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There is none. But there is an Ultramarine Chapter Champion model armed with a power sword, combat weapon and bolt pistol. This is the only official Chapter Champion model released, and that option on the profile make the model legal in terms of WYSIWYG.

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Well, the standard marine is armed with: bolter and bolt pistol (right?). So when he charges he gests 2 attacks (1 from his profile +1 from charge). If you give him a close combat weapon and a bolt pistol he now carries to CCW which gives him when chargin 3 attacks (1 from profile +1 from having 2 CCW and +1 from charging). That, at least, is how I understood the rules.

So if you need a unit that gives the enemy a good smack in the face whilst disrupting their lines you arm a squad with chainswords and bolt pistols. If you need a unit to hold a position and still giving a good smack you keep the bolters.

Now if this is a champion armed with 2 power weapons, that is a really nice smack in the face.

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He's asking about the Chapter Champion who comes equipped with a power sword, bolter and bolt pistol as standard. Therefore, he already gets the attack bonus for two weapons. But yet the Codex allows him to swap the boltgun for combat blade, but of course he can't get anymore attacks from that trade off. The question was about why you would put a redundant option in a Codex, I believe the OP knows full well how combat weapons work.

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