide from) are setup in his left corner opposite my helbrute and land raider. First turn, I move my helbrute forward a bit into the watertower to get entrenched and move my LR around the side (mistake but I'll talk about that later). The helbrute fires and kills several of the scions and then the land raider splits fire with his havoc launcher and heavy bolter at the scions which kills the squad. The LR then fires its lascannons at the far left executioner which wounded it for 2 wounds. Unseen in the photo my decimator, contemptor and rhino advance while attempting to stay behind cover. The plague marines advance into the building, just barely managing to get the plasma guys up to the 2nd level and line of site to fire. The predator rolls out and sets its sites on pask's vanquisher while the spawn start their dash around the ruins towards the chimeras. The contemptor is out of range, the decimator attempts to chip away at the russes (also a mistake) with its butcher cannons and the rhino fires its havoc launcher at the conscripts killing a few. The predator manages to wound the vanquisher and bring it down to 9 wounds. Finally the plague marines fire two plasma shots at the chimera and put a wound on it. His turn he bails out a squad of guardsmen and moves the chimera towards the center of the board and fires at the plague marines but doesn't do any damage. His vendetta arrives and takes a few potshots at the decimator. The conscripts and yarrick move up slightly. He fires his punishers, chimeras and conscripts at the CSM rhino dealing 6 wounds to it. On the other side of the board, his executioners move up slightly as does pask's vanquisher and unload into the land raider, dealing 4 wounds to it and ending his turn. I move my land raider to the other side, thinking that I might be able to get them into combat with the conscripts (really they were way too far). I bring my terminators in this turn right in front of all the russes planning to distract them at least, possibly kill one. The LR again splits fire with HB and HL at the command squad ahead in the ruins which kills them and its lascannons at another russ putting a few more wounds on it prior to being charged by the terminators and further putting a few more wounds (down to 8). The helbrute fires at the chimera for no damage. Middle of the board, the contemptor and decimator move up and both fire at a punisher, wounding and bringing it down to 9 wounds. The CSM bail out of the rhino while they can and then fire at the conscripts, killing 4 and then charging. They lose 1 to overwatch and kill another 9 guardsmen who then kill one more marine. They fail morale by 5-6 (even with yarrick's leadership). The predator takes a few more shots at a punisher, wounding it for 2 damage (this thing was a huge letdown for me this game). The plague marines move futher into the ruins and line up their shots, split fire at the conscripts killing a few and plasma guns at the punisher (which fails to do any damage). The spawn race up the side (I'd forgotten that running was a thing until this turn). This picture I think was taken before he took his turn. He moves his troops and chimeras away from the spawn towards the center, the punishers move up and so does yarrick. The conscripts disengage from the fight with the CSM. Everyone essentially fires at the CSM squad, I use my "In midnight clad" strategem but still lose 6 guys. He also fires the two chimeras at my rhino and puts another two wounds on it (only 2 left). He then charges yarrick at the two remaining CSM guys killing one, the champion then passes his morale check with a 1! He keeps his executioner in combat with the terminators (which puzzled me a bit) and moves up his vanquisher and remaining executioner which then, along with the chimera, fire everything at the land raider and put another 4 wounds on it. The vendetta moves up and fires at the decimator dealing 2 wounds. The russ fails to hurt the termies again in CC and the termies put another two wounds on it and end his turn. By this point its really close, I've taken out a few of his squads but he's about to kill my CSM and rhino. I figure I need to change tactics and really get up close and personal. I move my helbrute and land raider really close to the russes. The LR fires everything at pask dealing a few damage and the helbrute does as well. The decimator and contemptor fire at the furthest punisher and deal a few wounds and then charge the closest one, bringing it down from 9 to 1 wound remaining. I move my rhino back trying to save it and fire the havoc launcher at the conscripts, which he saves both wounds. The plague marines split fire at the conscripts and the russ, killing a few consctipts. The predator fires at the furthest punisher and fails to wound it. The spawn arrive around the corner and eat the command squad. Yarrick finishes off my champion. His vendetta flies into the action and fires at my spawn, putting a few wounds on it as do the chimeras. His vet squad kills 2 plague marines. The punisher and conscripts fire at the rhino finally finishing it off. Pask and the executioner fire at the land raider doing another two wounds and the chimera fires at the helbrute but fails to wound it. Yarrick decides to charge the decimator for some reason and fails to harm it. The contemptor finishes the leman russ and consolidates