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DIY chapter houserules (quite a few)


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These are ideas for a highly-advanced, rogue DIY chapter I am working on.

Consider it all "WIP" until further notice. I need help figuring out how to balance them against other armies of all types.


Rail Bolters: High-tech weapons based on the Bolter design. They fire solid slugs propelled by magnetic force.

Range: 24" / Str: 5 / AP: 5 / Rapid Fire

Range: 24" / Str: 4 / AP: 4 / Rapid Fire

Range: 24" / Str: 4 / AP: 5 / Rapid Fire, Bladestorm (becomes AP2 on to-wound roll of 6)

* These are three profiles I am considering. Just need opinions on which would be the best one for the sake of balance.


Supreme Commander Adamas Velen: The leader of the ??? chapter. Where he leads, the chapter will follow, and none will stand in their way!

WS6 BS5 S5 T5 W3 I5 A3 LD10 SV2+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Jetpack) (Character)


- Iridium Bladesword (Melee, AP2)

- Storm Shield Generator (3++ save)

- Modified Chapter Battlesuit (2+ save, Jet Pack, Homing Beacon)

- Null Field Matrix (4+ Deny the Witch save)

Special Rules:

- Independant Character


- Crusader


Commander Mordante "The Undying": One of the ??? chapter's generals, famous for his resilience and steel willpower.

<Typhus profile, but with WS6>


- Two Power Fists with inbuilt Onager Gauntlets (his S10 AP1 attack would be re-rollable)

- Terminator Armour

Special Rules:

- Independant Character

- Fearless

- The Undying (Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain, and It Will Not Die)

- Patience (Mordante cannot Run or charge into close-combat - he prefers to wait for his enemies to come to him)


Possible wargear options for the ??? chapter:

  • Modified Dreadknights (no psychic options)
  • "Rail" option for other Bolter weapons (could increase AP rate, so Heavy Bolters and Autocannons would be AP3)
  • Tau-like Plasma weapons (same AP but lower Strength and no Gets Hot!)
  • Tau-like Meltaguns (18" instead of 12", otherwise the same)
  • Assortment of Tau wargear (Rail weapons, various Support Systems, etc)
  • Assortment of "Forgeworld Horus Heresy" wargear (large-grade Volkite weapons, Accelerator Cannon, Firewasp Drone, etc)
  • Anti-Psyker and Anti-Daemon wargear (Null Rods, gear that confers Adamantium Will, etc)
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