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Skittarii Models

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As the Skitarii and Imperial Guard storm troopers are both described as using hellguns or "hotshot lasguns" as their primary armament (at least in the Ciaphas Cain novels), I've long thought of using storm troopers to represent an AdMech army, should I build one. Games Workshop's own Imperial Guard elites- specifically the Kasrkin and storm troopers- may be adequate. If your modeling skills are high enough, you can use the Ogryn to represent a Skitarius with cybernetic, genetic, and hormonal enhancements to increase physical strength and speed- just remember to replace the head with one that makes the soldier look smart.

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I know you are asking for ready made minis, but since there is no real standardization as varied books have them ranging from feral mechanically enhanced berserkers to bionic Guardsmen to gene-bulked legions with weapon arms to toting Terminator armor equivalents and everywhere in between (the Dark Mechanicus even goes other places too), simple conversions of GW minis can look amazing with the proper paint job applied after. I personally liked that wild description in Titanicus with the feathered cloaks and lack of uniforms.


You could easily convert the Dark Vengeance Cultists into stunning Skitarii with just a few clever conversions and icon snips or alterations.  In the case of most of the autogun models and the axe guy, you can get the effect with minimal effort with just with a red and white paint job and a Mechanicum logo (either freehand or print it yourself water slides). The rest of the models need only minor conversion work, mostly weapon swaps and perhaps a little adornment here and there to bring them in line. Those servo-skulls you get from the Devastators, IG Command kits, or Forgeworld can be added at random to add a little extra Omnissiah feel to them too.


A heavy mixture of Necron, Guard, and Marine parts, especially the Iron Hands kit, can give you a real strong archeotech feel Skitarii. You can practically mix and match the kits in any uniform way (optional depending upon your taste) to achieve a distinctly Imperial feel with a hint of Mars.  Some Tau bits like parts of the guns and suits as well as filed down shoulder pads can also add to the look too.  I was looking at the Tau shoulder pads as backpack type bits here in particular.  You could even achieve that Terminator equivalent type look using the plastic Stealth Suits as a basis, replacing the feet and front of the torso as well as the arms below the elbows .  Replace the backpack with a Marine one and add a few bits here and there, tweaking parts as needed for looks, add Imperial weapons, and you'd be good to go.


Whereas a more wild and untamed Titanicus look that I like could be achieved with a vast and wide combination of Space Marine parts (particularly bionics such as from the Iron Hands upgrade), some random Guard parts here and there, servo skulls, Chaos Warrior backs (the cloaks here are key), Wood Elf characters Glade Guard and War Dancers, some Bestigor torso and arms, Dark Eldar Scourge bits, Hellions, Wyches, Wracks, Necron Wraiths bits, and of course lasguns and laspistols from the Guard range. Obviously there would be little uniformity across this crowd, with only the Mechanicum's cog unifying them, but it would be an impressively wild and colorful force. Plus you would need little further motivation to add Legio Invicta titans to your army with that kind of Skitarri, just be sure that you keep a copy of Titanicus in the army carry case lest the Omnissiah machine-curse your dice to only roll ones. Also, keeping a can of WD-40 with a Mechanicum army never hurts either.

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The Sino Russia parts from Blightwheel miniatures make some nice ad mech/skitarii models - not sure if they're new, or a re-release, but the heads and torsos would look great.



(The rest of their Sino Russia range is also great, but it depends on exactly what vision you have for your ad mech force, I suppose)

Now if someone could release some human sized robed legs, we'd be in business! whistlingW.gif

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