towards the land raider and pask's group. My terminators finally manage to kill the executioner with perfect timing. The berzerkers bail out, the terminators move forward behind the two remaining russes, the contemptor moves within charge range and the helbrute moves as close as it can get. The LR finishes off pask who then explodes and kills two terminators and hurts the chimera for a couple wounds. The helbrute and terminators fire at the chimera but fail to wound. The contemptor charges and destroys the final executioner and the helbrute charges and wrecks the chimera. Plague marines move down to try to take out that vet squad, the spawn move forward to charge their next target and the predator targets the last russ on the field. The predator hits and wounds twice but rolls 1 for both damage rolls, leaving the russ with TWO WOUNDS LEFT! The plague marines fire their supercharged shots at the russ and fail to wound, killing one plasma guy. The spawn charge the russ and roll 1 for their attacks, failing to do anything (really wanted it do die....). yarrick does one wound to the decimator and the decimator does one to him. At this point we call it, he's lost almost all his major tanks and for the most part all that would've been left was sweeping left with my forces. Conclusion: As my second game of 8th edition, it was a lot of fun. Once again, I underestimated how hardy vehicles are and was a littel scared to move my units closer which could have sped the game up some in my favor I think. Those guard tanks are incredibly tough to kill though. The land raider actually did a lot which was a surprise for me since usually chaos land raiders tend to suck. My predator was a huge disappointment but I think that was due to poor rolling. The contemptor was awesome, singlehandedly destroyed a couple russes although I think I will try out a different weapon next time, probably a soulburner. It was hard to judge the decimator's effectiveness because I wasn't using it properly.
_________________________________ For Hatred's Sake _________________ ‘...has been slain. I repeat...’ ‘...all Thirteenth Legion forces in the vicinity are to evacuate immediately, contingency Ultio in effect -’ ‘...belay that, the Primarch still lives! Reroute emergency landers to my position – ‘ ‘...say again, my lord, say again – we’re getting interference across all vox channels – ‘ ‘ – have disengaged, I repeat, XII and XVII Legion forces appear to be disengaging. What in the Throne’s name is happening in the heavens? Talon and Victrix flights report atmospheric disturbance like nothing they’ve seen before – ‘ -vox-chatter fragments c. Second Battle of Nuceria, XIII Legion archival log _________________ The destruction unleashed by the advent of Lorgar’s Ruinstorm was without precedent during the apocalyptic wars of the Horus Heresy. Until the war reached the shores of Sol, no other event inflicted as much sheer chaos or systemic disruption across the Imperium. Whole systems were lost to Imperial records, never to be heard from again, and on hundreds of worlds the skies split apart as the nightmarish denizens of the Immaterium poured forth from the roiling, seething tides of unreality now isolating the eastern domains of the Imperium. For those who populated the Five Hundred Worlds, the nascent empire-within-an-empire carved by honoured Guilliman and the XIII Legion, the infamy and treachery of the Word Bearers and World Eaters Legions was all too clear; in this darkest hour the state of the Imperium-that-Was – and the fate of the Throneworld itself – was unclear. Many in the highest echelons of the Five Hundred Worlds and its protectors believed the Imperium to have been irrevocably sundered. During the fateful first weeks of the Ruinstorm’s creation, the XIII Legion counterattack across the Five Hundred Worlds foundered and ground to a halt. Those planets not flensed of life by Angron’s hounds or sacrificed to malevolent powers were where the XIII Legion focussed their efforts of reconquista. Celerax Magna, a densely populated garden world on the western edge of the Five Hundred Worlds, became the stage for a brief but particularly brutal war in the weeks following the advent of the Ruinstorm. Before the Heresy, Celerax Magna had been a navigatory terminus for Imperial fleets and frequently housed members of the Navis Nobilite. Left relatively untouched by the Traitor advance, the survivors of the Navigator houses fleeing the carnage wracking the Five Hundred Worlds sequestered themselves in Celerax Magna’s teeming utopian cities, hoping to avoid the worst of the wars tearing apart Guilliman’s empire. Such a peaceful dream was as naive as it was false. As the Ruinstorm worsened, XIII Legion reserves drawn from censuria companies and VII Legion survivors of the Phall debacle spearheaded a Loyalist force from several Legions intended to secure the terminus, liberate any Navigators that could be located and with their aid forge a safe passage through the Ruinstorm, if one could be found. It was not to be so. The Traitor Legions arrived in force mere hours after the Loyalist vanguard arrived on Celerax Magna, alerted to the presence of the Navigators by powers dark and nefarious. Knowing that they could not count on reinforcement, and that to fail now would be to doom Imperial efforts to escape the Ruinstorm, the