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Defenders of the Imperium; New Space Marines


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11 a.m saturday...






A Salamander (well, the Sternguard started life as Salamaders but I just couldn't bring myself to blacken the back pack or shoulder pads) and Ravenguard contingent. A renewal of brotherhood in betrayal. 


Hope you enjoy. I hope to pepper the thread with more photos during the week. 


Until then you can catch bigger photos on the blog



(No pressure to look, i'll be posting here frequently). 


Or to check out W.I.P's check me out on facebook (so much easier to take a quick snap and upload it there)



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How... how did you get those built so quickly? I picked up the new tac squad on saturday and I'm still trimming mould lines and drilling boltgun barrels.


Fantastic to see those new sternguard painted up, really nice work too. Not sure how you passed up a heavy flamer for a Salamander squad, but hey ;)

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