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The "Hellhammers" (Legion Praetor final dryfit)


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Greetings and Salutations!


 Welcome to the Hellhammers, My interpretation of the Salamanders Legion......well the Istvaan survivors anyways. eventually I will be adding other Legio(specificlly Raven Guard and Iron Hands, the other "betrayed") but for now I am going to focus on the Sallies. besides, 1000heathens will probably geld me with a hammer if I don't focus enough to get a force together and give him a Proper game! The main focus if the Army is Bitterness. these are Legionaires that have been betrayed and gunned down by supposed "brothers". the fighting doctrine will kinda resemble William Wallace after he was betrayed. this is a very pissed off army!



army Break down. 


CORE FORCE: LEGIO XVIII the Salamanders. these will form the core of the the army while Articifer Armour will abound, It will not be pristine at all. and they have developed a comfort with siege and trench warfare. they've had too being on the ropes as they are.


ALLIED DETACHMENT 1: Imperial Army. for these guys, I will be using the DKK. but they are from Krieg before it was destroyed. I love the WWI look to these guys. probably going with british colors for them. there will be artillery, Hail the King of Battle! there will also be engineers and Trench rails on all tanks(even Astartes)


ALLIED DETACHMENT 2: The Brothers, these will be the other two legions that were massacred at Istvaan. I will play up to each Legions Characters(and the RG are a good way to get Recon Marines into the army.)


THE ORPHANS: this will be a special side project to incorporate "loyal" EC, LW, DG and WE's into my army. these will be down the road and not at all prominant.


my personal focus on this project:


1. Push my Painting skills further.

2. get back into serious conversion. I just ordered a lot of green stuff, sculpy and milliput as well as some Dental plaster for Terrain projects.

3. To actually finish a damn army for a change!

4. to enjoy this hobby again.


over the next few posts of mine, I will be putting up inspirational pics, home made concept drawings, paint/colors tests and actual minis. a lot of this will hit my wip and collected visions threads as well.


Be warned Traitors, The HELLHAMMERS are coming.





here are some pictures for inspiration for the battle field, i am sure heathens will like this.



I kind of dig the Crenalated (castle battlement) pattern to the Trenches in this pic!





 WARNING:this next photo is a little morbid. I apologize if it offends anyone.


 there will be little Fields of the dead and mass graves in the terrain.




I love this Photo!



I am soooo doing this for the Krieg attachment!


and all of my heavy stubbers and autocannons will be modeled off the Vickers "water-cooled" Machine gun.



and finally, just to show how brutal WWI trench fighting was, here are some examples of "melee weapons"



those are rough!


when I can get my scanner up and running, I will post some concept art for the Sallies!



As long as GW keeps screwing up 40k, FW will continue to develop a massive fanbase, lol.



oh heathens, on the subject of the battle field. how would you fee about using a modular tile set up for the Trench system. it's my take on the "Zone Mortalis" boards? that way, we can do a blasted landscape and a trench system!


I believe Trench warfare is what Zone mortalis is destined to grow up into!

Let's start simple, and move up from there.


Also, I'm not sure about the Orphan idea. It's a bit overdone, at this point. Maybe Orphans, as in a detatchment of lost Loyalists (BA's, IF's, WS's, SW's, etc)

Let's start simple, and move up from there.


Also, I'm not sure about the Orphan idea. It's a bit overdone, at this point. Maybe Orphans, as in a detatchment of lost Loyalists (BA's, IF's, WS's, SW's, etc)

yeah, upon thinking about it, that might be the way to go.


but that is a ways off. I kinda like the "lost" loyalist Stragglers!

I like the idea of having the Orphaned Loyalist Traitors, just don't go overboard with it.


Something like "Hey, why does that one Salamander look caucasian?"


"He is from a different brotherhood, one now lost to him forever."

You better include the power armored Praetor, that model was created to be a Sallie!


All this talk about the Fists and Iron Warriors... I say the XVIII vs the IV is far more intriguing. Hammers against shields. How it was meant to be.

You better include the power armored Praetor, that model was created to be a Sallie!


All this talk about the Fists and Iron Warriors... I say the XVIII vs the IV is far more intriguing. Hammers against shields. How it was meant to be.

Hells yeah. don't worry Darth I intend to drown heathens in a tide of green! the right green.


oh and the PA Praetor, yeah, he is the Sally's Leader. I got HUGE plans for him                                              

(hint:check out the Hammer on the Blood Angels captain in my Collected visions thread. this Army is where that hammer came from)

Let's start simple, and move up from there.


Also, I'm not sure about the Orphan idea. It's a bit overdone, at this point. Maybe Orphans, as in a detatchment of lost Loyalists (BA's, IF's, WS's, SW's, etc)

cool you do the battle field, I'll do the trench tiles.



oh and news, I think I got my scanner working.....so drawings tomorrow!?

*SIGH* just waiting for my Crack...er...resin to come in......dry.png

I've got a tiny bit but nothing big......maybe I should get back to color tests. but.....I wanna convert.

and I gotta tighten up a few detail on the drawings before I scan them. I am kinda nervous about posting my art though. I am no greyall.

and I gotta tighten up a few detail on the drawings before I scan them.  I am kinda nervous about posting my art though. I am no greyall.


Bah, just post them. There are only a small handful of people on this board as talented as he is.


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