vengeful Loyalists readied themselves for a conflict that would be utterly without respite or quarter. The resulting war lasted for seven days without pause and saw the deaths of more than twelve billion souls. _________________________________ For Hatred’s Sake is a narrative doubles event made for the Age of Darkness supplement for the Warhammer 40,000 (7th edition) ruleset, with myself (BrotherCaptainArkhan) as author. In this event, players form teams of two to take on opposing teams battling for the fate of Celerax Magna. During the chaos and confusion of the Ruinstorm, the members of many Legions from both Loyalist and Traitor allegiances arrived in the domain of the Five Hundred Worlds, some by chance, some by darker design. Teams will face off across three themed scenarios, attempting to decapitate rival forces, capture valuable information that will enable them to locate the Navigator survivors who may be critical to the war effort, and finally enact their escape. This log will document the weekly buildup to the event itself, with army pictures, lore, force dispositions, themed scenarios and finally battle reports detailing the final hours of the garden world Celerax Magna, and the fate of the warriors fighting over it. _________________________________ Belligerents Loyalist force disposition VI Legion Pale Hunters VII Legion Mountainfire Company XI Legion Task Force Cornelius XIII Legion The Black One Hundred [Legion identifier missing] Strike Force Black Mamba [Legion identifier missing] First Sphere _________________ Traitor force disposition III Legion Third Company Elite VIII Legion Pythius Strike Force VIII Legion The Painted Exiles XIV Legion Death Guard XVI Legion Sons of Horus V Legion White Scars _________________ Next update: Event Rules
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- Ultramarines
- Night Lords
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I felt like doing a project log. I should have started earlier since I've been doing the odd bit of Black Legion for most of the year but better late than never and the Death Guard release is round the corner so I want my Black Legion out of the way. Black Legion were my second 40k army from over a decade ago but I never really painted that many of them. This thread will be for Black Legion, Death Guard and Fallen Angels. I got my BL ready but only got to play one Fate of Konor game my army was more or less this: Proxied Cultists due to not wanting to buy or paint more autogun chaff right now and a rhino I actually earmarked for Death Guard due to not wanting to have to work on that many rhinos. Everyone was based for the campaign and the khorne berzerkers got rebuilt. Daemon Prince is only there because my Lord never got finished. Berzerkers were the only chaos unit I actually 'finished' when I was a wee lad. I don't have a 'before' pic for the berzerkers I rescued them but here are some left over bits to give you an idea of the state they were in. Now they look like this. Mostly made up of berzerker bits because I wanted to finish them without any further investment but there are some chaos knight, possessed and regular chaos marine bits in there. They aren't quite finished but they'll do for now. Banner is a plague monk one. Work in progress possessed. The rest of the squad I won't post because they're not very different from when I got them painted second hand (only thing I did was the black legion symbol and a coat of black over Iron warrior grey). Daemon Prince I started years ago and redid the trim and eyes to bring him up to scratch along with throwing a wash on him. Earlier this year I did these squads: Havoks with Forge World autocannons and mixed csm/mark 3 bits. Still need one last top knot. I did some touches up on my old chaos lord before noticing that he was way out of scale compared to the Dark Vengeance models I had just painted. I had planned on just changing the bases on my metal terminators since they were still kind of okay scaled to the 3rd edition chaos marines and berzerkers but the newer models were going to cause issues. So I bought a Terminator Lord Cadre and a Scarab Occult box to combine with a bunch of second ed metal terminator arms to make: Still kind of WIP Terminators Cyclopia Cabal (never actually used it before the new edition removed formations). Still a legal Supreme Command detachment but too expensive to use. I have a "terminator officers only" rule in my Black Legion which only my Exalted Champion is breaking. Motor pool with WIP rhino. Can't remember how I used to do eyes and have DG rhinos to do so its on hold. Bikers are only slightly converted because I needed to do something to make them come close to living up the ludicrous concept that is "CHAOS SPACE MARINE BIKERS" but also wanted to be able to get them out of the way. Stuff I did less recently. Chosen I did a year or so ago and are the current 'standard' I followed up with on the havoks and terminators. Guys on the right are my old 'possessed' from 3rd edition who I made without properly checking the unit entry while the guys on the left were done 7 or so years ago just after my daemon prince' first colour scheme back when I was checking out if p3 Blighted Gold was going to be the way to go. All were rebased recently. Mace chosen gets used as an exalted champion, the others get to be aspiring champions.
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- Black Legion
- Chaos
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Ordo Malleus Restricted Archive =][= Ordo Malleus Eyes Only ++Short Burst Transmission Recieved - Hadex Anomoly ++ ++Transcript Begins 4 170 132.M42 ++ Heretic Astartes Sighted Armour markings indicate Warband of Night Lords legion. Warp Mutations present but not common. Several local populations annihilated. Warband appears to be heading deeper into Ultima Segmentum. Will continue monitoring Awaiting further orders ++Transcript Ends++ Hello all As a long time Black Templar Player as I've started getting a few games of 8th Edition under my belt I felt like I wanted to move to something new. My Templars are almost 6/7 years old and are quite simple. I only started doing conversions this year and well Chaos, Chaos seemed like a good place to go for conversions. So here I am. I bought some old Dark Vengeance models off a mate who was trying to unload them and started testing out my old withered painting skills. I doubt these models will have a place in my army but they were fun to paint. C&C welcome, more to come this week.
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- Night Lords
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- Hi All, this is going to be my ongoing project log for my 30k/40k Night Lords I'm a notoriously slow modeller and painter so I'm hoping this will keep me on track after taking a break from 30k/40k for most of this year. So I thought lets start fresh with a new project so here is the start of my Night Lords. A 5 man Terror Squad is first up, but I'm also working on some terminators aswell so more to come soon
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- Night Lords
- Horus Heresy
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Hi all, long-time lurker (to the extent that I legitimately forgot I had an account here and had to get Kurgan the Lurker's help recovering it [thanks man!]) and I thought that, since I'm a responsibleish adult, I felt that I should make a WIP log of my, already sizable collections. Now, my one, true love for factions is the World Eaters/Khorne Daemonkin. Even though it's the smallest of my factions right now, as I managed to luck out with some friends not wanting the Death Guard halves of Dark Imperium, so I got those on the cheap. And the Dark Angels were literally given to me by a friend who said, and I quote "Yeah, they're yours. I don't have the time to play 40k, or the space to store these". So I was just casually given at least 2k points of Dark Angels. So, welcome to my WIP thread. Some pretty pictures: Maulerfiend I'm most happy about how the eyes and legion badge came out Skarbrand Everyone's favorite madman: Khârn the Betrayer Some Daemons and a Spawn Mortarion More to come!
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- wip
- dark angels
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Hey everyone. I've come into a collection of Night Lords stuff from someone and I'm looking to take advantage of what I got in the trade and amping it up to a full list. The Terror Squads and the Assault Marines were part of the trade. So I'd love to have all of that in there if possible. Right now the list is 2915. I'd love to have an even 3k. This is what I have so far. HQ: Chaplain - 145 AA, Jump Pack, Chainglaive, Refractor Field, Trophies of Judgement Damocles Command Rhino - 100 Elite: Apothecary - 60 Jump Pack Cortus Contemptor Talon - 350 CC Melta, TL LC CC Melta, TL LC Troops: Assault Squad - 260 x15, AA, Chainglaive Terror Squad - 295 10x Volkite, AA, Drop Pod Terror Squad - 295 10x Volkite, AA, Drop Pod Terror Squad - 275 10x Bolter, AA, Drop Pod Fast Attack Xiphon Interceptor - 225 Armoured Cockpit, Chaff Launcher, Ground-Tracking Xiphon Interceptor - 225 Armoured Cockpit, Chaff Launcher, Ground-Tracking Heavy Support Fire Raptor - 250 Hellstrike, Autocannon LoW Curze - 435 Total: 2915 So the game plan is to use the Rhino to help guarantee all my fliers/pods. Curze and the apothecary sit in the fire magnet that is the Assault Squad. Pods land and disrupt while Contemptors run up the field popping transports or objectives Once the fliers come in, they sweep and clear anything else. Thoughts? Is this playable?
The recruiter moved through the dark city without a sound, drawn to the rattling and whooping echoing off dilapidated ferrocrete and dirty, blood-stained asphalt. Despite his inhuman bulk, he slid from shadow to shadow with boneless ease. As he did so, the pools of darkness began to give way to the fizzle-spit illumination of cheap lumen-strips. Almost immediately his all-black, all-pupil, eyes picked out his prey. The youths, like so many that called Nostramo Quintus home, were pallid, scrawny creatures. Some already sported gang-tats and the flashes of colour on their clothes that stood in stark contrast to the vast monochrome cityscape. He observed them as they skateboarded, executing tricks with varying levels of success. Those that messed up were met with harsh jeers from their peers, while those that pulled off the most demanding of manoeuvres did so to appreciative hisses. Even amid the play, the recruiter could see their eyes warily flicking back and forth. The incautious, the inattentive, did not reach manhood here in the slums of the sunless world. A few moments passed as he appraised them. Despite his past and his former humanity, he did so with a winter's warmth. His gaze flickered here and there, seeking signs of deformity, mutation and the traits that long experience had taught him to be associated with gene-seed compatibility. Satisfied, he broke cover, letting them hear his footsteps. The clatter of skateboards trailed off until there was only silence. He could almost hear their thoughts as they took in his post-human bulk. Some straightened, puffing out their chests in a vain attempt to appear more worthy of ascension. He strode forward, reached into the depths of his robes and pulled out a long stretched oval of midnight blue, decorated with a crimson winged skull. As he set it down, he stroked its edge and caged lightning crackled across its surface. It spurned the ground's presumptuous embrace, bobbing slightly before coming to rest a few inches above the floor. It was the most precious hung they'd ever seen. Before he had taken a single step back, knives and jagged glass splinters had made their way into young, pale, hands. Boys who had run, fought and played beside each other as long as they could recall busied themselves with burying their blades in each other's backs. The melee quickly went to the floor, the rhythms of feint-stab-counter devolving into desperate, rabid, butchery. Already a dark slippery puddle was forming, more black then red in the sputtering light. The recruiter's attention was divided between two figures: one in the fray and one without. One was a blur of motion - his strikes faster and more assured than those of his brawling, dying brothers. The other, slighter, figure was motionless, standing just outside the pile of squirming, bleeding, bodies - their face hidden behind straggly torrents of lank black hair. The pace of the brawl began to slow, a clockwork child's toy winding down. Many of the boys grew still, as they bled out on the uncaring ferrocrete floor. But still the quick-moving youth's blade rose and fell, while the other watched on - taking in the way his breaths came in ragged gasps. A last stab, a last death-rattle, and it was done. Despite his exhaustion and the many cuts adorning his scrawny form, the boy stood and kicked the bodies clear of the hover-board. His gaze locked with that of the little one who had been patiently waiting for this moment. The boy laughed, not quite able to keep the edge of fear from his voice. "It's mine." "Not if I kill you," came the reply in a pure alto. "You? You're just a girl." He laughed again. "Do you want to join them?" he asked. She answered by moving closer, sharp little hands clutching sharper blades. The recruiter frowned. This was not what he had intended. The girl darted forward with a right lunge. The boy side-stepped, but the blade clasped behind her back was waiting for him. She rammed it home with a wet thump and was just about to pull it out to slit his throat, when a hand the size of the boy's skull clamped down on her matchstick arm with vice-like pressure. "You've done enough damage -"', He began in a heavy rumble. "See if I care. It's mine. Now let me go!" "- to the Night Haunter's property." That shut her up - for about five heart-beats. "It's still mine!", she retorted. The recruiter pulled back his hood to reveal a hard cliff of a face, eroded by the years and the best efforts of countless foes. "That it is. But for how long?" The dirty girl scowled. She knew exactly what he meant. Others would kill for the board and like everyone else, she had to sleep. The giant let go of her and as he did so, she relaxed her hold on the knife. Without a word, the recruiter scooped the wounded boy with effortless ease and strode away. She followed, making good use of her prize. The hoverboard made keeping up with him easy, despite his loping, massive strides. "What's your name?" "Kel Vhazor" "I'm Jazca. Why do you only take boys? It's stupid. I'm better than any boy." "It's complicated. And I think in your case, we're going to make an exception...."
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Hey all! I've been lurking for a while now, but I've decided to start my WiP thread. Here' is a Khorne Chaos Lord. He's been basecoated at the moment, but nothing significant. I've been working on converting some cultists for a while after seeing some fantastic Inq28 threads. Here's the first, a Slaaneshi champion based off of the cultist champion from Dark Vengeance. He's heavily WiP, but I like the look of him. I'm probably going to change the shotgun to something like a plasma pistol or bolt pistol. Here's a Traitor Guardsman I converted quite a while ago. I changed his head recently, which makes him look a lot much better in my opinion. I need to change the bolter to a boltpistol or an autopistol, though. Feedback appreciated!
Hey guys! At long last here is an update to Nostraman. We've made it more user friendly and made it more akin to a course by introducing smaller elements first and then building upon it as you move through the guide. Enjoy! Na karth ashilla van shai ma. You can find the old editions here for posterity: Lexicon I'll be updating an Excel Spreadsheet that you can find here. Lexicon UPDATED: 4th Edition Be sure to check out all of the tabs
Hi all, this is my first post and I am looking for some advice/critiques of some lists. I'm creating two VIII Legion lists for the Horus Heresy Narrative Event at the Las Vegas Open in 2024. Before I jump into the lists I will explain some of the specific rules for the event to better help with some of the oddities from normal list building. 1. Praetor Consul: When purchasing a Praetor for a Legion you may, in lieu of a paragon blade, pay the Consul upgrade cost from the Consul Options available to Legion Centurions. The cost is the same as the Consul upgrade and will provide your Praetor with all of the benefits/limitations that Consul upgrade is associated with - excluding any Consul rules that prevent the Consul from being the Warlord. 2. List Size and Construction: Day 1 = 2,500 pts., Day 2 = 2,000 pts.. Day 2's list must use unit entries from Day 1. You do not have to take every unit entry and they can be modified (size, wargear etc.), but you cannot take more or different unit entries than was included in your Day 1 list. 3. Forbidden: Primarchs, Unique Characters, Titans, and/or Drop Pods. The Idea I wanted to create a force based on a proto-Raptor Cult that used the Age of Darkness box (primarily the 40 infantry), and maximised on the VIII Legion's traits (fear mechanics, pinning and out-numbering). The Lore in General Inductii are brought into the unit and those that survive/thrive in close combat are elevated to Assualt Legionaries, those less predisposed are relegated to Reconnaisance. The Assault Legionaries that excel are selected to become Chosen which is the begining of a Raptor Cult. Note: I've used Inductii over regular Despoilers because I think their rules are really thematic and the breaching 6+ is nice. I also wanted to include Night Raptors instead of Assault Squads, but they cost too many points and didn't really make for a well-rounded force. The Lists Day 1 List (2,500 pts): Night Lords - Allegience: Traitors Rite of War: Terror Assault HQ Praetor (190 pts.) - Warlord: Flaymaster - Pair of Lightning Claws - Warhawk Jump Pack - Chaplain Consul Upgrade Praetor's Retinue: Command Squad with Warhawk Jump Packs (294 pts.) - 7x Chosen (2x Power Fist, 1 with Combat Shield + 3x Paired Lightning Claws, 1 with Legion Standard + 1x Charnabal Sabre + 1x Chainsword) Centurion: Librarian (125 pts.) - Force Axe - Warhawk Jump Pack - Psychic Discipline: Telepathy Centurion: Master of Signals (95 pts.) - No upgrades ELITES 2x Contemptor Dreadnought (180 pts. ea.) - Gravis Melta Cannon and Gravis Power Fist with Combi-Bolter on ea. TROOPS 2x Assault Squad (165 pts. ea.) - 10x Legionaries (Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Chainsword, 2x Power Lance) in both squads 2x Despoiler Squad - Inductii (200 pts. ea.) - 19x Despoilers (Legion Vexilla) in both squads 1x Reconnaissance Squad - A (140 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (4x Nemesis Bolters + Preysight) 1x Reconnaissance Squad - B (135 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (5x Nemesis Bolters) FAST ATTACK 2x Proteus Land Speeder (70 pts. ea.) - 1x Graviton Gun on ea. HEAVY SUPPORT 2x Vindicators in a Squadron (290 pts. total) - Magna Laser Destroyer and Dozer Blade on ea. + Preysight Day 2 List (2,000 pts.): Night Lords - Allegience: Traitors Rite of War: Terror Assault HQ Praetor (190 pts.) - Warlord: Flaymaster - Pair of Lightning Claws - Warhawk Jump Pack - Chaplain Consul Upgrade Praetor's Retinue: Command Squad with Warhawk Jump Packs (294 pts.) - 5x Chosen (1x Power Fist with Combat Shield + 3x Paired Lightning Claws, 1 with Legion Standard + 1x Chainsword with Combat Shield) Centurion: Librarian (125 pts.) - Force Axe - Warhawk Jump Pack - Psychic Discipline: Telepathy Centurion: Master of Signals (95 pts.) - No upgrades ELITES 1x Contemptor Dreadnought (180 pts.) - Gravis Melta Cannon and Gravis Power Fist with Combi-Bolter TROOPS 1x Assault Squad - A (165 pts.) - 10x Legionaries (Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Chainsword, 2x Power Lance) 1x Assualt Squad - B (160 pts.) - 10x Legionaries (Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Chainsword, 1x Power Lance) 2x Despoiler Squad - Inductii (150 pts. ea.) - 14x Despoilers (Legion Vexilla) in both squads 1x Reconnaissance Squad - A (140 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (4x Nemesis Bolters + Preysight) 1x Reconnaissance Squad - B (135 pts.) - 5x Legionaries (5x Nemesis Bolters) HEAVY SUPPORT 2x Vindicators in a Squadron (290 pts. total) - Magna Laser Destroyer and Dozer Blade on ea. + Preysight The Plan - Flexible deployment options with potential to deepstrike and pin, supported by the Master of Signals. Deepstrike all or nothinig (Praetor+Retinue, Assault Squads+Librarian, and Proteus Land Speeders). - Recon Squads hold deployment zone objectives and target enemy leaders to cause pinning. Master of Signals is attached to Recon Squad - B to give the shooting boost. Master of Signals is also able to assist a morale roll each turn (will probably be the LD 7 Despoilers). - Despoiler Squads and Contemptors move up the board together. Despoilers go for objectives with secondary task to tarpit 2+ units. Contemptors target vehicles > WS4 2+ > dreads. - Vindicators remain outside of 24" and target vehicles > dreads > WS5 2+. - Assault Squads target critical WS4 3+ units (Heavy Support Squads), assisted by Librarian to shut down overwatch and Land Speeders to reduce WS. After this they will grab objectives or finish off damaged units. - Land Speeders reduce WS (concussive) > vehicles > absorb overwatch. - Praetor and retinue initially target weaker units to build Fear 2/3 bubble then use movement to pile into other combat (WS5 3+ > WS4 3+ > 2+). Primary focus of 3+ due to the Lightning Claws, but also included Power Fists for Artificer Sergeants or clean up smaller 2+ units. Conclusion I havn't had much of a chance to play HH 2.0, so does anything leap out at those with more experience? My questions are: 1. Is there enough pinning? If not, what would you substitute? 2. Between picking my fights with Jump Packs and mass amounts of breaching/rending will this be enough to deal with Legion Specific Terminators (WS5 2+)? 3. Should my Praetor have a Thunder Hammer? This seems to be the optimal build, but is really expensive and the Lightning Claws seem in-line with the Raptor aesthetic. 4. Are the Land Speeders with Grav. Guns a dumb idea? 5. Does the Chaplain upgrade on the Praetor seem worth it (Noting his retinue and him are only 8/6 models), or should the 35 points be used elsewhere? 6. Is there too many moving pieces, should I instead invest more heavily in a smaller number of units? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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From the album: Night Lords
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From the album: Night Lords
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(Lugosi) Jump Lord w/ Flayer and Combi-bolter
Doom Herald posted a gallery image in Heretic Astartes
From the album: Night Lords
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From the album: Night Lords
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